Episode 15

*Y/n POV*

Y/n: Do we really have to go like this!?

I whisper yelled

Yoongi: Yah shush down! Your talking too much pig head

I glared at Yoongi who was pushing me. Let me make it clear, right now one person Is hiding under a black cloth in the cart while another person is pushing the cart.

And me, who is under the black cloth stuffed inside the small space of the cart which was being pushed by Yoongi.

Hoseok: Yoongles don't get so hot-tempered!

Yoongi just rolled his eyes and kept pushing our cart. After Taehyung helped us all out of the cell and explained how he ended up with the kid, he told us that there were lots of carts outside the cell room and we could find the madman guy while hiding and going in these carts. The ones who sat in the carts just had to hide while the ones who pushed the carts, which also included Yoongi, had to fight some guards and wear their clothes, IDs, and the eagle necklace in order not to get caught.

Taehyung: Guys...I think we might have to split up to find the madman's office

Taehyung said as he looked up to the 2 paths in front of us then back to the blueprint he had in his arms.

The zone was clear so all of us who were in the carts, hiding, put our heads out to listen to the conversation.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Jungkook: Hyung's right...the blueprint only says the madman's office, also where the secrets of supernaturals are kept is at the end of either of these paths.

Jisoo: You mean we have to split...like 3 carts each path?

Taehyung nodded.

Namjoon: Guys...we don't know what's behind these two paths so we have to be careful...there could be lots of traps in there.

Everyone nodded and decided that Yoongi with Y/n in his cart, Taehyung with Sae Ho and Jisoo in his cart, Hoseok with Jin in his cart will take the left path while the others will take the right path. We split up and now we were on our way to the madman's office.

The first obstacle we came across was laser security. Exactly how you see it in movies, but the problem was that we couldn't "see" them.

We realized it only when Jin used his powers and knew that there was something weird like lasers ahead of us so here we are sacrificing my pocket powder to spray it across the floor and air to see the lasers clearly and it worked.

Weirdly there were no cameras around. Slowly one by one we crossed the lasers so that and thankfully, none of us touched those lasers and it didn't set the alarm off too.

After almost 3 sets of obstacles, we were finally in front of the door which had a notice that read "DO NOT ENTER"

Hoseok: Tch! They're so stupid to think that we won't just put our hands on this beautiful shiny doorknob and twist it and open- AGHH!

Hoseok screamed out in pain and agony the moment he had contact with the doorknob.

Hoseok: O-Ouch! Did it just electrocute me?

Jan: Holy Pancakes! My baby! Are you okay??

Jin said touching Hoseok face like a caring mother after finding her lost son.

Sae Ho: Hyung, does it hurt?

Jin's heart melted at the little caring kid.

Jin: Aw that kid is so cute and handsome like me! Do you have any older sisters? Like cause- I'd like to meet her-

Hoseok: Hyung!! It's not time for you to find a girlfriend just help us in unlocking this door!

Hoseok said as he and Taehyung along with Yoongi were trying to unlock the door.

Jisoo: Aish only if we had Jungkoo-MMmmM

Jisoo was stopped midway when Jin covered her mouth to stop her from speaking.

Jin: Shush- someone is coming our way! Duck!

Yoongi: What? Why the f.ck is a duck here?

Yoongi got hit in his arm by Jin after the sentence he said.

Jin: No swearing young man! And dumbass duck means to hide, NOW HIDE!!

Jin whisper yelled trying to find a place to hide in and stay unnoticed by whoever was coming.

Some hid behind the tables, some hid behind the walls. It was a guard that came. He went towards the door and swiped at the lock and the door opened and he entered inside.

All of us came out of our hiding position after the coast was clear.

Y/n: That card he used...it will help us enter the room!

I whispered to Taehyung who was next to me.

Taehyung: When that guard comes out of the room, we need to take his card, am I clear?

We all nodded and took out the plan as said. As soon as the guard came out of the room, we held his mouth so that he couldn't shout or yell. He tried. to hit us but Yoongi came with a ceramic statue and hit the guard's head causing him to bleed and fall onto the floor unconscious.

We took the chance and hid him under a table wiping away the blood on the floor so that no one feels suspicious. We took his card and entered the room carefully and thankfully no one was in there.

The room was filled with T.V's which showed the CCTV footage of the whole building. But what shocked us was the others who left for the right path were now caged in a big cage with wheels and were taken to somewhere which we assumed was the madman's office.

We found a map which showed us how to reach the madman's office. We followed what the map had instructed and ended up in front of a large door.

Without thinking twice we opened the door to be met with a large room that looked like a laboratory. There were guards in the room and once they saw us they started aiming their guns at us while some came running to fight us.

Taehyung and Yoongi stood in a defensive position but there were numerous guards in the room and we couldn't handle them all alone.

I took a hammer I saw at the corner of the room and threatened to hit anyone who came near us.

Y/n: Stay a-away, or I'll hit you with this!

Taehyung: Dumbass guns are better than hammers

I gulped and still held tightly onto the hammer.

Guard: Who are you? Drop your weapons down!!

Tch not like we are going to obey him! We're so close to finding the madman guy.

Before we could do anything another guard from behind shot at Jisoo but before anything happened Yoongi used his powers and burned the bullet into ashes with his fire manipulation power.

Guard 2: They're Runaway Supernaturals!! Quick! Catch them!

Afraid to hurt or kill the priceless Supernatural's which costs trillions, they came and started to tackle down us.

But no, we didn't give up. We fought, mainly with our powers. Realizing it's hard to tackle us down, they gave up on it and tried to shoot our shoulders or legs, somewhere which won't kill us.

Taehyung teleported and helped Hoseok to surpass the bullets. I used my telekinesis and helped Sae Ho and Jisoo to escape the bullets. Meanwhile, Yoongi helped Jin by burning every bullet that came near them.

We were struggling since using too much power started making some of us weak.

I turned around to see our situation. I had to do something bad in order to help us. This time instead of using my power to make the bullets stop in midway and fall onto the ground, I turned them around so it hit the guards instead. There was blood everywhere. Taehyung and Jisoo looked shocked at what I did But I had no other choice. I looked at Sae Ho, he was curled up against Jisoo scared and fragile.

Sae Ho: *sniff* N-Noona- please..stop!

Sae Ho screamed with his loud voice and the next thing we knew every single glass in the room broke and shattered into pieces.

Yoongi: W-Woah...I never realized a kids cry could be this loud...dam-

Before Yoongi completed, I cut him off by shouting at Taehyung when I saw a bullet almost reaching for his head.

It was fast that I couldn't use my powers. I closed my ears fearing what was going to happen next. But I slowly removed my hands when I heard no screams but instead muffled voices saying 'Woah!', Yoongi of course!

I opened my eyes and saw the bullet stop centimeters away from Taehyung's head. We were confused when we saw the guards who were still alive, falling onto the ground in pain.

After every single guard who was standing, fell onto the floor with loud thuds and cries of pain, a vague figure slowly started appearing in front of us.

It was a girl probably the same age Jin Oppa. She was very pretty but her gaze was fierce. She held a sword which was covered in blood. Was she also a Runaway supernatural like us? Because she was invisible a few moments ago.

What was weird is that she had the eagle necklace with her and her ID read 'Si Areum'. She also wore a lab coat which meant she might have been working with the madman. I saw Yoongi slowly getting into defense position in the corner of my eyes and so did the others. Maybe they also noticed her attire.

We all were waiting for her to turn around and show her face. The moment she turned around Sae Ho went running to her and hugged her slim legs while giggling cutely.

Sae Ho: Violet Noona!! I thought you left me and mom!

??: Yah! Sae Ho where did you go! I told you I will save you right?

Taehyung: Sae Ho, do you know her?

Taehyung said as he teleported next to Sae Ho at the speed of light and picked him up and came back to us.

Sae Ho: Hyung! That is Superwoman noona, Violet!

??: Yah pumpkin! I told you I'm not violet just because you saw someone like me in the Invisibles movie!

The girl looked towards us and smiled and held her hand out for shaking it.

??: The name's Jieun, you can call me IU by the way.

We were already scared from what was happening so none of us were ready to shake her hand so Sae Ho, who was in Taehyung's arms, pulled my palms and attached it with Jieun's since I was standing next to Taehyung.

IU: You must be scared right? Well, don't worry I'm not one of the bad guys. I'm the guardian of the bridge to the Supernatural world. And I'm here to take all the Supernatural's locked in here back to our world.

Y/n: O-Our world? There are more Supernaturals like us?

I said still keeping my guard and staying a little bit away from her. She understood our situation so for proving that she is harmless to us, she took out her amulet which was glowing blue, and showed it to us.

IU: See, I'm one of the people like us. And yes, my power is turning invisible and that's why this pumpkin keeps calling me Violet referring to the girl from the invisible's movie.

Sae Ho: Noona! Don't call me pumpkin in front of superman Hyung!

Yoongi: I'm Yoongi, thanks for showing us your amulet. We trust you but..how do you know Sae Ho?

Y/n: Oh Oh wait my name is Y/n, I can call you IU right?

Jisoo: YAH you're too young for her! Didn't we teach you to respect elders, you gotta call her unnie! Ah, and my name is Jisoo.

Hoseok: We seem the same age, I'm Hoseok, 18 years old, call me Hobi if you'd like!

Taehyung: Hoseok! Never ask a girl's age! Tch tch tch! Taehyung here

Jin: Damn will you all shut up and let the poor girl speak? The name's Jin, WWH in short.

Jin said as he gave a flying kiss followed by beautifying his face and hair.

IU: O-oh, well I'm 18 too! Soon turning 19 and Sae Ho is just like us, a supernatural and he's been locked up in the cell since he was a baby. His mom and dad were caught just when Sae Ho turned 1 month old. Yesterday he and his parents escaped again from here with my help but they almost got caught so they left Sae Ho in a park and ran away trying to distract the bad guys. Thankfully he's with you and not with someone else.

Taehyung: WHAT? Sae Ho is a supernatural!?

IU: It's natural for him to get his powers at an early age since his great grandparents were the ex-guardians of the Supernatural world. But we really don't know his actual powers. Sometimes he can break glass with his sound just like he did now or he can just turn something back to atoms when he is angry. So.. it's a very big and dangerous power that he has so try not to anger him.

Hoseok: Did you just say...he can literally end a person's life by separating them into atoms? Woah!

IU: We need to kill the madman to stop his experiments on our kind and today is the last portal of this year so we have to act fast. It's...oh no it's 10: 45...we have to end things before 12:00.

Jin: What do you mean by portal?

IU: I know all of this may sound weird but... there are lots of tales about you in our world, the 12 kids who are still trapped on earth. You see, we belong in our dimension, the Supernatural world and not earth. And every few years, when the red moon appears, there opens a portal between both of our worlds. So, today will be the last day we know in the coming years to help the supernatural stuck in the earth to take them back to our dimension.

Jisoo: So, this is not our actual home? That means we only got a few hours! We need to hurry and help others back!

We all nodded, IU told us she has been observing the whole building acting like a human, trusted by the madman for almost a year so she can help everyone back to the supernatural world, today this year's last blood moon.

She told us there is a vent that leads us straight to the madman's office. One by one we crawled through the vent and reached the office and there he stood, the madman.

Madman: Wah wah wah *claps* what do we have here..the runaway 12 supernatural? Oh and Si Areum or may I say, Jieun?! *chuckles* You forgot about the camera in the laboratory. Tch Tch Tch, you creature started killing humans now?

We didn't let him talk further, we saw, Jennie, Rose, Lisa, and the others caged at the end of the room. All of them had the ring handcuffed onto them no wonder they couldn't escape. I didn't think twice and started using my power to unlock Jennie's ring first and then Jungkook's.

My nose was bleeding and so were my ears because I used too much. As on cue, Jennie and Jungkook understood my plan. Jennie used her water manipulation and made a water sphere around the lock on their cage and also on all of the other's handcuffs. Jennie yet again used her power and froze the water causing ice around their handcuffs and cage lock. Jungkook used his super strength and broke the ice along with the handcuff and lock.

One by one they all came out of the cage and gathered near us. Weirdly, there were no guards in the room. Madman still wore a mask making it hard for us to see his face. Suddenly, IU turned invisible and only the falling drops of blood on the floor from her sword were visible.

She became visible again and she was right behind the madman, her sword on his neck. But why were her eyes red? Was it anger or tears?

Before she could slit his throat, he..TELEPORTED?? How did he have powers? I heard others also whispering in confusion.

Namjoon: Are you..a supernatural too?

Within a millisecond without the madman realizing, Taehyung teleported to him and tore his mask away.

Madman: Yes I am...YES YES YES AND I HATE IT!

Lisa: Why? Why are you doing this? YOU KILLED OUR PARENTS!



We all looked over to IU sitting on the floor with tears in her eyes, red glimmering and shining. Her hands covered her ears as if fearing to hear any other words.

IU: O-Oppa...Please. STOP ALL OF THIS!

Rosé: Oppa?

Seems like Jisoo had already told the others who IU was and why she was here.

Madman: Jieune...they killed our mom..in front of us!


IU said screaming and breaking down into tears. What was happening?

Madman: That night..when you were just 5...our mom was dying right in front of us..I called every single person I saw near us for help...They had powers...they could have helped us..But what did they do *chuckles* THEY WATCHED OUR MOM DYING! THEY SAW US CRYING AND BEGGING FOR HELP!

IU: KIMAAN! please...stop all of this..

Madman: I will kill every single person who saw our mom dying...just wait for my experiment to end...I will create a great power from every single supernatural I am experimenting with. I will create the greatest power! A power to kill anyone I want by making them suffer!

Before madman could continue IU ran with her sword towards madman and pierced it into his shoulder. She fell on top of him and started crying. Madman started caressing her hair.

Madman: Don't worry sis, Oppa will always be there to protect yo-

Before he continued he coughed out blood making IU tighten her grip on his shirt.


Madman: I knew you- *cough* could never stab me in the heart

IU: Oppa..please stop this and come back to our home...

Madman: I can't Jieun..I promised mom before she closed her eyes..I told her I will take my revenge..Our little brother died along with her that day...In her womb..

IU screamed in agony and tears and punched the floor causing her hand to bleed.

Madman: Please..don't cry because of me..It's the last blood moon of the year, right?..A-and your here to kill me and...save the other supernatural *cough* and take them home...right?

Madman said as he slowly took the sword out from his shoulder and placed it in IU's hands.

Madman: If you want...you can kill.me here, now. I won't try to stop you. It's either me or the caged supernatural's.

IU's blurred vision due to tears weren't helping at all. Little did she realize her brother was snaking his palms on her's. He used the opportunity and aimed the sword at his heart and stabbed it using IU's hands.


IU said panicking trying to stop the blood from overflowing from her brother's chest. She broke down to tears and hugged him knowing it was her last moments with him.

Madman: Jieun-ah...be safe ok? D-Don't let any supernatural bully you? hm? If anyone does...tell them your Baek Hyun. the madman's sister?

IU: Baek Hyun, wake up *sniff* w-we can go to the hospital-

Baek Hyun:

Will you stay by my side

Will you promise me

I'm scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time

If this moment passes

As though it hadn't happened

I'm scared scared scared I'll lose you~

Butterfly, like a butterfly

Just like a butterfly, bu-butterfly

Butterfly, like a butterfly

Just like a butterfly, bu-butterfly

Baek Hyun sang 'Butterfly' a song which he always sang to IU to make her fall asleep. His eyes closed just as he stopped singing. His breathing stopped indicating he's no more.

IU: N-NO- Oppa! Wake up! J-Jebal..


Y/n: A-Are you really staying?

I asked IU as she said she will not go to the Supernatural world this year.

IU: I- I have to bury my brother's body..and..I am not fit to live in the Supernatural world...perhaps Earth is where I belong..

Jungkook: But you will visit us once in a while right?

IU nodded flashing a sincere smile. One by one we were helping the caged supernatural's pass through the portal. Only 5 more minutes were left before the portal closes.

After everyone had crossed it was finally us 12 to cross.

Jennie: IU, please come with us...You won't be able to visit us until the next blood moon right?

IU chuckled and replied.

IU: No Jennie! I'm the guardian of the portal I can cross it whenever I want! That means I will be visiting you all soon! Now go we have only 2 minutes left before the portal closes!

We all bid her goodbye and comforted her before we left. Crossing the portal with the 12 of us holding hands together we knew we were entering where we really belong. We had a long journey ahead, together.