Full Time Pervert

Sera continued snooping into her mother's background, and that was when she realized some discrepancies. Her mother never had any pictures in prom.

Or any other intimate events in the university.

At this time, the CCTV wasn't that many in the streets near her school so, Sera had no way of checking her mother's whereabouts. However,

She noticed something weird.

There were times and days where the CCTV was cut off just before her mother would go inside the gates and walk near the CCTV.

The cut was made in a very professional way. Even Sera found it hard to notice it first because of the lack of traces left by the person who did it. However, just what type of hacker was Sera?

She wasn't some dumb one that lacks observation skills!

Anyways, Sera couldn't really check all the videos in one night, so she decided to just download everything about her mother. She wasn't even sure what her goal was.