
Class on Energy Laws ended. Adeleine gathered her scrolls and grabbed her book. But a hand hovered on it. She looked up to glare with the same intensity as the other.

"This is my book. Let go." Due to her slight advantage in height, she was able to stare down at him.

"Stop being messy and check your things. This is my book." Clandes pulled the book towards his.

How unfortunate that she somehow ended up sitting beside him. If the private sessions weren't bad enough, he made her entire school life even worse, by just being next to her!

Bridget was seated with Hera on the other row. The former was on the edge of the seat while the latter purposely sat in the middle with the other seat beside her vacant. There's no way that she would sit next to that temperamental beast. And sadly for her, the only remaining seat available was beside this artic lone wolf, who was, the usual, by himself.

"What are you talking about? This is mine. Stop taking others' just because you lost yours," she hissed back, evolving their little dispute into a literal tug-of-war using a textbook.

<"Oh no, they're fighting.">

<"Troublesome classmates.">

<"We better leave before we get wind up in it.">

People around them exchanged judgmental eyes as they watched them argue for simply an Energy Laws book. She didn't want to cause a scene but she only wanted her book. She pulled and her fingers ended up slipping. Staggering back, she stabilized herself by gripping the table's edge, but her sleeves grazed something that caught her attention.

The two of them looked straight at the other book on the far side of the table and exchanged each other looks, one was wide-eyed while the other with an unamused stare.

Wait- Has she been using his book this whole time?!

Adeleine was tongue-tied. With red cheeks, she hung her head as she picked up the other book and flipped it open. Small paper notes fell out of the pages. It was, indeed, her book.

She gulped.

"Oh this is my book," she said, tucking it under her arms, and pretended like nothing happened before it as she gathered her materials. "Glad that was resolved quickly."

She tried to keep a straight face as she could feel holes drilling through her head. Truth be told, she wanted to storm out of the scene. It felt too late and too weird to apologize now.

As she was to take a step down the desk, he said, "Where's the apology?"

Adeleine stopped in her tracks. Her shoulders visibly tensed as she cringed. Of course, he wouldn't let it pass just like that.

She spun around to face him with an empty face. But a vein was evident on her forehead.

Yes. Clearly, she was in the wrong. She admitted. But looking at this asshole's face, she couldn't help but look back to when she wanted an apology from him.

Not only she didn't get any apology, he did the same thing she did but made it worse. Right in front of this many people...

She sighed. She'll have to be the bigger person. This guy is but a child, no matter how valued his talents may be. A brat is a brat.

"Apologies. I will check next time."

It was a good thing he wasn't stingy and didn't demand for more. He at least had some decency.

As she was walking down the hallway, someone bumped into her without stopping to apologize. Her notes were left scattered on the ground. And as expected, she couldn't expect any help from the person, much less an apology. Only but a cold shoulder.

She clicked her tongue as she gathered her materials. "Pompous Adhelians."

They act as if she's beneath them when they're not any better.

As she gathered them, her ears picked up a hushed conversation nearby, yet audibly loud in her range. Why do they even bother whispering when they're so loud and clear?

"His position has finally been validated. The rights for ascension was said to be in his possession."

"So the rumors of it being lost was just...rumors?"

"I don't think so... why would they even hide the heirloom in the first place? Unless it was actually lost and the Headmaster was bluffing to hide the fact they lost such sacred relic that was given by Her Holy Brilliance, herself. Losing the heirloom would weaken his position as the Saoir head."

Despite the security, there were still loose tongues. Adeleine was surprised that people could still gossip outside information such as politics. Isn't Heloire Academy supposed to be a tight lid jar?

Nothing comes in, nothing comes out.

"Then do you think it's authentic?"

The two gossip students exchanged meaningful looks.

"Headmaster wouldn't dare...would he?"

"That would be scandalous! Something like a gift from Astrea, herself, would be a great offense!"

"Shhhh, not too loud. Also, they said that a new Saoir member has been revealed... don't you think it's about the..."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember? During the duel between the new Mir and the Letherian." She leaned in to whisper the last word.

Not again...

Adeleine angrily lifted the materials in her arms and continued on her way. There wasn't a day when she wouldn't hear anything about her. It was always about her. To the point where it was annoying.

"Miss Adeleine, such perfect timing to run into you," Lavin said, scrolls and books in hand, appearing to have only finished his classes. "If it doesn't impede, would you like to have lunch as to my prior offer?"

Having no reason to decline, they went to the cafeteria together with their study materials. Also, Adeleine can't pass up the opportunity of free food, and maybe, some info leak. Lavin looked like a guy who has some secrets kept hidden under his deep eyebags.

"So how are you faring during your stay?"

"If you're talking about how I feel, I'd say it's crap. As you can tell, almost no one treats me kindly," she replied, shoving a spoonful of lasagna in her mouth, trying to ignore the stares constantly thrown at their table.

She doesn't eat in the cafeteria. Usually, she'd order with Bridget and have the staff pack it up and leave immediately. Or recently, she'd do that without Bridget and find a nice secluded place outside to enjoy her meal. The staff behind the counter almost instantaneously packed her lunch if she didn't tell them she was eating it here.

This confused Lavin who didn't know that such a thing was viable. If so, he could have spent his lunches away from the noisy cafeteria while reading a book. The library would have been a great place but now he knew why there was a sign "NO edibles" hung behind the front desk.

"Ah, almost but not everyone, then, I'm guessing you've been treated well by the people you're frequently with?"

This statement almost made her choke on her food and laugh.

"Only one or two, who knows? Others sound like they have their own agenda." She shrugged. There were a few people she could name. On top of her list was an angry gremlin named Hera. Second was their commander who seemed like Adeleine was on her watch list, not wanted, but watch list.

As if the letherian could pull anything that could be a cause of concern.

"If it makes you uncomfortable, we can change our conversation's point of interest. If you'd allow me, I would like to take some records..." he held and adjusted the thin sleek frame of his glasses.

"Records of what?"

"Physical capabilities, mental capacity, and your ability. I've heard that you're an Exert."


"Pardon me. Using Deviant would sound rude, so I used what Letherians normally call their people who has abilities. Perhaps it sounded strange coming from the mouth of an Adhelian."

"Ah, I see..." To these people, she is from Letheria. She is a spy.

She was received with hostility, yet this person was enamored by her anomaly, or should she say, dark elegance. Lavin is a strange individual.

But she's not complaining.

Was there something that her two guardians prohibited her from saying she's not from Letheria? She couldn't recall...

They probably didn't.

Would people stop suspecting her if she told them?, it would look even more suspicious.

When did they ever listen to whatever she had to say, anyway? When did they believe? Why would they trust her?

"In that case, what ability do you have?" His voice was soothingly calm but his eyes eagerly awaited for an answer.

"...I'm... not sure..." More to say, she doesn't have any abilities that told her she's Letherian, at all. And she's too unsure to mention the voice inside her head. She might end up getting called a lunatic.

Lavin had a puzzled look. "How are you not certain? Is there perhaps a complication with your ability? It's alright, I have all the time in the world. Untangling the secrets of life is what makes life worth living."

If only she could share the same enthusiasm.

"I don't know... I don't know my ability. I don't think I have one— well, one of those dark abilities."

"That would be no worries. We can assume you are a normal Letherian for now. We can skip the abilities and focus on the other tests. As such, we can start with the physical test."

<"Wow, they sure do get along.">

And of course, the ghost whispers as if the spotlight was directed at their table. Adeleine could only hold back the pissed glare while conversing with the young man.

Despite his background face, Lavin's weirdness stood out. He's like one of the fishes who'd swim against the river's flow.

"Miss Adeleine, is there something the matter? Your frown tells me you're in pain. Are you perhaps constipated? I can—"

"What? No!" she abruptly stood up, smacking the table with her palms. Realizing her outburst, she sat back down with tinted cheeks, forcing herself to meet his eyes and pretending to be composed.

Lavin was tongue-tied as he watched her clear her throat from her embarrassing moment. Then he asked, "Or are you perhaps uncomfortable of my presence? You don't need to force yourself into this. I understand."

She cut him off. "It's fine. It's fine. This is just... My face looks like this normally."

"Normally? Isn't that unhealthy for your face muscles?"

"No, I mean, normally when I hear people say something that pisses me off."

Lavin took a moment to process it in silence, blankly staring at the Letherian who scooped a spoonful of her soup and shoved it into her mouth. That was when Adeleine realized.

"Apologies. I didn't know my words offended you—"

"No. I hate people who gossips. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about people who kept looking at us." At the right moment, Adeleine pointedly looked at the students, who were initially watching them, as they looked away and pretended to be doing something else.

"My... Miss Adeleine seems to have quite the sharp tongue. If it weren't for your explanation, I would have thought that was directed to me." His voice held a certain tease, yet maintained the calm dignified tone.

"I keep losing track of the conversation these days. Sometimes, my mouth tends to act first before my brain could process."

"That could be troubling. If not keep in check, the first thing that could suffer is your relationship with others."

Relationship with others...


"I concur. In psychology, humans could either be centric or group-oriented. If one thing goes wrong, it's either you or the others are to be held responsible. An individual could hardly decide when judging their selves because of bias towards to oneself or guilt for thinking they are biased," he explained. "But since you said it with no ill-intention towards me, then I'm fine."

However, she couldn't brush his words off. Something else was bugging her.

<"Ya should watch whatcha say. You don't know how it could hurt others.">

Those words stuck to her, even if she didn't know what they meant. She concluded it was nonsense and that Hera only said it to throw her off.

Then it clicked to her...

What in nirvana did she say to Bridget? She couldn't remember at all!

Was that the reason why the shy girl hadn't been approaching her all along? Hera didn't force Bridget to follow her wherever she goes but because Adeleine said something that made Bridget avoid her. How did she not realize that?!

"—If I may have your permission, we can proceed with the tests."

"Huh?" she focused on Lavin once again when she heard him call her name. "Uh, yeah."

"Wonderful! We could start at—"

"Yoooo, you're all getting chummy here, aren't cha?" A bubbly voice suddenly burst Adeleine's dream of a peaceful lunch. Not that it's already been ruined with people staring at her.

Adeleine shifted uncomfortably in her seat with contorted lips.

"I came to check on who's the new pal but didn't think you'd be a dude from Hayden's club. Huh, hold your cupcakes, it does make sense!" Ria slammed her fist on her palm at her realization. "I remember you! You're that mad weirdo who asked someone if you can pluck their eyes out for examination and experimentation."

Ria shook the table with how hard she smacked her hands against the surface. Adeleine's tray of chips almost spilled. She leaned her face close to the poor boy, who could fall out of his chair if he leaned further away.

Ria didn't hold back from showing her distrust as she openly scrutinized him uncomfortably up close.

"I may...have gone a little bit overboard with research. But that isn't exactly what I said. I merely suggested if they lend me their eyes, I could make an analysis for their claim."

"That sounds a bit..."

"They boldly stated that our eyes are made out of stars that is why they glow when using affinities... But they thought I was going to take their eyes out."

Ria leaned at her side and whispered to Adeleine while trying to make it inconspicuous, "Stay away from him. I told you he's weird."

Adeleine gave her an unamused look before she slid her tray and her seat farther from her senior. "If there's anyone that I should avoid here, it should be you," she said, popping a chip in her mouth.

The bell rang, signaling them their break is over.

"Oh no." Lavin stood up and gathered his things, putting all of his junk in his tray. "May you excuse me. Second year's economy class starts early. I'll be late if I stay any longer. I look forward to your cooperation with the tests, Miss Adeleine."

He left with haste. Now, Adeleine had no one but Ria to converse with. She didn't know whether not having a period after lunch today was fortunate or not. It could have been one if it weren't for the annoying senior beside her.

Ria scooted closer and pulled her tray along with her. "You should seriously watch out for him though."

"And why should I? He was one of the less malignant than anyone here."

"He gives me the...jitters." Ria acted like it sent a chill down her spine by rubbing her forearms from the cold. Meanwhile, the junior rolled her eyes from her exaggeration.

"I don't want to hear this from someone who ditched me to get caught during that time. Do you even know how deep the mud I'll stick in if I get caught?" Adeleine looked at her dead straight in the eye, palms curling on the table. "A letherian caught snooping in the dean's office. A *letherian* 'snooping' in his *office*. Do you comprehend the gravity of the situation? If ever there was a secret wrapped in there, I. Could. Be. Hanged! Without any second thought."

The rage kept hidden under other turmoil resurfaced above the waves, it never dissipated, only buried deep within, and now it's reaching its crests. Who couldn't be furious?

If ever Ria was the one caught, she'll only get a slap on the wrist. If it were her, it'll be impossible to not even tie a noose around her neck. They'll treat it as if she committed a grave sin against their beloved Sun Celestial, Astrea.

"Awww, don't be mad. I already said sorry."

"As if you're sorry would cut it if they cut my neck," she hissed through clenched jaw.

"How about a cupcake?" Ria offered with a half-apologetic, half-coy smile to which she witnessed Adeleine fume through her nose.

"I had enough." Adeleine got up in her seat and marched out of the cafeteria with her chips in hand.

Regarding her prior agreement with Lavin, despite agreeing, she still had to be careful. Now that Ria brought it up, she couldn't brush it off whether her senior was jesting or not. She can't afford to make the same mistake she did last time, following the instructions of a random student. She didn't even question it one bit just because she didn't like the previous guide person.

She is still—of course—a Letherian.

She'll have to gather information on Lavin. A snake only strikes once it hid its presence well enough for its oblivious prey. He may have shown her no malice, but every move has a motive.

In this territory, she only has herself and herself, alone.

The only hindrance would that be was that people wouldn't give her the information so easily. Either she'll have to eavesdrop and chance that it's about the nerd helper in the library or she'll have to follow him around.

She shook her head. The latter would make her look like a creepy stalker. If people saw it, they would definitely think that she's cursing him or something.

The first one, however, would down to less than one percent. Who would talk about the nerdy helper in the library when all they ever talk about was her?

Quite a predicament she's in...

"Hey, tell Lavin we have a brief club meeting at the end of classes."

"Ehhh, but why me? You're the one who talks to him."

"Dude, do I have the same classes as him? I'm a first year," Hayden exclaimed.

The other groaned and trudged towards his own classroom as they parted ways.

Bingo... Adeleine locked her sights on an oblivious Hayden happily whistling a tune under his breath as he made his way to their next class. Surprisingly, this time, he wasn't running late.

What great timing!

After all these misfortunes, lady luck has finally spared her.

Navigating through the crowdy halls, stirring away from bumping into people or rather, people stirred clear of her, someone overtook her pace and cut off her line of sight of him. One second later, he vanished!

Confused, Adeleine scanned the crowd. Poof! He's gone. Just like that.

The Letherian proceeded to her classroom, thinking that her target would probably be there. Maybe, he got ahead and already entered.

She paused by the door to do another scan. Absolutely no sight of him. As in, none.

Where the heck did he even go?

Students poured in so she couldn't stand idly by the door. She took a random spot with all the neighboring seatmates were three chairs away from her.

The teacher had begun but, still none! He was so close to the classroom but, didn't go straight to class. Where could he possibly run off to? At such short notice! What could possibly be more important than attending class?

Adeleine propped her chin on her palm as she blew away a fringe from her face.

What great luck.