
"Kate," Zhandy called out the woman's name with a soft voice which made the woman turn to her and smile.

"Is it too arrogant to say that I know you'll come."

"I came here, to be honest with you."

"Okay. Tell me why you are following my every move, "

"I'm a journalist and I'm writing a piece about fake news that have targeted innocent people which are all posted in your app Free Word ."

"Targeted? You think they were specifically chosen by this fake news writer to endanger them."

"Yes. And a number of them have already been killed by civilians who acted out of hate."

"Do you have any evidence that supports your claim? It's bad enough to call out someone's work as fake but to connect killings to an article is too much."

"I have sources that tell me the news is fake and they are connected."

"Whose your sources?"