Episode 13

*Y/n POV*

Y/n: Where are we?

Taehyung: Welcome to our second home, this internet café!

Before we could ask anything a boy who had the badge saying 'owner' in his chest came and gave many hugs to the three boys.

Jimin: Hey man!

??: It's been long since you three came here!

Hearing their conversation Lisa whispered to me,

Lisa: It seems like the three practically live here.

??: And there four ladies are?

Jungkook: These are the ones I told you I live with. Meet Y/n, Lisa, Jennie, and Rosé. And girls meet Sung Hoon.

I slowly went near Taehyung and whispered in his ears,

Y/n: Why are we here in between these 24/7 computer game lovers? Is this the place to hide from those black guys??

But instead of whispering back Taehyung loudly replied making everyone turn to us,

Taehyung: Yah what do you mean! This is our 2nd home!

Sung Hoon: These three are daily here except for this week. What happened dude?

Jimin: Hyung we will tell you that later but now can we have our usual seats and the 4 next to it?

Sung Hoon: Yeah sure, stay till when you want but now I gotta go. See you later man. Bye ladies!

We waved him goodbye and the three boys went and sat to "their" seats and switched on "their" pc. I and Lisa sat on the 2 seats on the right side of the boys while Jennie and Rosé sat on the left side seats.

Jennie: Atleast now itself can you tell us what the hell is happening?

Jennie said glaring at Taehyung which obviously made Taehyung gulp.

Taehyung: Ah- Y-yeh, so I was in the kitchen making lunch and then Hoseok came running saying something wrong will happen with his instincts power...

Like that Taehyung explained everything that happened at their home and about the handcuff and madman.

Jimin: That means they know most of the things about us and we can't even go home!

Jungkook: It's good that Hyung and Noona's powers are least powerful among all of us except Yoongi's fire manipulation power... So we have to try to not be handcuffed by that ring thing right? It makes us lose our powers and makes us useless.

Rosé: And now we have to make a plan to save Unnie and Oppa's right?

Jennie: But...isn't our mission to also save the other poor supernatural's stuck there?

Y/n: Yeah Jin Oppa told us that we were assigned to save the supernatural species from extinction.

Taehyung: Then...the only way is to go back home...

All of us except Taehyung gave a 'WHAT!?' look to his statement.

Y/n: Are you really stupid or are you acting like your stupid?

Taehyung: Shut up and listen to m first. We don't know where the headquarters of the Madman guy Is. So obviously, we need to act dumb and get caught and let them underestimate our powers. If we get caught in our home then they will take us to the headquarter place where Jin and others are. Except... I won't be going with you guys.

Jimin: What? Why! Aren't we in this together?

Taehyung: They either think that I teleported to somewhere to hide or I came to you guys. So if I come with you to the house it means you already know everything about them getting kidnapped and the madman. We can't let that happen.

Y/n: So you're telling that we make a plan and act like we don't know anything that happened and then get caught at the house, purposely?

Taehyung: Exactly and I will be hiding somewhere else behind our house and follow the madman and you guys to the headquarters when you get caught.

Jungkook: Not bad but, how are we supposed to save people when we are also handcuffed?

Suddenly everyone turned towards me and smirked at me.

Y/n: W-what-

Rosé: When we are one by one getting handcuffed, we must make Y/n the last one to get handcuffed.

Then Rosé turned to look at me and talked to me,

Rosé: That means, before you get handcuffed which will make you powerless, you must use your telekinesis and Un-handcuff the person who was handcuffed first. So the person who was handcuffed first should act like they are still handcuffed and when the right time comes that person can Un-handcuff all of us.

Y/n: But, doesn't this look too easy? I mean, what if the handcuff is too powerful for my telekinesis?

I said as I used my power to make a cup of Starbucks fly towards me and sip from it the moment it reached my hand. There was no one near us so we didn't need to whisper talk or hide our powers.

Taehyung: Anyway, I will be behind you teleporting and following you to the headquarters and I will handcuff you guys if anything went wrong.

Time went by and we kept planning and even played games to spend time. I looked at the clock and saw It was 5:36. I nervously looked at the others and said,

Y/n: Guys it's past 5: 30, let's go back home?

Everyone nodded and as planned Taehyung stayed at the internet café. Now the 6 of us, took our bike and rode home acting as nothing happened.

When we entered the house, all of us went to the upstairs living room and sat together talking and chatting, as usual, to make it look real.

Jungkook: Hyung? Anyone here?

Jimin: Leave them, they must have gone to the park.

Jimin said to show that they didn't care about anything that happened at the home. Time went by, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours and it ended up getting late.

Jennie: I'm hungry...

Lisa: Me too. Wait I will bring something from the kitchen!

Lisa said as she went downstairs to the kitchen which was a wrong move. Within some minutes we heard her scream and all of us ran downstairs. We saw that a guy in black was trying to cover Lisa's mouth and nose with a napkin. Probably to make her unconscious.

According to the plan none of us could reveal our powers, it would only make things dangerous so right now we have to fight physically and not with our powers.

Jimin ran to help her but another guy came and handcuffed Jimin before he could do anything. I looked over to Lisa, she had already fainted and the guy had handcuffed her. More men in black came inside the room and started to handcuff us. Before anything happened Rosé looked at me and I nodded. It was my time. I tried my best to use my Telekinesis power and Un-handcuff Jimin.

I used all my energy to do it and finally, the handcuff opened. Thankfully no one saw that and before anyone did, Jimin placed the handcuff in a position that made it look like it was still locked.

Using all my energy just to Un-handcuff Jimin, made me weak. I felt a strong headache and suddenly everything went black.

*Taehyung POV*

After 30 minutes from when the others had left the internet café, I stood up, turned off my PC, and started walking towards our home. Indeed it was far away and I could use my power to teleport to there but I knew that Madman won't easily catch the others just when they reached home. His mindset looked like he will definitely wait for some hours to see if the others reveal anything about powers or anything about their species.

After some more time, I was near my home. On my way home, I had bought a binocular to use it according to the plan. I was a bit far away from my home when I stopped in my tracks. I looked around me and saw a very long tree with many thick branches. I teleported myself to one of the topmost branches. I held tightly to it and carefully sat on it. I looked down and got freaked out by the height.

Taehyung: If I fall from here, oh no no I don't wanna die in pieces!

I said and shook my head vigorously. I took the dangling binocular which was worn in my neck with the help of its strings and looked through it at my home.

They were in the upstairs living room which was a smart move since the room had a big glass window and I could easily see through it that what was happening.

Taehyung: Aish is this the right time for them to play paper plane? Such kids...

I said as I saw through the window that they were safe....for now and the madman hasn't come to catch them yet.

I looked around the house and saw no one suspicious so I thought they might not be here yet and to not get bored I used the binoculars to see everything around me carefully.

Time went by and it was dinner time. I sometimes dozed off to sleep but suddenly jerked and woke up realizing where I am falling asleep. It was very dark now. I looked at our home once again before slating at the tree when I noticed that there were some guys in black getting into the home using the back door. I looked at the others once again and found out Lisa wasn't with them.

Suddenly I saw all of them running downstairs and I knew something was wrong. There were no open spaces downstairs like a big glass window or door through which I could've seen what was happening downstairs but I only knew something was wrong and it was almost time for me to follow the guys to wherever they will be taking my family.

I carefully waited for someone to leave the house when I saw a black guy with Lisa on his shoulders, fainted. I silently waited to see where they were heading when I heard a shout,

??: HYUNG!!

I looked in the direction I heard the shout. It was a little boy who looked like he was 6 or 7 years old. I used my binoculars and saw that the kid had dried tears in his eyes. I replied back in a little lower voice so that the madman and his guards won't find me.

Taehyung: WHAT, KID?


Hearing the kid's words I choked on my own saliva and almost fell from my seat. I saw that the houses near us started to light up meaning they are coming to help or to see what was happening.

If I use my power to teleport to the ground, the kid will see me but if I take long and crawl down the tree, which I don't want to, people nearby will come and question what I was doing making me get caught by those black guys.

I had no other choice, I teleported to the kid and kneeled down to see the kid was shocked and amused at the same time.


I covered the kid's mouth and told him to shush and keep it low. He nodded and whispered to me the same question again. I ignored it and asked the kid fastly,

Taehyung: What's your name?

??: Sae-ho

Taehyung: Good. Sae Ho why are you here alone at late night?

I knew what I was doing would end me up in danger since I am missing my only chance to see where the black guys' headquarters are.

The kid's eyes started to tear again and he spoke,

Sae Ho: I-I- I lost Eomma!

The kid said and hugged me and again said after looking at me with his big doe eyes.

Sae Ho: Please help me Superman Hyung!

I looked around and saw people starting to gather around us, what should I do? Am I in danger?

*Author POV*

What will Taehyung do? Help the lost boy to his home and miss his only chance to save the supernatural species and follow the bad guys to their headquarters? Or leave the lost kid between strangers and go behind the bad guys?