Black-Bellied Individual!

Unbeknownst to them, someone is watching all their actions from the CCTV in the room.

"Master, shall I escort both of them out of the building?" The one who spoke was none other than Lan Xing, the person who spoke with Sera a few days earlier.

"No need," the man responded, his gaze was glued at the screen. "I want you to sell the shares that we own on the Xu Family's Empire."

"Master, doing this could possibly ruin them. Are we really going that far?" Just this morning, they discovered that Xu Je'er the heiress of the Xu Family started working in the cybersecurity team. While Lan Xing didn't understand the motive of this young miss, he still thought that punishing the whole company just because of one single mistake was wrong.

"They failed to educate her."

Lan Xing nodded, helplessness flashed in his eyes. Once they sell their shares, the other investors would surely sell theirs too, after all, Quinn Media is a superpower in the business world. They don't need to use their words to make a company fail. Just a simple action was enough to make people think that the Quinn media's trust in a company already vanished, gone. "What about the — "he eyed the woman whom Xu Je'er brought. " The future madam?"

"Leave her be."

"But sir, she is spreading rumors against you. This— "

"Lan Xing… since when did I care about rumors like this?" Finally, the man turned towards Lan Xing, showing a handsome yet cold countenance. "Will that make me earn more money?"

"No, sir."

"Then it doesn't matter," the man turned his attention back to the screen. "The words she said could be true. After all, only a few people in this world, know what I really look like. " A devious smirked appeared in his face. "First, fire everyone from the Cybersecurity team. Accepting bribes to let someone like Miss Xu enter is an unpardonable offense. Send an invitation to Miss Zhang, tell her we will sue her and Miss Xu if she refused to work for us. Surely, she wouldn't want her friend to suffer in prison, no?"

"…" Why does it sound like Mr. Quinn is different today? "But sir, Miss Zhang would surely hate to work with us if we threatened her." The last time he met this woman, Lan Xing received a lot of mockery from her. She even mocked the card that Mr. Quinn personally made!

"Second, give her an offer she cannot refuse. She hacks other people's social media accounts and accepts payments. She loves to earn. Third, send someone else to do this. Do not show your face to Sera unless necessary. Do you understand me?"

He gulped as he recalled what happened when he told Mr. Quinn that Miss Zhang refused his offer. The latter actually laughed out loud. Confused, Lan Xing couldn't help himself. He asked him if he would choose another candidate for this marriage.

To his surprised, the master got angry. His face turned cold, brows furrowed. The changes were too quick, even Lan Xing who had accompanied this young master since he was a kid couldn't believe his eyes. What was happening? Why did he become so angry? Isn't this just women?

It was public knowledge that Chris Quinn was the richest man in the whole northern region. If he really wanted to, he could have any woman that he fancies. Meaning, he doesn't need to force people to marry him. "Are we going to threaten the future madam?" he asked.

"Of course." The man answered, smiling. "Do everything to make her work for us."

"But sir…"


"With all due respect, Miss Zhang is not really that outstanding compared to the other young heiress in this region. If we — " Lan Xing didn't continue his words when he felt the temperature of the room dropped. He immediately cleared his throat. "I will… I will tell her about this."

"Hmmm." Mr. Quinn nodded, a smile was once again plastered on his usually stoic face as he turned to look at Sera. "Good."

Lan Xing looked at Mr. Quinn. For some reason, he felt that Mr. Quinn already knew this would happen. Now that Lan Xing thought about it, Mr. Quinn had been really weird since this morning. He had been watching the CCTV as if he was waiting for Miss Zhang to arrive!

If that is the case, then there is a possibility that Mr. Quinn deliberately let Miss Xu inside the company to create a trap for Miss Zhang! What a black-bellied individual!

Of course, Sera was unaware of this. She and Xu Je'er continued talking for a few minutes before the latter gave her a few dollars to reimburse her efforts in coming here.

"Sera, I really have to thank you for this time. Without you, who knows what kind of law I would break just to see Mr. Quinn's face?"

"No need," Sera smiled. "I will leave now. I will see you at the graduation party."

Xu Je'er beamed. "Right! The Graduation party! How about I buy you some clothes as thank you?" The idea made Xu Je'er so happy that she failed to see the peculiar glint in Sera's eyes.

"What? No need. Je'er we are good friends. How could you spend thousands on me? You know that I only helped you because you are a dear friend and a customer there is no need to— "

"Alright! That is final! I will go get my bag inside and let's go shopping together! I will buy you new clothes and shoes as a thank you present. No need to feel embarrassed after all, you helped me realized something today."

"Really? What did you realize?" Interest flashed in Sera's eyes.

"That Mr. Quinn might be really ugly and old!"

"…" Sera just nodded and gave a wry smile. This woman was truly hopeless. She then watched as Xu Je'er ran back inside to get her bag.