Dream of Me - Part 1


She'd fallen in and out of the Beast for days, her body and mind exhausted, her emotions at once a hurricane of feeling, then a numbing void.

Nothing was as it should be. Nothing. And she fought. She fought and fought and fought. And she was tired.

When she woke up on the floor of her room again and knew she'd been the beast, but didn't know for how long, but it was late, late in the night. Very early in the morning… She couldn't find it in herself to interrupt the bubble of love that Gahrye and Kalle were living.

Biting back tears of self-pity, she crawled up into the massive bed and pulled the covers over herself, curling herself around her rounded stomach, terrified that all this shifting might be hurting Elreth.

She needed her mate. So desperately. She needed his arms and his strength. She needed his whispered comforts, and the shiver of his hands on her body. She needed him. Without him none of the rest of this mattered.