Episode 6

*Y/n POV*

It was a fun and long night. We are now in the limo talking to each other about our ride and Jungkook's new power.

Jin: Now only some of us are left without powers. Don't worry we'll get them soon.

He said while driving. I looked at the chocolate bar I bought at the amusement park and kept in my pocket when we were in a hurry to go into the next ride.

Y/n: Aish it's all melted and squishy..

I mumbled to myself but while smiling because I love to sip the melted chocolate with nuts in it.

Before I was going to tear the bar with my teeth I heard Namjoon saying 'Y/n-ah give me some too' but when I looked to Namjoon who was quietly sitting far from me, next to Suga. I was again going to open the bar when I heard more loud voices of him in my ear saying ' Ahh Y/n-ah please don't eat it alone give me some too'. Now when I looked up again Namjoon was sitting quietly in his seat looking at his hands.

I got tired of getting my mouth watered by the chocolate bar which now after 3 times I was mid-way stopped on preying on it. 'Okay now this time I will definitely eat you' I said to myself and tore the bar when I again heard ' AHH this girl don't eat it on your own!!'

This time being fed up I rolled my eyes and asked loud.

Y/n: Aghh Oppa if you want it then take half of the bar or don't disturb me!

I said while whining loudly.

Suga: We didn't disturb you then what are saying? *Confused face*

Y/n: What do you mean didn't disturb me? This Is the third time Namjoon Oppa's asking me for my chocolate bar saying 'Give me some'.

I said imitating what Namjoon said.

Suga looked at Namjoon who was looking shocked.

Namjoon: H-how did you know that? I didn't even say it loud...

Just then Rose yelled to Namjoon,

Rose: Yah why are you swearing? Your the one who told us to not swear.

Jennie: Wait- who swore?

Rose: Namjoon.. He said ' Fuck how did she hear it, I only said in my mind about that damn chocolate'

Taehyung: Did Rose and Y/n start to hear others mind or what? Wait- did they get another power?

Suga: No it is not possible for a normal Supernatural to get two powers only strong ones like Y/n and maybe Jin will have that.

Jungkook: Then that means the only way Is that Namjoon can talk to others using his mind....like Telepathy! Yes that's his power! Try doing it again hyung!

Namjoon: Telepathy? Okay let me try..

Within some seconds after Namjoon focusing while closing his eyes we heard Jungkook yell.

Jungkook: Hyung how can you do that!! It was the last one!

Suga: It worked? What did he say?

Jungkook: That destroy king Joon drank my last banana milk! Ugh Y/n don't give him that chocolate bar!

His said turning into a mad bunny, crossing his hands and scrunching his nose, glaring at Joon.

Y/n: Whoa whoa calm down Jk..Does last bottle mean you finished all those 10 bottles of banana milk within a day?

Jungkook: Correction...2 days...you only bought 10 bottles for 2 long days. You think that's more?

He said showing me a poker face which also means that I can't win in this fight too.

Y/n: Pfft whatever now Namjoon Oppa also got his power. Why didn't I get yet?

Suga: Not only you we are also there. *sigh*

Before we knew we had already reached our home and it was almost midnight.

Jin: Kids get inside the house and sleep fast we can't skip class tomorrow. There is an inspection tomorrow.

Taehyung: What? Inspection?

Rose: But Oppa we just got our powers can't we take leave rather than messing up infront of everyone tomorrow?

Jin: I know it's risky but tomorrow your attendance depends on your extra marks for the terminal exams.

We whined and went inside the house going to our girls rooms to freshen up and sleep. I ran first to our room because I didn't want to wait in the line to shower. We have only 4 bathrooms in our house. I wore my pj's after my bath and plopped onto the bed next to Jisoo, slowly falling into my dreamland where I'm searching for my knight in the shining armor. In the next bed, Lisa and Jennie were waiting for me to finish and come out so they could take a bath.

(Note: Remember that you have 2 beds in the girls room for the 5 of you as one is a normal bed and the other bed,a king sized one so 3 of you can lay in one bed. In the 2 other room which are for the boys, they have 2 bed in each room.)

*Next Day*

I woke up when I felt the sun's warm rays falling on me as my bed was next to the window. That was a good sleep. I looked to my side to the small clock at the nightstand and saw that it was just 7:15. I usually wake up by 8:00 or late because our classes start at 10.

I took a bath and wore my same dress because I change into my uniform before I leave which is after an hour. I went downstairs hoping no one to be awake except Jin Oppa. I walked to the living room to watch T.V for sometime and that's when I noticed Hobi hyung sitting in the couch looking at the floor as if he's deeply thinking something. I sat next to him grabbing the T.V remote.

Y/n: Oppa what are you thinking?

Hobi: H-huh? Y/n? Oh You woke up early today..

Y/n: Yep and why are you awake and deep in your thoughts?

Hobi: Um I just had a weird dream....more like a vision? I don't know but it felt so real to seem to be in a dream.

Y/n: What did you dream about?

Hobi: Umm nevermind leave that. Let's watch some videos.

He said opening you tube in the T.V and keeping some funny videos. After some minutes it was 8:25 and some had woken up already. I went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

Y/n: Oppa what did you make today? I said walking to the kitchen counter where Jin Oppa was making something.

Jin: I'm making a snack for evening. Taste this.

He said giving me the whisk he used to whisk the batter for what he was making. I took a little batter in my index finger and kept into my mouth trying to figure out what the snack was by its taste.

Y/n: Mmm it...it is kinda savory....a salt and spicy batter...what are you making with this oppa?

Jin: I'm going to let it sit for 6 hours and then make crispy snack by frying this batter.

Y/n: Ohh seems delicious.

Taehyung: What's delicious?

He said out of the blue next to my ear making my shiver. He came next to me and took a small taste of the batter and said,

Taehyung: Hyung! Isn't this that snack we ate yesterday at the amusement park? That crispy and savory one! It was so good!

Jin: Oh you got good taste buds.

Jin said and grins to each other and here I was annoyed by them both.

Y/n: Tch boys..

I said shaking my head low walking to my room. I went and saw Jennie and Rose were ready completing their notes.

Y/n: Oh shit I didn't complete the notes too!

I said as I went to them to copy for myself. After some time I finished copying the notes and also did others too. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:30 and we usually leave by this time.

Rose: Y/n, it's time to go, pack your bag.

Y/n: I already did!

I said as I took my bag , sliding it onto my back when I heard Jungkook yelling from downstairs calling for water.

Jisoo: What was that?

We asked as we wet downstairs and saw Hobi Oppa lying on the floor.

Jennie: What happened?!

She said as she went to Hobi trying to wake him up. He had fainted. I saw Jin hyung bringing some water in the glass and slowly sprinkling it onto Hobi Oppa's face, then slightly slapping his cheek.

Jin: Hoseok-ah wake up!

After some taps on his cheek, Hoseok woke up.

Jisoo: What happened?

Jungkook: I was going upstairs when I heard a thud and when I looked back i saw Hobi Oppa lying on the floor. Hyung what happened, why did you faint?

Namjoon: He doesn't have a fever also....

Namjoon said as he touched Hobi's neck and forehead. He helped Hobi to stand up and sit on the couch.

Hoseok: D-don't go to school today...