

Behryn had been right to take him to the market. Eating had helped his body, and spending time with his people had strengthened his resolve. Weary as he was, the smiles of the offspring, seeing the easing of worry lines on the elders when he reassured them, and joking with the youth had lifted his spirits as well as theirs. He'd spent so long connecting with the people after he'd eaten, they were still there when people began to arrive for the second serving, and he'd had a chance to speak with many more.

He resolved to make the effort to return to the market on any night that his duties allowed. It would remind him why he was doing this, and it would please Aymora too, who said he needed more than fruit and raisin cakes to replenish his blood and keep himself strong.

So, it was with a lighter heart that he and Behryn stepped onto the trail back to the cave, the guards near and close, but keeping enough space to allow them to move easily.