Means to the End


The wolves were ecstatic. Lerrin wanted to vomit—but then he remembered what the Cat had done, killing his people in cold blood and the fury that rose in him stole his breath. Perhaps it was a good thing that Suhle wasn't here. She would likely be frightened by the sense of impending violence among these males.

"What do you see, Sire? What approach do you take?" Hern asked him—less excitable than the others, he was of course the one that would turn them back to the practical.

He looked around the circle. That was the question, wasn't it. What approach would he take? As he caught the flashing smiles and thirsty eyes around him, considered who would be best for what roles, filing through the dozen different ways he could take this, his mind turned back to one of the conversations he'd had with his father.