Let it Burn


An hour later, rage was at a low simmer in his chest. And frustration, too.

He'd been raised in the circles of power, attending security council since he was little more than an adolescent as part of his father's grooming. Under the Cat's rule those meetings could get heated, but were almost always measured, and usually very productive.

A meeting of minds and males applying their intelligence and strength to problems. Even when they disagreed, it had been with the joint intention to find the best solution.

What was lacking in his wolf council?

The passion was there. The strength. And the character. These men loved their families, were loyal to the pack.

So why did they insist on snarling at each other—and him—at every turn?

"…time to show our strength and put the fear of the Creator into them. This constant dancing at the borders of the city only risks showing our hand, and it allows them more time to prepare!"