Kill Me 27

As a high servant for the Rokkaku clan, Tadashi Ohara prepared the body of his master for the burial. He carefully cleaned the cadaver from head to feet and dressed him in black kimono made of the highest grade of silk. In its back was a handwoven crest of the family. Four rhombus squares tiled together like the mountain and fields the Rokkaku clan tied together.

As a custom, he wet Takayori's lips with water as it was believed that life starts from the same element and the body must have it after death for the soul to ascend. Then, Ohara set him on a wooden casket made from the same trees used to build the Kannonji Castle. The home where the hero was born is now where he lies in the end.

After the tragic news of the chief's passing was announced. Ohara prepared the castle for the wake of his beloved master. He adorned the hall with white chrysanthemum flowers and placed black cushions, each with the crest of his children and wife that will attend the burial.