Kill Me 47


A three-hour sleep for Mischa is enough to get a little strength back. She stands in front of the bed and stares at the man sleeping like a log and snoring his lungs out. He sounds like a pig in the mud being choked to death by its caretaker. Mischa took the man's wallet out of his breast pocket in his coat and opened it to find the man's name.

"Susu Ming Qu," Mischa says out loud and raises her eyebrow. She thought about the man's surname Susu which means a quiet person and yet he wheezes like a rampaging truck.

The wallet contains cash worth three thousand renminbi and credit cards from different banks. A driver's license, his national ID, and a business ID from a company that sells milk. 

"No wonder he would go to a bar to make himself feel manly." Mischa thought and searched for more items in his wallet.