Getting Ready

"Audacious!" Lord Urion's gruff voice roared. "To defy the second emperor's law. I told you, he is too young to be the headmaster!"

"Ugh dear astrea…we're not going to have this conversation again." Lady Lea pressed her fingers against her forehead in frustration.

"I agree." The Duke of Azura, one of the four pillars of the empire, sharply met everyone's eyes. "He is unfit to be the guide of the future of this empire. I say we must revoke him of this position; he will doom this empire if he continues these little games of his."

"We cannot simply revoke him." Duchess Lea glared at him under her lashes. "Are you ignoring processes now?"

"I am just speaking what I feel best."

"Best for what? For you, Lord Gavin?" she mocked.

"Are you implying something, Lady Lea?" he asked, setting straight his glasses.

"The position of the headmaster is equivalent that of a ruler! For him to wield such power, ohoho I tell you! If astrea does not save us all, this land will come into ruin!" Lord Urion added.

"Revoking him wouldn't be easy." Duchess Lea reasoned out. "He was the next in-line. Now that he is standing on it, you can't simply pull it like a rag underneath him. It was the previous emperor's wishes for him to fulfill."

"What was the previous emperor thinking? To let a child handle one of the most important roles…" The Duke of Peri sighed.

"Are you doubting my father's choices, Lord Feran?" The current young emperor's brows met.

"I dare not, your majesty!"

"Your majesty, I believed that Lord Feran's concern simply lies in the empire's well-being," Duke Gavin of Azura interjected. "We are simply eliminating the chances of unnecessary trouble. We cannot afford to have an inner turmoil or the opposing faction would definitely take advantage of this."


"Get up."

Kellie stared at the sleeping girl's form curled up in bed. The pillows are in a mess and the blanket crinkled. The soft glow of the dawn light poured through the window. Chirping birds fluttered around the trees in hunt for food to offer their children.

Adeleine's brows twitched as Kellie only watched her turn to the opposite side. Her breathing became uneven and unsteady as her forehead wrinkled, brows knitting and she let out a groan.

"Adeleine," she called her out again, this time tapping her shoulders.

The girl started tossing and turning, eventually gasping as she jerked awake. She found herself covered in sweat and her breathing ragged as she clutched the piece of charm close to her chest. Her gaze unfocused and deep in thought.

Confusion flashed in her eyes, then recognition. Calming her senses, she heaved a deep sigh, one Kellie recognized as relief but her expression was troubled and filled with discomfort.

"You're awake."

No reaction.


"...H-huh?" she stuttered, shaken. Her head whipped to the side; blue eyes finally met the woman's.

"Get up and get ready. Eat your breakfast."

Her attention diverted to the dark sky, the horizon painted in gradient orange and violet as the morning sun rose from the east. Adeleine groaned. It's still early before morning. But as much as her heavy eyelids wanted to seal itself and indulge once again into slumber, Kellie was watching her with hawk eyes.

"Can I bath myself this time? I don't want unfamiliar people touching me..." Her voiced turned hushed, "in my nether regions."

Kellie paid no heed to her embarrassed state. "That was only for last night. You'll need to bath on your own starting today."

Adeleine nodded, relieved. She was already accustomed to cleaning herself anyway.

Dressing up in a white cotton shirt and black trousers, her mind wandered off aimlessly, sizing up her situation. Kellie was waiting for her outside the fitting room. The lady had prepared a meal for the girl, delivered by the maids while Adeleine was inside the other space.

The girl finally came out after getting herself used to the clothing, adjusting and trying to look at herself in different angles. "Kellie, are you sure this is clothes are for me..." Her words faltered as she stared at the feast laid at the table inside her room.

Kellie, sporting the same white cotton shirt and black trousers paired with knee-high boots, stood beside the table and waited for her. Her blond hair was held up into a ponytail while her hands lay on the hilt of the sword loosely tied around her waist. The lady held a different air around her this time, instead of a silent alluring beauty, she had a mighty fierce aura of a warrior. Her face, however, still held no emotions.

She can't help but stare at the thing on her left eye—it was more like surrounding it. From her forehead curving to her high-cheekbones and ending near her ear, burned a deep large scar.

How could she not notice it before? Must be because of the dark room, she thought.

Her eyes wandered to the palates as the rich-flavored scents danced teasingly on her nostrils. She drooled at the sight.

She sat on the chair, looking over to the woman for approval and instantly horded all of them on her platter when Kellie nodded.

The creamy flavor that comes along with the soft tender meat made her melt as soon as it touched her pink hungry animal. For someone with her stature, these foods she could have never inside her poor-peasant mouth. They sure do know how to treat a prisoner well.

She bit on something mellow. Tastes like mushroom.

Meat is hard to come by. It's not like it's scarce, but it's costly and could only have them at special occasions. Having to taste what heaven was like, she can finally follow her mother to SunLake.

Soon after, all of the dishes were cleaned out. She patted the bulk on her stomach in satisfaction and burped. With a blissful expression, she thanked the lady for the meal.

"Mind your manners." Adeleine doesn't know whether it was an insult or the lady was scolding her. It was hard to tell from the apathetic tone of her voice. "I should have taught you etiquette."

Kellie's like a cold hard rock. She thought as her eyes followed the lady turning around.

"Follow me," she beckoned.

They exited the doors of the mansion and outside the gates of the fenced walls. Trees of great heights lined far from the range of sight. Past the gate was a dirt pathway through the woods and leads to wherever Kellie is taking her. The forest was shrouded with the shadows of the canopy and the sunlight of daybreak struggled through the dense leaves, making the place daunting.

But, not for Adeleine. Living her whole life surrounded in a place filled with trees, far from the noisy crowded village, this was her everyday sight.

The walk was lengthy and uneventful. It was about for an hour now and Adeleine was flicking off her sweat despite the damp cool air of the early morning. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh earthy scent left by the cold night as she peered at the lady who was walking ahead. Not even a sweat nor signs of tiredness.

Having to walk for two hours non-stop has weakened Adeleine's legs and her thighs ached for rest. It wasn't that she was out-of-shape, living in the forest, walking around in an uneven terrain has been an exercise to keep her healthy, but Kellie's fast pace for continues hours left the poor girl breathless.

"Ho..." She breathed as she tried to catch the lady's attention. "Hold on."

She fanned the back of her shirt and rested her palm on her knee to support her. Drops of sweat trickled down the side of her face. It was early in the morning and she was already this sweaty.

Is it possible to perspire this much from just a walk? She questioned. Do they even call this a walk?

"Tired." The lady cocked her head to the side. "already?"

Adeleine looked at her incredulously.

Compared to her, she was as fresh as a newly picked flower from a rose bush.

"I guessed it can't be helped. Once you enter the academy, we'll get you into shape."

Adeleine was able to breath as she squatted down on the dirt pathway, careful not to smear her white shirt and worsen the sweaty condition.

"Be fast. Classes are going to start soon."

Kellie sighed or what Adeleine thought when she heard air escaped her lips. She feels like she's starting to get hang on to the lady's emotionless expressions.

It wasn't long when they continued their walk and the girl internally cheered when they were able to reach the academy's gate before she could collapse. Another line of trees caught her sight past the academy walls and the dirt path stretched on. Her joyous expression dampened and she began to trudged behind the lady after the large gates opened.

Kellie diverted from the cleared path and into the trees and bushes. The letherian girl sent her a questioning gaze but followed soon before loosing sight of her guide.

"Where are we going?" she tilted her head to the side.

No response.

"Oh, okay."

After a lengthy walk, they arrived at a clearing and Adeleine craned her neck up just to take in the sight of the humongous structure laid in front of her eyes. The building was half the size of the mansion. In the background, an even more huge and daunting edifice stood centered at the forest glade that puts the mansion into shame—a palace.

"Woah…" Light of the morning sun touched the structure's towers. Looking up could almost break her neck.


The lady's voice snapped the girl from her trance. Kellie strode towards the building leaving her scampering behind.