The Start of Suhle


Despite Suhle's beauty—which she mostly kept hidden under the white hood of a Devotee—Reth had never seen her take a flirtatious stance with a male, or use her looks to manipulate, invite, or encourage, the demonstrations of males. She was the least coy female he'd ever met. She seemed to have little interest at all in males outside of her own family, which came to include Reth, Behryn, Tarkyn, and a couple other of the leaders that trained their spies.

Reth had known her for years, though only closely in the more recent ones. He had initially taken an interest in Suhle's training. But as he'd watched her thrive and strengthen, he'd become actively involved.

He had always admired her fortitude and strength in the face of what he often speculated must be overwhelming fear given the way she froze up occasionally. Yet, she handled herself with an honesty and authenticity that, at times, could be quite disturbing.