Eyes Open


Gahrye estimated they were about an hour from the City when Elia's beast began to fail. Her already slowing pace began to falter. She'd started groaning in long, low huffs an hour earlier. But now she lay down suddenly on the path, her sides heaving with her rapid, deep breath. 

"Elia?" Gahrye whispered, scanning the trail before and behind them. "I can run for help. I can—"

But then she was back on her feet. Her head was low, her great shoulders rolling slower with every step, but her eyes were fixed and clear. 

They walked another ten minutes, Gahrye at her side, scrambling to think of a way to help her, to comfort her, but coming up empty. He shifted the bags on his aching shoulders again and considered leaving them here. Once he had her back at the City, they could come back for them, or send someone else to… unless there was still a war being fought at the Tree City.