
"What the— " Madness. Sera couldn't help but cursed inwardly as she opened the images on his laptop. "Can we take back the deposit?" she asked, as she leaned closer at the screen and examined the details of the wedding. "How come you prepared this much without even consulting me? You're not even sure that I would agree. Can you move a bit?" He was sitting on his chair while she was standing next to him, trying to check out the details about the wedding.

He complied, giving her the space to access the laptop. "You can sit in my lap if you want."

"That— no thanks." She ignored the memories in the bathroom just a few hours ago. "How did you know I would like this theme?" The theme of the wedding was actually black and red.

"Your clothes… are mostly plain. I figured you wouldn't want something colorful."

She heard the swivel chair squeaked as he leaned back.

"And you paid in full for the venue and everything else?" she continued asking.