Jealous Person

"Hey, hey, you shouldn't drink too much." Cross furrowed his brows as he snatched the liquor from her hand. He then glared at the equally drunk Xu Je'er.

"I am not drunk," Sera stared at him, wide-eyed. She just had a can of beer! And he was already panicking? "I still have a competition tomorrow, I can't get drunk."

"Good, from now on you're not allowed to get drunk."

"Hm? Why?"

"Your breath stink if you drink."

"Hey!" She playfully slapped his arm.

"Kidding… I meant… You will start your own business soon. You can't keep on drinking like this."

"Sera, this man is too possessive and controlling, you should leave him." Xu Je'er beamed at Cross. "He is not that handsome, and he is not that rich. You should find someone else."

Cross clenched his jaw but said nothing. He waited for Sera to defend him, but she was just beaming at him. Was she drunk? "Why are you looking at me like that?" He leaned back.

"I think you don't look so bad."

"…" He squinted.

"I mean it. I don't like handsome men."

"Really?" Xu Je'er asked. "Ah? Is that why you keep on refusing the handsome gods that wanted to become your boyfriend back in college?"

"Why don't you like handsome men?" Cross asked, curiosity flashing in his eyes.

"Why would I want a man that attracts other people's attention?" Sera took the can of beer back. "I am a jealous person."

"Really?" Cross gave a twisted smile.

She nodded. "Really."

"Sera, does this mean you won't introduce your future husband to your friends because you are scared that someone will snatch him?"

Sera snorted. "If someone is capable of snatching, then snatch him! If he cheats, then it means he doesn't deserve me." Isn't that too simple? It's like dodging a bullet!

"You are weird."

Sera just beamed at her friend and turned towards the man next to her. "Oh, I forgot to ask. Are you going home now? Or you still want to go back to your office?"

"So hardworking?" Xu Je'er lifted an eyebrow, sarcasm laced her tone.

"He is hardworking, alright." Sera smiled. "He needs to work hard to feed me."

"Ah, too much dog food. I will die from jealousy." Xu Je'er giggled before she finished her beer. "We still have a competition tomorrow so we're not allowed to get drunk— "

"Excuse me, are you Miss Sera Zhang?"

The three of them lifted their heads and look at the man wearing a suit. "I am called Cheng, I work with Team Double Dragon, I want to talk to you about your performance earlier?" The man was wearing a cordial smile on his face. With his slick hair and black suit, he looked extremely out of place in the hotpot place.

"What is it?" Xu Je'er immediately asked. "I am her manager. She doesn't accept interviews."

"…" The man looked at the woman wearing expensive clothing, his face still calm. "I am not here for an interview. I am here to give you this." He handed a card to Sera, which was immediately snatched by Xu Je'er. Then he continued. "The Feng brothers wanted to schedule a meeting with you. They wanted to recruit you to the team. If you are interested, please call that number on the card. We can immediately have the meeting tomorrow and we will give in to your demands as long as it is reasonable."

"Oh," Xu Je'er's already red face turned redder. Sera didn't know if it was only because of the alcohol or the woman was furious. "It seems that this person is not giving me any face. How dare you try to recruit my employee under my nose?" Xu Je'er stood.

"Miss, you are drunk. Miss Zhang is not working with anyone right now."

"Well… that was a few minutes ago! Right now, she is working with me and my company!"

"What company?" the man asked, unperturbed.

Xu Je'er immediately turned towards Sera. "What was the name of our company?"




"Well… anyway. The name is not important. What's important is she working with me. I am the CEO and she is my most trusted employee. So stop dreaming and leave us alone!"

The man stared at Xu Je'er drunken expression before shaking his head. He turned towards Sera. "Please call me." Then, without sparing Xu Je'er another glance, he left.

Sera smiled and sent a wink at the speechless Cross. As if sensing her thoughts, Cross nodded and lowered his head. Now, he completely understood why Sera wanted to hire this Xu Je'er as her CEO. It was to fend off against people like that.

Ah, now that he thought about it, Xu Je'er's attitude is just like a dog's. She really likes to bark! The corner of his lips lifted upwards. "You don't want to work with companies?"

"We will work with companies. Just not as employees." She is making software and going to sell it to different companies.

A flash of understanding glinted in his eyes. "Alright." It seems that his approach had been wrong. Sera would never work under him. Well then… He still has other ways to get close to her. "Let's go home?"

Sera nodded.


Cross made sure that Sera was already asleep before he left her room. He then went directly to his room and used his fingerprint to open a secret vault on the small bookshelf in his room. He grabbed a phone and dialed a number.

"Tell me," he said.

"Boss… Old Zhang is already dying. He can walk and eat and yet, people are scheming for his wealth. The young miss…"

"The only person who knew about her real identity is that evil stepmother of hers. The woman wouldn't reveal that to other people." However, this would mean that she might send people to kill the real heir of the Zhang Family's wealth soon. "I want you to increase the security around Sera. Never let her out of your sight."

"Yes, boss."

Cross sigh. If only it was that easy to convince her to marry him. Ah, forcing her would not do him any good. "Alright, contact me as soon as you have anything." He ended and call and put the phone back on the vault. Then he grabbed the photo inside. "Don't worry, uncle, I will protect her. At all cost."