
"My father wasn't part of the Mafia. In fact, he didn't support Mr. Ryo's business."

She revealed while sitting at the end of the lounge chair while facing Ghost and the senior officer. After she relayed all the details from Mr. Ryo's memories, Ghost suggested to give the details to Investigator.

"But we saw the two of them together in your father's office?"

Ghost insisted, sitting with both clasps together. From the entity's new face, she cound't hep but admire his charming appearance.

"I saw Mr. Ryo's memory before he died."


"My father supported the Gil Family who was against Mr. Ryo's gang. "

"The GIl Family and Ryo Clan had been enemies. And the senator provides protection to the CEO of Mujin Company.

"Because Mujin Shipping Company, illegally exports and imprtrs items from other countries and its Senator Jeong who approved them."