

"Well, as you know," Reth said quietly, watching the Bear at all times for any sign he might shift, or grow aggressive. They tended to be emotional and easily triggered. "With all the wolves spread out through the WildWood, we've brought our people in to more easily defend them. But we have one area further out, a couple hours away if you're walking. It's low-mountain, rugged, lots of water, caves, and trees. Many, many den opportunities. It's an important territory to me. But I wasn't able to bring enough manpower to keep it when things went downhill quickly. So… I propose that you help me by clearing that end of the WildWood of any wolves that prowl it, and in return, we give you the territory for the winter as your own. Except for the one access trail, we will not intrude. And any we might send that way, we would warn were at your mercy if they left the trail."

Gawhr tilted his head. "Why is it an important territory?"