

Kalle stared, wide-eyed as her grandmother slipped into the room, closing and locking the door behind herself, whispering the whole time.

"…I knew it. And I was afraid to ask—but I was going to if you didn't come clean soon. Kalle, you should have told me, I have so much to tell you!"

Gahrye glanced at her, a question in his eyes. Kalle shrugged and widened her eyes at him. "Help with what, Gramma?" she asked, confused.

Her grandmother turned around folded her arms and looked at Kalle like Kalle should know better. "I'm going to help you help Gahrye understand himself better. And maybe… maybe he can help you get to Anima. I don't know. I make no promises, but—"

"Wait, what?"

"Gah, it's been so frustrating keeping all of this from you. But it was part of my swearing not to reveal it until or unless it was relevant—there are prophecies about us, Kalle. Do you know that?"
