The Trouble with Shaw - Part 3


Kalle's hands were beginning to tremble. With the bottle still in her lap, she gripped the arms of the chair to hide her shaking. "I really was—"

A strange noise, like an angry cat, pierced Shaw's throat. "If you touch it, if you try to put even just your hand through, they will bring you the rest of the way and they will never… let… you… go…" he growled.

Kalle swallowed. "How do you know this, Shaw?"

"Because I tried," he muttered without looking up at her.

"What… what do you mean?"

"I mean, I tried to go through. I wanted it so badly. I read everything available, I couldn't see any cautions throughout history for Guardians against crossing—no moral tales, no recounting of the vow, nothing. There were agreements mentioned, between the Anima and the Guardians, but no curses. I thought… I thought maybe it had been made up…"

"I've noticed that, too," Kalle said quietly.