Chapter 11

Scarlet POV

Dinner with Xander was an interesting one. I've noticed that all three brothers seem to have very different personalities. Ethan is always very serious. Alex seems incredibly kind. And Xander, well... he acts like the wolf that got into the chicken coup, mischievous, proud, and a whole lot of trouble. After about twenty minutes of him grilling me about Will and me repeatedly insisting that there are absolutely no romantic feelings involved, he finally agreed to not bother saying anything to his brother unless the topic came up. Though, I wouldn't put it past him to find a way to bring the topic up. I guess only time will tell.

He hangs out in the penthouse for a little while and teaches me how to play some video game. He, of course, beats me every time, but I eventually made it a little less easy on him as time went on. After a couple hours he finally leaves. I stretch and let out a yawn. I get up from my spot in the media room and walk in the direction of the room that I had woken up in after my stay in the dungeon. Ethan hadn't said whether I'd be going back to that room or staying in his room, so I decide this is my best option. Two guards follow me to the room, though they aren't the same ones from earlier. I don't bother making conversation. I'm not sure what Ethan has told them which makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't want to overstep or tell them more than I should, so instead I just keep my mouth shut.

I close the door behind me and begin searching through the drawers of the dresser to find something to wear to bed. Finally, I settle on a long, baggie sweatshirt and some cotton shorts before I go to the bathroom to wash my face. A few minutes later I am crawling into bed and pulling the covers up to my chin. It was nice meeting Isa and Xander today, but now I suddenly have an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Is this how it's going to be every day? I don't know how much longer I can put up with this. I miss Will and Jo and the other packless. I miss going out and hunting and helping at the shelter. I feel useless here.

My worries continue to escalate as I begin to wonder if Nicole Fairchild is staying here too. Is she in the pack house right now? Does everyone think of her as their Luna? Is she with Ethan? He's been gone all day. What if they are together? Everything about this situation is so frustrating. Isa said he wants to be with me, but what if she was just trying to spare my feelings? And why do I care so much? Sure, he's my mate, but he's barely spoken to me unless it's to interrogate me. I feel my eyes begin to burn with tears as one slips down my cheek. Damn emotions. What is going on with me lately? I want to go back to The Scourge, back to my life. It may not have been much, but it was my home.

Eventually, I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm woken up when Ethan peels my covers back. "What are you doing? What time is it?" I groan groggily.

He bends over and slides his arm under my knees as the other goes around my back and he scoops me up. "We are going to our room. And it's late," he remarks as he turns to carry me out of the room and down the hall.

When we reach his bedroom, he carries me over to the bed and pulls the covers over me. He turns from me, peeling his shirt off before walking into his closet. He comes back out wearing only a pair of sweatpants and my breath hitches in my throat. I don't know if I'll ever get over his magnificent body. His arms and torso are chiseled to perfection and covered with just the right amount of muscle that would make any woman drool. His abs end in a V as they dip below the waistband of his pants. I clench my thighs together. Goddess Scarlet! Get ahold of yourself. He scrubs a hand down his face before walking around to the other side of the bed. I feel the blankets shift as he lifts them up and crawls in behind me. His arm comes around my waist as he scoots closer to me, pulling me into him so that my whole body is enveloped by him, sending delicious tingles throughout my entire being. His scent is intoxicating and he is radiating heat like a furnace. My whole body relaxes into his and I allow my eyes to close before he kisses my temple and lays his head on a pillow. And that's how we spend the rest of the night.


Three days later, I am going completely stir crazy. I haven't been outside the penthouse for even a second. All the balcony doors have been locked so that I don't have access to them. Ethan spends his days working, leaving before I wake and returning after I've gone to bed. I hate it. My wolf has been going crazy too. All she wants is to be around her mate, but he is never here. I don't have a phone or a keycard or anyway of getting ahold of him while he's away. That is, unless I asked one of my guards to mind-link him for me. But that just seems weird to me.

Instead, I try to distract myself. I've been using the personal gym the last few mornings. And I've already finished reading a couple books. Every day I shower and get dressed just in case I'm finally allowed to go out, but so far I've not been that lucky. A couple days ago Alex had shown up with a bunch of groceries to stock the kitchen so that I could make myself something to eat whenever I'm hungry. The silence was too much that I gave in and started making small talk with my guards. Every single one of them has a mate. I'm sure that's not a coincidence.

"Levi, can we go outside?" I ask as I lean against the wall of windows, watching the city below forlornly.

"Sorry Scarlet. Alpha doesn't want us leaving the penthouse," the guard named Levi answers.

"What if we just go for a short walk? Or up to the roof?" I bargain desperately. Levi shoots me an apologetic smile and I let out a sigh, deflated. "How much longer is he going to keep me locked away? I'm going out of my mind."

"I'm afraid I don't know. Maybe you should ask him when he returns," he replies.

A puff of air leaves my lungs. "That would require him to actually come home early enough to face me."

He chuckles before looking down at his feet. "Well, if you really want to get out you may want to plan on speaking to him no matter how late he shows up. When my mate Amy wants something she says so and she doesn't take no for an answer. She is always getting her way."

I smirk at him and shake my head. I should have known that Levi was just a big teddy bear. "You should bring Amy over sometime. It'd be nice to have some company or even make some friends."

"I'm sure she'd like that," he responds with a smile. I grin at him before letting my gaze wander back to the bustling city.

Hours pass just like any other day until it's time for me to get ready for bed. I bring a book with me, planning on staying up until he gets home. Unfortunately, I have no idea what time that will be. I'm often already asleep by the time he comes in to join me. By the time I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. The door swings open and Ethan's eyes widen in surprise to see that I'm still awake as I immediately sit up on my knees with my feet tucked under me. "You're still up," he states somewhat gruffly before clearing his throat. He peels his shirt over his head and walks to the bathroom. I wait somewhat impatiently until he comes back out.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I explain cautiously. He looks at me and narrows his eyes as though he thinks I'm lying.

"Okay... I'm listening," he remarks as he climbs into the bed next to me and I turn to face him, my hands resting nervously in my lap.

"I'd like to leave the penthouse tomorrow."

"You want to leave?" he asks angrily, his features instantly turning hostile.

" I mean," I stammer before letting out a sigh and trying to collect my thoughts. "What I mean is that I can't continue being cooped up here. I haven't been outside in days. I just want to get out and get some fresh air. Maybe explore a bit. Maybe visit my friends and catch up with them..."

Ethan's gaze seems to be locked on an unknown target as he thinks about what I've said. When he looks up at me his expression is determined. "You can go out—" I instantly squeal and clap my hands before jumping on him to give him a hug. A laugh escapes his lips at the sudden attack and he returns the embrace before I pull away. "But... you will have guards with you at all times," he begins and I nod eagerly. "You will not go anywhere near The Scourge."

"But—" He instantly holds up his hand to stop my objection. I close my mouth again with a frown.

"You will not go to The Scourge," he repeats sternly and I nod, disappointed. "If you run off or anything then I will not agree to an outing again so easily. You understand?" My head bobs up and down in understanding. I will take whatever I can get at this point. "I'll have Isa take you shopping. The Silver Shadow Pack is coming to visit and you'll need a formal gown. Alpha Lucien is a celebrated artist and while he's here he wants to show off some of his pieces at a gala."

I stare at him for a moment as my brain tries to comprehend what he's telling me. "So... you're going to let me go?"

"Yes. You'll be going with me. As my date."