Firm Abs

"I can stay in a small rental. There's no need to stay in this expensive hotel." She had the money to pay for Airbnb however, this man never stopped hounding her about the hotel.

"I already booked it and were already here. This is the only two-bedroom suite in this hotel. I think you should be grateful."

She didn't like owing him too much. "Then I will pay half of it."

"You won't be able to afford it."

OUCH. Does he have to rub into her face that she didn't have the money for this luxury? "I can afford it." Of course, her stubborn self wouldn't let him treat her this way.

"You are my fiancee, I am obligated to pay for menial stuff like this."

"Can you stop saying that?"

"Saying what?" he cocked his eyebrow.

Irritated, she closed her eyes and let out a long sighed. "I need sleep." She stood from the velvet L Shaped sofa in the living room and walked towards her room. "Don't wake me up. I don't want to eat."

He chuckled. "Got it."

Exhausted, Sera slumped into the queen-sized bed inside the spacious room and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, her low snores echoed inside her room.

When Sera woke up again, she was already tucked in the bed, a blanket covered her body. She blinked, staring at the beige ceiling. She was back. In the place where she was born.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling, she sat on her bed and eyed the blackout curtains that covered the glass doors that should lead her to the balcony. Both rooms in this suite have their own personal balcony. Meaning, she could have her own space and enjoy a glass of coffee without that man's constant nagging.

After checking her phone and realizing that Cross was still unreachable, she let out another sigh and put her phone back to the bedside table. Then she walked towards the blackout curtains and opened them, using the button next to the walk-in bathroom and closet.

The scorching light of the sun made her eyes snapped shut. Daytime.

It was already ten in the morning.

She remembered sleeping when they arrived yesterday. It was only four in the afternoon and, just as that man promised, he didn't wake her up for dinner.

Hey! At least he was considerate enough to know that she was tired. She watched the view for a few minutes before she got bored and opened her laptop to check her emails and current deadlines.

Sera didn't realize that she had stayed too long on her laptop until she heard her stomach grumble.

That's right.

She didn't have dinner and breakfast.

And now, it's almost lunchtime.

After changing her clothes, she walked out of her and found the living room empty. Mr. Quinn said he was here for business. Perhaps it was the truth?

Roaming her eyes inside the suite room, she realized how big this place was. It was equipped with complete kitchen amenities, a nice dining and living room with the perfect chandelier that complemented its sophisticated beige theme.

She was curious about the price of this room per night. After walking inside the kitchen, she realized something wrong.

Nothing was in the fridge except some water and fruits. She looked at the table and realized that Mr. Quinn actually left a note for her, telling her to order whatever she wanted.

And so she did.

To her surprise, it only took them about ten minutes to deliver her order. The service was really great compared to the other room. She also noticed that the person who delivered the food was actually the head chef of the hotel.


In this world, people with money are always treated with kindness.

But this doesn't concern her anymore. She just smiled at the chef, then started eating her food. It was no brainer. Since that man said she could order, then she would order and enjoy the food. However, she was planning to buy some groceries later and make her own food, too.

Maybe buy a few more junk foods?

As someone who lived in the man's house for a few days before coming here, she knew that Mr. Quinn was a bit like Cross. Both men don't eat junk foods or drink cold water. In fact, Mr. Quinn's huge fridge that occupied one wall in his kitchen doesn't have an iota of unhealthy food. It was all fruits and veggies. No cakes or doughnuts. Not even single red meat.

To someone like her, this was torture.

Perhaps it was how they maintained their fit physique and, um… firm abs.

When she realized that her thoughts were once again bending towards the darker side, she slapped her own forehead and chuckled. As a woman, she too appreciates men — good-looking ones. Just like Cross and Mr. Quinn.

Obviously, she would prefer the smart Cross anytime, but appreciating Mr. Quinn's body is not really a sin, right? Alright, why does it feel like she was actually cheating? It's not like they were in a relationship?

She shook her head and just decided to stop thinking about unnecessary things.

After lunch, she took a quick bath and found some casual shirt and pants. After putting on a simple make-up. She put on her sneakers and grabbed her coat.

"Hm? Where are you going?"

"Can you stop doing that?" she hissed. "Why do you appear out of thin air?"

"I've been standing here for a few minutes. But you just kept on staring at your appearance in that mirror. Don't tell me you fell in love with your own face while getting dressed?"

She rolled her eyes. "I was appreciating my face." And telling herself that she looked like a toddler with her midget height. Alright, maybe a cute toddler.

"Hmmm. So? Where are you going?"

"How did you come inside my room?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"I opened the door?"

"…" That was not what she wanted to know. But… never mind. "I will go buy some groceries."

"Why? You don't like the food here? I can hire a professional chef if you want. No need to— "

"Thanks, Mr. Quinn… but I enjoy cooking my own food." Her cooking was not bad, but it wasn't considered the best either. Still, she would prefer it over the ones made by Michelin starred chef.