
"My father killed my mother."

She confessed, staring at an entity with the same face, and the same voice of her dead mother. At that time, she was only ten years old but she could recall every detail of what happened to her.

"How did you know?"

Ghost asked with a stern voice. After her hair dried from the towel, she hung it behind the chair at the kitchen table, not minding the thin dress that exposed her body. For her, getting her revenge and getting rid of the soul was more important than her appearance.

"I saw it with my own eyes…"

She said and reached for the towel on the chair. Rather than set it back to the bathroom, she ran it along Ghost's body and began to dry the woman's hair, making it certain it's not dripping wet.

"Did you tell the police?"

"I was ten years old. Do you think the police will believe me if I told them what happened?"

"A child never lies. Your words have more merit."