Soul Mate


Hours later, still shaking and sweaty, his body weak as a day-old kitten—weaker, if Elreth was anything to go by—they lay in clean furs.

The cave was quiet, though Aymora and Jayah had bedded down in the Great Room, and while Brant had returned to the Tree City, Reth knew Behryn had joined the guards for the evening.

He felt better watching himself, he'd said.

Everyone was exhausted, especially Elia. And Reth was definitely disturbed by how weak he felt. It was an effort even to speak. But Aymora had given him herbs and a rich, nutrient drink that he'd had to force down. And even if he still felt like he could be flattened by a gust of wind, at least he felt alive.


They were all alive.

Reth shook his head and smiled at Elia.