Tell Me Truly - Part 3


True to the male's nature, Shaw hadn't found the answer offensive. Instead he'd laughed—seemed quite tickled about the idea.

"Smell wrong?" he giggled. "In what way?"

"I cannot identify it, that is why it puts me off."

Shaw seemed almost pleased, which only made Gahrye more confused by him.

"Well, perhaps I can put your mind at ease: The Guardian bloodline has a unique element. We don't know what it does, only that when we are tested in human hospitals, we have a very rare blood type, and often other strange or rare genetic… anomalies."


"Things about us that don't fit the norm. Perhaps that's what you're smelling?"

"Perhaps," Gahrye pretended to agree. "But please don't take it personally. As a reader of the winds I find it difficult to shut my instincts down. And mine… wish to avoid you."

"Because I'm weird, right?"