Don't Stop Breathing

READER SHOUT OUT: As soon as I titled this chapter I knew it had to go out to Janell_Apple. Thank you for all your support and investment in my characters, Janell. I know we're on a rough ride here, but I hope and pray you think it's all worth it in the end. Strap in! And remember: Don't stop breathing.



An hour later, Elia was in pieces. Her body shuddering into increasing pain and at ever-narrowing intervals. And with every breath, every drop of sweat, and every moment that passed, she felt weaker, not stronger.

Something was wrong. She could feel it. Something was wrong.

As yet another contraction passed and she could finally breathe again, Elia slumped back onto the pillow, already damp with her sweat, and drips from the cool clothes Aymora kept placing on her forehead during contractions.

She wanted to do nothing but pull a blanket over her head and weep.