
Aristotle once said, the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.

The more you learn about something, the more you realized that you actually still have a lot to learn. Sera used to think she had a clear understanding between the rich and the poor in Pane City. She knew the prominent family names of the rich people and try her best to avoid them. She memorized the family names of the people that are known not only to this small city but to the whole Xu Country.

She did it to keep herself safe.

She didn't like associating with these people. That was, of course, except for the silly Xu Je'er. However, right now, Sera realized that sometimes fate is weird. She prepared herself. She studied their last names and reminded herself not to associate with this people, over and over again.

Sera frowned at the man in front of her. She actually thought he was an actor when in fact… that old butler called him, Mr. Quinn. Quinn of Quinn Media.

"It's not Cris… It's Chris. Chris Quinn," he smiled, his eyes curving into two beautiful crescents. "It's not my fault you didn't ask for my last name before you decided to sleep with me."

"…" She deadpanned. Right now, Sera could clearly say that her small brain short-circuited and stopped working. She couldn't find any words appropriate enough to say to this man. "I'm leaving." She wanted to sleep. It was already dawn, and the sun is about to shine. She needed her sleep and maybe when she woke up, she would discover that this didn't happen.

"I will drive you to your place."

She didn't say anything as she walked towards the exit. She couldn't understand her raging emotions too. Was she angry? Yes, she was definitely angry. But why? The fact that she didn't ask for his last name only meant that she wasn't hoping to find him or meet with him again. Moreover, who asks for some random stranger's last name in a bar?

Plus, she was a little drunk.

In the end, she concluded that she could only be angry at herself. She was careless and stupid. For a few seconds, she was tempted to slap her own face but realize that it would hurt.

She continued walking and ignored the man walking next to her.

"Hey… "

Sera turned to her left. She soon realized that she was walking away from the hospital. To her left was Chris in his car.

"Come… let me take you home." He continued.

"Thank you, Mr. Quinn but that's not necessary. I can get a taxi."

"It's already four in the morning. Are you really going to ride a taxi at this hour?"

She continued walking and started checking the taxi app on her phone. She thought that there would be many taxis around as she was near the hospital. It seems that she was wrong?

"Get in."

She heard him say. This time, she didn't respond and get into his car instead.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry. Please take me to this address." She showed him the address that she typed on her phone.

"But I'm hungry."

"…" Is that any of her concern?

"I didn't have dinner because I stayed with you at the hospital."

"…" Was that her fault? She didn't ask him to stay, alright?

"So cold-hearted." He started driving. "Then… how about takeouts?"

"…" She pursed her lips in response.

"Maybe hotpot?"


"Then, I will go to some drive-through, we can eat on the road."

"…" So persistent. Sera chose not to say anything. When this man saved her, it was already after ten in the evening. It's impossible for him not to have his dinner at that time.

"I know what you're thinking," he spoke. "You must be thinking that I'm lying, right?"

"…" This man is really talkative and probably a mind reader too.

"I didn't have dinner because I was really busy. I don't usually have dinner and just go home to sleep."

"…" Despite her silence, this man is still talking, ah. So weird. She heard rumors about this Mr. Quinn and thought he was some cold CEO who is allergic to people and everything. This situation is really weird.

"Now that I think about it. I want to eat something hot. Do you like to have some hot pot? I like the Cow Dung Hotpot. How about you?"

"Mr. Quinn… " She stared at him. "I am not hungry and thank you very much for saving me. I owe you a lot." She doesn't necessarily hate this man. However, she doesn't like him either. Sera could only imagine the complications that accompanied this man's identity.

"Oh… you are angry? I saved you and you are angry? So ungrateful."

"Mr. Quinn, the rumors said that you are extremely antisocial. You don't like people talking to you and you don't like to talk to anyone either. Even your executives only know your voice. I never expected you to be like this."

"Ah? You actually said more than three sentences? That must be hard on you!"

"…" Is this guy serious?

"Alright, I'll stop messing around. I had a few cups of coffee in the hospital so I am a bit… different."


"And stop believing in rumors like that. The reason why I don't show my face is that I am too handsome. I can't have agents approaching me, asking me to join some reality TV show again."

"You remind me of someone." Surprisingly, her words made him silent.

"Someone as good-looking as me?"

"…" She rolled her eyes inwardly. "Someone who can irritate me to death."

"Why are you so mean?"

"Mr. Quinn… eyes on the road!"

"Oh… My car is insured."

"…" Before she could say anything. The car came to a sudden halt, the force threw her body forward. A few curses left her mouth. "What the hell! Are you trying to kill me?"

"No. We're here. It's a twenty-four-hour hotpot. Let's go?"

Sera balled her hand into fists. Can she punch him? Can she punch his pretty face?

"Did you hit your head?"

"Luckily, I did not!"

"Good. That's good. If you hit your head, I can just take you to the hospital."

"…" Alright, she was done talking! She would never talk to this guy again!