The Cost of Mercy


Reth had avoided going to the prisoners as long as he could by insisting upon receiving his briefings from the sentries and guards before he did anything else, and by speaking with Behryn briefly when his friend woke, about the most important questions to ask them. Their discussion about what information he should prioritize in the event that one of them was dying as he answered, turned Reth's stomach, and clearly wore Behryn out. But Reth knew Aymora was right about at least one thing: The loss of these two lives—if it was necessary—was better than the lives it might save.

What Reth had to reconcile was what he would do, how he would feel, if he killed these men, but they gave him nothing. He prayed that wouldn't be the case. Though he knew Aymora would say that their deaths would still benefit him when the rumors reached their enemies that Reth had personally tortured and killed the prisoners.