Don't Give Up


Gahrye swallowed again and his breath caught. "What… did you say?"

"You didn't tell me you were a disformed," the Bear clan leader snarled.

"I… I didn't think it was relevant."

Gawhr snorted the air from his nostrils. "Only the disformed are ever rejected by the portal."

Gahrye blinked. Did the bears know about the Protectors? Trying to shift his weight so that the rock wasn't digging into his back, he kept his eyes on Gawhr's as the bear straightened, his one eye narrowed as if he were measuring him.

"I can make you full Anima again, if you would choose it. I know how."

Gahrye's jaw dropped open. "I… how?"

"I know the way. The bears do. This is why we have no disformed. We can… alter you."

His head spun with elation, with fear, with suspicion—every feeling, every emotion. How could he possibly—?

"Why would you even offer me that?"