Deal with the Devil?


When they'd fareweled Gawhr and agreed to send scouts to lead the way around the Tree City and through the WildWood into the portal region, Reth sank into a chair at the table and ran a hand through his hair.

Aymora squeezed his shoulder, then returned to her kitchen to continue working the healing herbs they would likely need in the coming weeks.

There were so many things Reth knew he needed to do, but all reports were that the wolves had fallen back to regroup after yesterday's sorties, and he found himself suddenly, utterly spent.

Aymora dropped more of the foul syrup in front of him and he grimaced.

"Drink it," she snapped.

He did. Then he just… sat there. Grateful for an old friend who didn't push when he was at his limit.

Behryn took longer, arranging the scouts and a messenger to run between himself and Gawhr, but eventually he too, joined them at Aymora's cave.