Episode 10

*Y/n POV*

After all the ruckus happened in the restaurant, we finally finished the big dinner treat. We were waiting for the waiter to bring the bill for us. Jin and the Group 1 looked tensed because of knowing they have to pay for all the loads of food Group 2 ate lavishingly and luxuriously.

Jungkook: Hyungs, what are we doing right now?

Jin: Waiting for the waiter to give us that long bill which is all because of Group 2's elephant stomach!

Jungkook: But Hyung.....If we are waiting for the waiter?.....Aren't we the waiter?

His question made all of us rock with confusion. He had point. If we are waiting...then aren't we the waiter?

I hit Jungkook's head in a playful way still in shock, he was sitting beside me

Y/n: Yah when did you start using your empty brain? You never told us!

Jungkook poked his inner cheek and turned to me and he folded his steel knife easily with a glare at me.

Pointing the folded knife at my hair, almost threatening to cut it, he politely asked,

Jungkook: What in the banana milkshake world did you say you Kim powerless Y/n??

I pushed the knife away from my hair carefully and held his head and said,

Y/n: Oh yeah? and did you forget that when I get my powers I will be more powerful than you? Jeon coconut head Jungkook!

And there started the big never ending 24/7 long lasting guaranteed saga : The Fight of the Maknae's

Yoongi: Aisk Kids kids...tch tch tch....don't fight here...The bill of many 0's in it will arrive soon!

Suga said as he took his towel from the pocket wiping his washed, wet hands. Soon itself there was a burning smell around our table. Every started sniffing.

Lisa: What's that smell?

Jennie: Yah Jungkook, is your bunny nose working right now? Do you sense anything?

Jennie said trying to make fun of him which reminded all of us a flashback and we started laughing.

The flashback was when we were enjoying a trip, Jungkook smelled carrot's from 5 houses away and he ran and entered the strangers house and made Jin buy that carrots from the people who owned the freshly picked carrots. He made us embarrassed but also shocked that his sense of smell was sharp like a rabbit.

Jungkook: I'm not kidding but am I the only one whose seeing Suga Hyung's towel burning?

Jungkook said cool-ly while all of us were shook and looked at the towel. It was indeed in fire.



All were scared and trying to put off the fire while Jungkook, proud of his sharp eyes and nose started singing 'Fire' behind Suga whose struggling to put of the fire of his towel.

Jungkook: Ssak da bultaewora Bow-wow-wow

FIREEEE! Hot, hot, hot, hotter!

I hit him in his head when he was singing the song and dancing around instead of helping. No one saw the fire, we thought as we took Suga Oppa to the washroom while he was still holding the half burned, still burning towel in his hand. We entered the washroom and closed the door.


Jennie used her water manipulation power and put off the fire by gushing water to the towel with great force. The fire was gone and only the half of the towel was alive. Everyone was happy while Rosé sighed.No one listened to her but she again sighed ultra pro max which made everyone looked at her.

Jisoo: What happened Rosie?

Rose: *sigh ultra pro max XL* Poor towel....Rest in pieces!

She said, waving her hankie and yet it in a dramatic way.

Rose: I'll miss you and times we spent together Mrs. Suga's towel!

She said and wiped her fake tears making us laugh when we heard a knock on the washroom door.

Namjoon opened the door and it was Jungkook banging the door, He was outside the whole time, he missed Rosé's 'Rest in pieces' drama.

Jungkook: YAH How dare you lock me outside ALONE? What if someone came to kidnap me?

Namjoon: You are not a kid kook, besides you got powers.

Jimin: No. He is a kid! Lil Kookie

Jungkook just stomped his feet with anger when he suddenly smirked and took something out of his pocket.

It was a white paper rolled up. He opened it, It was long from his fingers to his elbows. It was the bill. The long bill which our group, Group1 had to pay.

Jin: No-

Y/n: Way-

J-hope: Is that-

Jennie: Long roll-

Jisoo: OUR BILL??

Jungkook: Yes and you have to pay it!

After some time we paid the bill while trying all the methods to ask help from Group 2 but they just ignored waiting for us to finish paying.

*Time Skip- Next Morning*

We reached home after a long and safe ride last night and all went straight to bed. I woke up from my sleep, it was Wednesday and we had school. Even if our class burnt they changed the classes and now we have a new one.

I did my routine after waking at right time. I wore my uniform and went down to help whoever is making the breakfast today. It was Rosé turn today. She was making eggs and when I walked closer Suga was with her. Suga was whining to whole time 'why did Jin hyung wake me up for this!'

Rosé was using her power, invisible shield to protect herself from Suga oppa if he did any mistake In his job. While, Suga was using his new power, Fire manipulation to cook the eggs.

Jin: Isn't this a great way to practise our powers? Daily use! Now we don't need to waste water and electricity for cooking when we have Suga and Jennie! And Rosé if we need protection!

Jin said, popping out from nowhere making me jump a little.

Jin: When you get your power i'll make you do such things too..

He said and pat my head and went change into his uniforms. Before leaving he once more said,

Jin: You both do the job fast and get ready for school! And everyone meet at the living room before you leave for our car.

Y/n: Ok!

Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon were at the Table next to us waiting for the eggs to get ready. Namjoon was reading the newspaper when we heard something fall.

Taehyung: What was that?

Suddenly Jungkook came hopping on one leg to me.

Jungkook: Y/n Did you do the homework?

Y/n: Yes, didn't you last night?

Jungkook: Where's it? Where's your note? Let me copy!

{Note: Y/n, Rosé, Lisa and Jungkook (16 years old) are in same class but in different sections. Y/n and Jungkook are in section A of their class while Lisa and Rosé are in section B. Jimin, Taehyung and Jennie (17 years old) are in the same class and same section. Hoseok, Jisoo and Namjoon (18 years old) are in same class. Namjoon and Hoseok are in Section A and Jisoo alone, is in Section B. Suga and Jin (19 years old) who will graduate this year are in same class, different section.}

So because only Y/n is in the same section and class with Jungkook, he ran to her for help. Sometimes Lisa and Rosé from the other section also gets same homework so they all ask each other and help. But not ALWAYS...

Y/n: Aish! Why you never write your homework and ask us. Oppa's look, he never does his own homework!

Namjoon: Kook, you can't always do that! What will you do at the exams?

Jungkook: *wiggles eyebrows* Y/nie will sit next to me and show me her answers.

He said while wiggling eyebrows holding hands with me trying to melt me. But it won't happen. I yeeted my hand away from him and said,

Y/n: As if i'm gonna help you copy in exams too! Just go write your own answers!

Jungkook: Tch! Don't think i'm weak!

He said and took and Banana milk can from the fridge and opened it with his bare hands.

Jungkook: I don't even need a can opener from now on! I can do the homework on my own!

He said and took a sip from his banana milk and walked away

Hoseok: Aish this boy!

*15 minutes later*

Everyone was ready with their bags packed, and uniforms done. Most of us ate our breakfast while Jungkook was still doing his homework on the kitchen table and his almost cold eggs were lying neat without even taking a bite next to him.


Jin shouted form living room where all of us except him were sitting. It was a family meeting time.

Jungkook: ALMOST DONE!

After 5 minutes he came back wearing his backpack, holding his banana milk on hand while his eggs in other. He sat down In the couch where there was space and kept his banana milk on the table and started eating his eggs.

Jungkook: Okay Supernatural Family Meeting.....


We do this from small, the small, Jungkook start the sentence and others shout 'START'. That's how we always did the family meetings.

Jin: So now as we all know 3/4th of our family got their powers.The only ones left are Taehyung, Lisa and Y/n.

Rosé: Checking time!

Rosé : Today's weather?

Lisa: Clear, sunny! Check!

Rosé News?

Namjoon: Check.

Rosé: Hoseok, with your instincts powers, how's it today?

Hoseok: All good! check!

Rosé: Car?

Jin: Fully charged! Check

Rosé : Everything Check!

Some important days like when there's an event In school or even normal days we do the 'checking' thing so we don't realize that we did a mistake after reaching school.

Namjoon: Okay so today's topic, powers like Jin's 3rd eye or Hoseok's instincts and my power of talking to people's mind are easy to control because no one else can see It unless it becomes a big thing. But power like Jennie's water manipulation, Suga's Fire manipulation, Jungkook and Jimin's super speed and Super strength and all can easily be activated and others can see it.

Hoseok: Besides, most of you all haven't properly practised to control your powers so it won't get activated at the wrong time. Most dangerous and easily visible powers are Jungkook, Jimin, Suga and Jennie's.

Jin: You four should always stick to any one of us and don't do anything risky which may activate out power like, Jimin you can't run in the halls today, don't even go out just sit in your class with any one of us. And Jungkook don't take heavy objects, like the desk, if people see you lifting heavy objects easily, they will suspect.

Jisoo: And Jennie, When you go to the washroom take any one of the girls with you and enter when there's only some people in it. because when you come in contact with water anything may happen. And don't do anything which will make water splash from your hands like giving force to your hands.

Namjoon: And Suga Hyung , like Jennie you also don't give force to your hand or touch any flammable objects. Everyone needs to stick with each other ok? And the maknaes no fighting today, just help each other. ok?

Jin: Wah look at the time it's almost 9:30! Our class starts at 10. End of the meeting! Just use your powers carefully if needed and always stick together danger may come anytime.

Jungkook: Meeting End. Banana Milk Lovers,

All: ....

Jungkook: Aish why do you all don't love banana milk like me....Supernatural Family....


After saying that the meeting ended and we all went to our car and headed to our classes. Everyone sticked together for safety. Nothing went wrong during the classes....Just.... Jungkook got scolding for doing his homework totally wrong and he also almost exposed us when his power got out of control and he broke 2 pencils and 3 pens and also the divider.

Suga oppa managed to control his power but Jennie unknowingly flooded a bathroom stall and all of us girls had to clean it and apologize to the cleaning staff because they thought we were playing around when Jennie had to wash her hands and we had to lock the main bathroom door just for safety so no one sees if anything goes wrong. We said a lie as an excuse but they didn't believe it so we had detention.

The boys were waiting for us in the car for our detention to end. After the one hour long detention we ran back to car because it was getting late and dark and the boys have been waiting for long.

*In The Car*

Taehyung: Why did you all have detention?

Jennie: Uhm hehe I messed up....my powers got out of control and it flooded in the bathroom stall.

Namjoon: Did anyone see?

Y/n: No we locked it before we went in but we got caught my the cleaning staffs. They thought we were playing around so we got detention.

Jimin: Atleast you all didn't get caught using your powers. I almost ran when it was a free class and they gave us play time in the ground. Most probably i'd have to run if i went and my powers would have unleashed. But math mam saved my life for the first time.

We all laughed at how he finally accepted a good side of math.