Killing 01


Eve is in Paradise. Sleeping on the fluffy mattress is like laying on a cloud. The lavender aroma of the room is comforting. It makes her senses calm and happy. The bedroom is immaculate and the bedsheets are pristine in white pigment. Eve catches the sight of the greenery outside the Villa over the open window. The sea breeze that comes in is cold yet refreshing to her core. Every breath she takes is rejuvenating her soul. She stands up and goes over the window to peer at the flowers of late bloom. The place is a perfect haven for devils and killers on the loose.

The room has its bathroom. The white composition is eminent on every corner. The intricate designs on faucets with angel faces and the bathtub with ornate angel wings are a sight to be noted. A heavenly experience to exist in such luxury which money from killing can provide easily.