Darkness 2

Sengoku period (Warring States period of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE)

A shinobi clan peacefully residing in Koka village in Omi province began to amass military power by the end of the Muromachi Period.

The Rokkaku Clan who used the Kannonji Castle as their base gradually ignored the authority of the Ashikaga shogunate that commands it. A sign of early rebellion, General Yoshihisa Ashikaga brought with him an army of warlords and samurai to stomp out the uprising of the shinobi clan to set an example.

Thcb us, the war between the Ashikaga and Rokkaku ensued. As the shogunate's capability to military combat is deemed superior, the head of the Rokkaku clan, Masayori, and his son, Takayori we're forced to flee the Kannonji Castle and head back to Koka Castle to continue the revolt.