Kill Me 87

Whatever they ask you, don't answer them without my permission, okay?." Ms. Tang Hiu Ying said while she sat in the chair opposite the investigator and police officer that arrested Li Jun.

"Okay." The male executive in handcuffs sitting beside the lawyer nodded his head. 

He scans the room where he was brought in after his arrest at the hotel. It was small for four people to be in. There is a wide mirror that stretches through half of the wall. He knows it's a two-way reflector where the officers can see what goes on inside the tiny room. There is no window and the air circulates within. When the detective walks out of the room he comes back smelling like cigarettes, and it happened six times before his lawyer comes in.

"Officer, can I ask what are you charging my client for?" The lawyer inquires, setting her back straight against the metallic chair of the little room they use to question criminals.