In the Shadow of Fear - Part 7


When he reached the cave Gahrye was just leaving. At the look on Reth's face, he raised his hands. "She's fine. She's just sleeping. And Jayah's watching her while I go get some food and come back—I never got dinner."

"It's fine," Reth growled. "I'm here now." And realizing he hadn't eaten either. He was about to continue into the cave, then forced himself to pause. "Thank you for coming when I couldn't," he said gruffly. "It's been a long day. I didn't like leaving her alone."

Gahrye nodded. "I know the feeling," he said starkly. Then turned on his heel and started for the forest.

Reth almost called him back, but he wasn't yet sure and he didn't want to get the male's hopes up again, then have to dash them. So instead he called after him, "I'll be at the cave all day tomorrow. You can take the day off if you want to."

Gahrye hesitated, then turned. "That would be good. I have some things I need to do with the disformed."