
"You know, not all oranges are orange," Cross said as he handed her a box of her favorite orange juice. "In the subtropical regions of Xu Country, the temperature isn't cold enough so oranges don't turn orange."

"Even if they are ripe?" she asked, curiosity swirled in her eyes as she followed him.

"Yeah, they stay green or yellow."

"I haven't tried a green orange,' she mumbled and eyed the almost full cart. "Why are you buying a lot of things?" her gaze turned suspicious. "Hey, don't tell me you lost your job?"

"Your imagination is really something," he chuckled and started putting some eggs on the cart.

"Then? Why are we buying a lot?" This man usually stayed in the apartment a few days a month. "We can't finish everything."

"You just finished your school and are looking for a job," he side-eyed her. "Once you find a job, then you can pay me back."

"Huh?" she blinked. "You mean… this is not free?"

"Of course not!"

"But this… these are all— "

"All healthy?" he chuckled. "You look so skinny you should eat more and hope that you will grow an inch."

"Stop mocking me." Her mood turned sour. For some reason, this man love mocking her height. True, she was little! But she was dangerous! "I may be small, but I could knock you out with one kick!" She walked past him.

Cross was a very busy person, but they once went to try out Taekwondo and she absolutely beat his ass! Just the thought of his ass on the floor was enough to make her mood lightened.

A smug smile appeared on her face. "Hey, Cross don't lie to me… Did something happen lately?"


"This is the first time that you accompanied me in grocery shopping. Tell me, did someone fire you?"

"What If I was indeed fired?"

"Then you should find a better job! How could they fire someone like you!? Aren't you like the best employee every month? You barely go home and spend your time in your office all the time! Can they find someone so hardworking as you?"

"If someone fired me, I will definitely tell you so you can beat them for me." She heard him muttered.

"You should. Or we can just hack into their computers and make them learn a lesson."

"That's illegal."

"Only if they know that it's us," she patted his back. "Alright, alright, I don't believe that someone fired you. But if they did, then you should stay at home and rest. You can rest for a few months before looking for another job. Don't worry, I can cover the rent for you."

"Since when did you become so rich?" he laughed. "Did you win the lottery or something?"

"That — Is a secret," a mischievous smile appeared on her face. She knew that this man would scold her once he knew that she did something—

"Ah, so it was something illegal."

She immediately elbowed him. This man knows her too much, he could practically guess what she was thinking. "It's not!"

"Because they didn't know it was you?" he cocked an eyebrow.

Seeing the man's smug face, Sera rolled her eyes. "You are so annoying."

"Then are you still going to cover the rent for me?"

"Of course, as long as you do the chores." She checked the items that they got on the cart and smiled. "I think we are done. Let I will pay for everything today. Remember to pay it once you have the money."

In fact, Sera just received a sizeable amount of money from a few jobs she took secretly. A few girlfriends who wanted to hack their boyfriend's social media account and computers were something very profitable lately. And she had been taking advantage of this demand.

Cross only lifted an eyebrow while watching her put all the items on the counter. A mysterious smile soon appeared on his face.

After doing the groceries, Cross and Sera went to the bakery to get some bread, and surprisingly, Cross bought a cake to celebrate her graduation.

"Why not buy two cakes?" Sera asked while eying the strawberry cheesecake.

"Why would I buy two cakes?"

"For my birthday and graduation," she said and was expecting him to say some funny comeback, but to her surprise, Cross paused and stared at her before he nodded.

"You are right. I should buy two."

Her eyes sparkled as her smile grew wider. Cross always knew her favorite and would occasionally buy her cakes and other sweets. However, his next words made the smile on her face evaporate. "I know you eat a lot, but two cakes is just… I truly underestimated you. No wonder you can't find a boyfriend."

"…" Hey! That was like a strike below the belt! She glared at him and walked away from the inconsiderate man. Of course, she didn't forget to grab her cake from his hand before she strode out of the bakery while hearing him laughing behind her.

"You are really something. How could you destroy the ladder after I bought you the cake?" she heard him say behind her. "Why are you upset? It's not like I am lying. Aish, women are really something. If you lie to them, they get angry, but if you tell the truth they get offended too."

"What truth!?" she hissed.

"You eat a lot of cakes. Isn't that the truth? You eat this type of cake every day. You really should have your blood sugar checked."

"Hmph!" she snorted. "I am as healthy as a horse. Plus, that's not the reason why I don't have a boyfriend. This — This is called a lifestyle preference!"

"True. That is true. Plus, you don't need a boyfriend. You already have me. I am enough."

"Heh," she rolled her eyes. This man had been taking care of her since she arrived in the coldest part of Country Xu. His words were actually right. Who needs a boyfriend when you have a Cross Qin taking care of you? "Hey, Cross if you are a little more manly, I would have seduced you a long time ago."

"Even if you try to seduce me, you won't succeed. After all, you aren't my type. You don't even comb your hair all the time and your feet stink. Who wants a girlfriend like that?" she heard him grumble.

Sera paused before she turned towards him. "I don't stink!" she hissed.

"You do!"

"No, I don't!"

"Of course, I will keep this as a secret and will only reveal it to your boyfriend. But since you don't have one, there's no need to worry. Just stay with me and we won't have any problems." He gave her a cheeky smile before running towards the car, leaving a fuming Sera alone.