A Survivor

Her legs automatically just followed his instructions and headed towards the exit with her jaw slacked. She was too shocked that she didn't even realized she was already outside. The young male student, who was talking to the master a while ago, was right in front of her waiting.

"Follow me," with a slight irritation to his voice, he beckoned.

Master Sivel's yelling commands faded in the background as they move farther away from the dome stadium.

Why was she kicked out? She didn't break any rules. In fact, she didn't even do anything that would majorly offend the master. Nor was she affiliated with Hera when that crazy witch decided to do something life-threatening. She was peacefully minding her own business. So why?

Their ankles sunk in the thick layer of grass as they reached a wide area of low hills. The structure was already far-off but he didn't stop.

Snapping from her stupor, she realized what she was currently doing. They arrived at the border of the forest. Adeleine was amazed at how vastly enormous the academy grounds cover, considering how scarce among the population has the possibility of affinity.

Truly is prestigious.

She took a good look at the man's back, making a mental note just in case. She doesn't know his physical capabilities, but she hoped she could outrun him if this was really a set-up. He's short, short for a man. Maybe lacking a few inches compared to her height, but he's taller than Bridget. She noticed a familiar object dangling from his ear, a chain with an ex-shape at the end. Now where did she saw this before?

She suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Wait just a minute. Where are we going?"

"Don't ask questions." The man, without even glancing back, continued his long strides.

His conceited tone irked Adeleine that she caught up and held him on the shoulders. First things first, she doesn't like being talk down. "Hey, I asked where are we going-" He swiftly turned around to face her, causing her to pedal back in shock as soon as she saw his face. She pointed at him and said, "YOU'RE THAT MAN FROM THE FOREST!"

The wrinkles on his eyebrows twitched. "Yeah and so?"

"Are you here to kidnap me again?!"

"Shut up, woman. Who would want to kidnap you?" He crossed his arms, a fine line drawn on his lips.

"Didn't you just did?"

"This isn't kidnapping," he refuted.

Adeleine sighed in frustration. "I meant, back at the forest."

"That was under protocols."

"Protocols of what? You basically just kidnapped a human. It was against my will, then it's kidnapping."

Clandes frown deepened. This conversation is pointless. He turned his heels and marched towards to where they are supposed to headed. "Don't ask questions, just follow me."

"And why would I follow you?" but she stubbornly stood her ground.

Mother of Astrea! Can't this girl just do as he says?! He was so close as two atoms sliding against each other to burying this girl in solid ice so she stops talking. He might as well do it so he can bring her peacefully to them instead.

But if he did, he's going to get an earful from Kellie. He sighed exasperatedly.

Adeleine stared at him while he was muttering something to himself. She glanced back at the main building. It's not too far to make an escape for it. But remembering her last encounter with him, her escape back then failed her miserably.

"I'm just taking you to meet someone," he looked up, coldly giving her a last glance before turning to walk away.


Clandes stopped. A vein popped on his forehead. "Don't make this any harder for me and stop asking questions. I'm not kidnapping you. If I did, I would have already knocked you out."

Right. How could she forget this is the same guy who threatened a sword on her neck? But she still couldn't trust him.

"You're the one who's making this hard for the both of us!" she pointed him her finger. "If only you told me who is it then I wouldn't have been so skeptical. You do know how risky for me going in the forest surrounded by people who hates me, right?!"

Clandes doesn't have the time and patience dealing with this. He should have been training or reading books by now yet here he is, stuck with an insufferable wench.

"You're wasting my time." He glowered. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

Adeleine took a step back for precaution. The situation is already telling her to run away.

"Stop. If you take any step further, I'm gonna run and scream for help."

Fool. Who does she think she is to threaten him like that? He took a step closer.

Adeleine bolted right back, screaming, "HEEEE-"

But Clandes tackled her to the ground before she could even get any farther and her cry for help turned to be muffled screams.

"Why are you so insufferable?" he said through gritted teeth.

Adeleine tried to wiggle her out way but he only tightened his grip around her. After a few moments, she had lost her energy to move. It was hard to get herself out of his grasp this time. Her muscles ached and her hands were tied behind her in an uncomfortable position. She could feel her heart beating loudly as she took deep calming breaths.

Finally, his hand loosened and immediately, she moved. However, Clandes put pressure on her back the moment he felt her try.

Geez, what do I do? She squeezed her eyes shut.

"Mo…" he started. Adeleine felt his breath tickle her neck.

Eeeek, so close, so close. She squirmed in discomfort.

"Kellie. Master Kellie. We're going to her."

Adeleine froze. "What?"

He let go of her and stood up while Adeleine fixed her posture and looked at him with a surprised face.

"I already said it. Don't ask further questions." With that, he turned on his heels and walked away.

"Is he serious?" Adeleine stared at his back. "Dafuq? Not even a sorry? The hell is that guy's problem."

It's a good thing Moon isn't here to reprimand her about her crude words or the woman would have her yet again in another one-hour lecture. She swore, Moon acts more of a nagging mother compared to her own.

She followed behind him, weirdly noticing the details around her as they walk past. The golden wisps of sunlight passing through the thick branches of the trees, the humid air, and the crunch of dried leaves every step they take. It's almost the same thing she sees back at her home, but having the no sense of direction is what made everything felt unfamiliar.

It's the same environment, but it's not.

Feeling her head empty of her mind-companion's familiar presence, it was strangely peaceful. Birds chirped high up from their nests. But fear and uncertainty pooled at the pits of her stomach. Everything, anywhere, she just couldn't shake off the sense of solitude.

It felt like she was a sea fish put inside an aquarium.

She was pulled out of her self-absorption when they stopped. They arrived at a glade and she spotted a familiar figure at the distance.

She perked up as she ran towards the woman. "Kellie!"

"Thirty minutes. What took you long?" she asked to Clandes which he looked away.

Adeleine smirked inside, seeing this as an opportunity to tattle him out. "He threatened me!"

"No, I did not!" he frowned and immediately retaliated. "It was her who's at fault. She made us late."

She pointed at him. "That's because you won't tell me anything. He pinned me down and told me to shut up!"

"Clandes, is that true? I told you to be nice," she reprimanded. "You are turning people away if you continue that attitude of yours."

The knot on his forehead deepened. "I am not a child."

Kellie crossed her arms. "You act like one." She matched his glare with an indifferent stare but at the same time scolding.

'Hah! Take that.' She has the power of Kellie on her side.

Clandes clicked his tongue and grumbled something under his breath before turning away to leave. Adeleine, watching him retreat, snickered at her little revenge. It was satisfying to watch Kellie put him in his place. Serves him right for all the things he did to her.

"So," An all too familiar voice intervened, washing all positivity she had, "can I speak now?"

She turned towards the Headmaster at the corner. An amused smile tugged the corners of his mouth.

She scowled seeing him. "Why is he here?" she asked Kellie.

He chuckled. "You should ask first why YOU are here."

Adeleine raised her eyebrows while Kellie, being used to him, stood there listening.

"We just thought that there wouldn't be the need for you to learn Affinity Mastery."

Adeleine froze a couple of seconds before letting it sink in. "EH WHY?"

"Why not?" he tilted his head to mock her.

Kellie, this time, chided in, "We thought it'd be a waste of time."

A knot formed between her brows as she looked at the lady confusedly. Why would it be such a waste of time? She waited her whole life to finally be able learn how to wield her affinity.

"My dear bean sprout, you're a letherian. Letherians can't have affinities. Their body and soul are built different from Adhelians," he continued.

"Huh?" was all Adeleine could muster up. What are they talking about? She couldn't have an affinity? What about Moon?

"I have a spirit inside me!" she vehemently retaliated. "I can talk to it! She's been here ever since I was a child! Don't you dare take me for a fool, you lying bastard! I know your games." She pointed at the headmaster, her teeth gnawing and her blood boiling.

She knows what she had. Moon is a spirit and she will continue to believe so! Just because she's—again—Letherian, means she'll let them say as they please. What do they know about Letherians? They just wanted her to think that way.

They're just scared. Adeleine glowered at him which he returned with an light laugh. She'll show them! Moon's a spirit. She's powerful. She has an affinity!

"If you were taught by one of your kin, you would have known you dark-haired people are incapable of forming a contract with any spirits. Spirits came from concentration of energy in nature. But only from light." He emphasized the last part. "Letherians can only use dark energy. Your limited knowledge isn't surprising, it's even amusing. However, I require you to read more, dear, or you'll end up deluding yourself."

No, she was sure. She'd read far more books than any students here. She'd been reading it her entire life, dedicated mostly to research of affinity, spirits, and beasts. She was hell-bent sure Moon is a spirit. She just needs to prove it.

"Enough. We'll be starting a special class here."

"What's more important than learning my affinity?"

Headmaster Verkel held a laugh at that notion, but you can see amusement dancing in his eyes mocking her.

"You'll be learning basic hand-to-hand combat and fundamentals of weapon wielding—starting with a sword. These are the things you won't necessarily use but will need when infiltrating their base." In a swift movement, she casually tossed the girl a dagger. "But for now I'll need to see what to work on you."

Knowing herself, she doesn't have the knack for proficiency with these body coordination activities. Her mother already tried. She was a great teacher, it's just that there was a problem with her as a student…or she wasn't just interested in learning combat like how she is obsessed with affinity.

She let the sharp blade sunk on the grass before kneeling down and picking it up. The metal object glinted under the heat of the sun.

"So what am I going to do-" Kellie struck her.

She felt unbearable pain on her abdomen that made her collapse on one knee. Her arms shielded her stomach to where she was hit and toppled over.

She caught a swift movement at the corner of her eyes, but it was too late when she felt another blow as her body skidded across the grass a few meters away.

"Damned astrea," she wheezed in pain. She rolled over to stare up at the sky, her world whirling.

She could make out silver locks blocking out the sun from her blurred vision. Struggling hard to bear the pain, she winced as a foot applied pressure to her airway.

"You're too open," Kellie commented as she watched the girl wriggled and gasped out for air under. "Get up. If this is real, you would have been dead."

The woman lifted her foot, giving the girl the chance to move. Adeleine did. She thirsts for sweet oxygen as soon she had the chance. Her stomach felt numb and her whole body left burning from the shock of the impact. Not to mention the mild sensation of the bruise on her back she got prior days ago as she laid on her behind.

It'd be a shock if she got out of this place without any additional large scars. But it'd be better than those morbid ones.

She paled at the memory. Shaking her head, she relieved her head of the plaguing thoughts. She wanted none of it. Not here, not now.

Biting her lip, she pushed herself on her feet with one arm grasping her front. Still damn hurts.

It feels like it'll be another bruise.

She faced Kellie with her attention full set on the lady and nothing else. One eye closed wincing in pain, and slightly hunched over, she took a deep breath and fixed her posture. Good thing she still has the dagger in her hand—she never let go of it.

All those seemingly non-effective training from her mother had paid off after all, at least. Right now, this is not Kellie who is standing in front of her, it is another threat. A tall scarred woman, a soldier, a warrior. A survivor.