[welcome to the game, _________]

I just stared at it. I couldn't understand what was going on. Was I supposed to be excited? Scared? Sad? My head was spinning in circles. At this point I didn't even know if I was talking in my head or out loud.

"What do I do?" I said as I gripped my head with both hands.

The screen changed

[welcome to the game, what do I do]

[reset] [accept]

Was it asking me to pick a name? For what? So many questions filled my head. I wasn't sure what I was getting into so I decided to pick a fake name. I thought for a while but then I saw my shikamaru figurine on my desk. I decided on my code name. I pressed reset.

[welcome to the game, ________]


[welcome to the game, shadow]

[reset] [accept]

Satisfied with my name, I pressed accept.

Once again the screen changed. I fell back, my eyes wide open in disbelief.

[main mission]

[stop the great calamity - 0%]

[4 years]

I finally somewhat understood what was going on. And I wasn't happy about it.

I have come back to the past to change the future.

The fate of this world was in my hands

I clenched my fists full of emotion. How do I do this? I'm weak. If only I was strong. If only I-

I heard the clanking of dishes from the kitchen and I remembered what mattered most to me. My family. I peeked through my door to see my mum and yui preparing breakfast for us.

No matter what, it was my duty to protect them. Being weak or strong didn't matter, I'll find a way to protect them. I turned to the screen. It had changed to what seemed like a stats chart from a game

[Health points: 1000


Strength: 1

Defence: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 1

Senses: 1

Mana: 0


[Skills: combo rush {lvl 1}- a visual power that creates combos. Every level up increases the speed and combos. Uses 0 stamina]

[Unlimited inventory- unlimited storage in summoned portal. Portal requires 0 magic level]

[System shop- earn system cash by completing missions and then spend in the system shop]

I stared in awe. With this I may be able to grow strong.

"Screen, how can I get stronger?"

[ Do you wish to navigate the closest hidden dungeon?]

[accept] [decline]

I thought long and hard. Would I die instantly? I was scared, worried. But I couldn't let these feelings stop me because I knew one thing for sure...

This was my destiny.

I pressed accept and just like that the screen disappeared.


An arrow formed Infront of me, like one you'd see on a GPS. Was it leading the way? There was only one way to find out.

I got dressed and ate breakfast with my family. We laughed and ate together, for the first in forever. I was glad to be with them.

My sister and I said goodbye to mother and we walked to school. It was a sunny day today, everything was so normal that I wished I could just settle in and forget about the calamity. But I knew I couldn't do that.

I dropped Yui off and watched her walk through the gates, talking about gossip and girl stuff with her friends. I smiled and walked on... However not to my school.

I went to a hardware store and bought 2 kitchen knives. There weren't any real weapons so I had to improvise. I then went to a bento shop to grab lunch since I wasn't sure how far away the dungeon would be, better safe than sorry.

[new skill unlocked: dagger throw]

[ the ability to throw your dagger/knife at an enemy with a guaranteed 70% or above hit rate.consumes 20 stamina]

[next level : 75% or above hit rate]

I couldn't help but let out a smile, I was never amazing at throwing. It seems this system is gonna help more than I was expecting. I opened up my inventory portal. It was very simple all I had to do was think about it and it appeared, although just like the system it seemed like nobody could see it. I placed in my knives and lunch and I was ready. I wasted no time and set off on my journey following the arrow.

This was the beginning of my odyssey.

Special thanks to...


He made the coverpage