Making a Plan


In twenty minutes he could eat. Within an hour he was able to take Suhle's hand and let her pull him up to sit with his back to the tree wall. He needed a moment after that to breathe, but when he opened his eyes, she was still kneeling in front of him, watching him carefully.

"I'm okay," he rasped.

She nodded. "I brought more of the linament. We'll keep bathing your bruises and cuts. But… but this worries me." She pointed to the spot on his stomach where a deep purple, almost black bruise spread a few inches below his ribs. She said he had another, smaller, on the other side as well.

He breathed carefully, his neck and head aching when he looked down. "I just need time to heal."

She nodded, but bit her lip. When their eyes met, he knew she was thinking the same thing as him.

Time would only be enough if the wolves didn't come back.