Chapter Thirty-six

After presenting all the evidence to Mrs. Kunahito, Ayoshi was once again allowed to participate in Sports Day. However, they could not report Rai since they didn't have any concrete evidence and Ayoshi didn't want to use the video. 

Megamo decided to keep a close eye on her. He sat at his desk in the Student Council Room and flipped through photos of Rai that Ryugoku took. "Everything has been silent so far. Sports Day is tomorrow, hopefully, everything goes well."


It's finally the morning of Sports Day. Ayoshi was having breakfast with his parents. "Father… will you be able to make it to Sports Day today? I was… hoping you could watch me race."

Jokichi took a sip of his drink, writing on his papers. "I'm busy."

Ayoshi looked at his food, his hair hiding his face. "You said you would talk to your bo–"

"I did. He denied my request. I have a big project due soon and have no time to waste."

Ryoba placed her chopstick on the table and smiled at Ayoshi. "I will go see you today, Ayoshi. Don't worry and enjoy your breakfast."

"Thank you, mother. I have to go now." Ayoshi gathered his things and walked out the door.

After he left, Ryoba frowned and stared at Jokichi. "I was able to get the day off, but you couldn't?"

Jokichi sighed, "It's an important project."

Ryoba stood up, the screeching from the chair hurting Jokichi's ears. "So is our son!"

When Ayoshi arrived at the school, it was packed with families coming to support their children. Loud laughter and talking fill his ears. Everyone crowded in the back of the school at the track field. Many had come very early to choose their spots to sit and stand. It was going to be a long day, so people brought food and drinks. Some parents even made banners to cheer for their kids.

Ayoshi met up with his teammates in his classroom to prepare for their events. They were all wearing their yellow uniforms and the room filled with excitement.

Aso threw his arm over Ayoshi's shoulder. "I'm so happy they're letting you participate! When you told me what happened, I almost cried! So, are you ready?"

"Mm, ready," Ayoshi said, petting his head.

"Hehe," Aso giggled with a big smile, his imaginary puppy tail wagging behind him. "My parents came to support me. They always managed to make it ever since I was in elementary school. Are your parents coming?"

Ayoshi looked down at his feet. "My mother is…"

Their captain clapped their hands twice. "Listen up everyone, the day has finally come. I want everyone to do their best! We must bring honor to our parents and our class!" Everyone cheered, filling the room with spirit.

Aso noticed the shift in Ayoshi and he hugged Ayoshi close to him. "Let's go make your mom proud!"

Ayoshi looked into Aso's sparkling eyes. "Mm!"


There were a total of twelve teams, four in each year. Each year will compete against the other teams in their year and a winner will be decided for each year.

It's October, so it isn't that hot out, but there were still students passing out water to those who needed it after their events.

So when Ayoshi's team won the tug of war, Osano came over with a water bottle. "I–" Water ran down Ayoshi's chin and down his lean neck into his shirt. Ayoshi's sweat caused his shirt to stick to his skin, making his skin underneath slightly visible. His face burst into flames, almost hot enough to steam. He snatched a clean rag from an unsuspecting student and cleaned Ayoshi's face roughly. "Don't drink your water so recklessly!"


"I… don't apologize." Osano calmed down and gently ran the rag across Ayoshi's forehead to clean the sweat. "Good job out there," he mumbled with a blush.

"Thank you."

Osano crossed his arms. "Get out there. The relay is about to start. I want to see you win."

"Yes." After saying goodbye, Ayoshi met up with Aso and Togo at the track.

"It's finally time for the relay! Competitors, please get into position! I want all of you to try your best and to have fun. Good luck!"

The three had a quick talk before Aso walked over to the starting line with the other racers. "1–" He moved his foot in front of him. "2–" He crouched and placed his hands on the ground. "3!"

Aso shot off. His muscular legs were powerful as he ran far ahead of the others. The baton was tightly held in his hand as Ayoshi's figure grew closer and closer. Ayoshi's back faced him with his arm stretched out behind him. Once he reached Ayoshi, the baton was snatched out of his hand. 

Just like Aso, Ayoshi left the others behind him. For a split second, he scanned the crowd. 

"Ayoshi!! Go Ayoshi!!" Ryoba held up a big sign, waving it around like crazy. The others looked at her strangely, but she had no shame as she screamed his name with a big smile.

Ayoshi's eyes widened, 'Mother…' Without even realizing his legs picked up speed.

When Togo got the baton from Ayoshi, it wasn't even a question about which team would win. However, he wasn't going to let himself be outdone. When he crossed the finish line, Aso and Ayoshi were waiting for him.

"We did it!" Aso wrapped his arm around the two and lifted them up with a spin. "I'm so proud of you two!!"

Ayoshi let himself be swung around as Togo screamed, but soon the rest of their team came over with cheers.

"Congratulations year two yellow team on your amazing performance during the relay! This brings team yellow up to four points, tied with team blue. However, this is not the end. We will soon begin the second year's 100-meter dash!"

While everyone talked, Ayoshi walked off into the crowd. With the same big smile, Ryoba waved her hand at Ayoshi. She runs over, hugging him tight. "I'm so proud of you."

Ayoshi pauses for a second before wrapping his arms around her, her warmth enveloping him. His numb heart beat with a sensation he never felt before. "Thank you…"

Ryoba pulls back and lays her hand on his cheek, her eyes softening. "I love you." Ayoshi closes his eyes and buries himself in her hand.

In almost every corner, some distance away from the two, the boys could see Ayoshi and his mother.

'He's bigger than her, but he looks so… small…'

'I've never seen him look so… vulnerable.'

'He looks so happy…'

Ayoshi says goodbye and walks back to a crisis going on with the team. 

"What are we going to do?!"

Denkashiza Unagi, their teammate, sat to the side with his back hunched over with his hand on his stomach. "I'm… I'm sorry guys…"

Togo looked over at Ayoshi, "He ate some ice cream earlier… he's fucking lactose intolerant!"

Denkashiza groaned, "I-I didn't think it would hit this quick… it just looked so… so delicious!"

"Rito-kun, can you not take his place?" Engeika asks.

"I can't. Excluding challenges that include the whole team, it's against the rules for someone to sign up for more than two challenges. I've already done my two," Aso sighs with a headshake, but then he looks over at Ayoshi. He walks over and throws his arm over Ayoshi. "But he can!"

They quickly call over Mrs. Fukahori and explain the situation. After approval, everyone looks at Ayoshi with relief.

The track was soon cleaned up by a few students. "Time to begin the 100-meter dash! Competitors, please get into position! I want all of you to try your best and to have fun. Good luck!"

Ayoshi stands in the outer lane, closest to the crowd. His mother was still holding up her sign, but she wasn't the only one cheering him on. All throughout the crowd, he could see the boys smiling at him, waving their hands. "1… 2..." He quickly waves back at them and crouches while placing his hands on the ground. "3!"

The team watched as Ayoshi led in first place, full of confidence in him winning. Until…

Ayoshi was looking straight ahead when suddenly he felt something strange under his foot. His vision starts moving downward as he hits the ground. A sharp sensation shoots through the palms of his hands and his knees. He looks back and sees something by his feet.

Miraculously, the crowd became silent and the three other runners managed to pass Ayoshi.

The referee was about to call everything to a stop, however, Ayoshi quickly got up, ignoring the sensation. 'I have to win.' His wounds slow him down, but he surpasses the others, managing to make it to the finish line first.

Ryoba is standing at the finish line. She grabs him with a frown and checks all over. "Ayoshi, baby, are you ok?"

Ayoshi stretches out his hand and she gently touches it, causing him to flinch. "That… hurt…"

Ryoba's eyebrows shoot up, "What did you say?"

Before Ayoshi can answer, Mujo rushes over with the boys. "Ayoshi-kun!" He looks at Ayoshi's wounds, "You're bleeding! Ayoshi-kun, you need to come with me to the infirmary."

"What happened?" Megamo asked, wrinkles forming on his forehead.

"I tripped on a couple of jacks you would use to play a game of knucklebones." This confuses everyone.

"How is this possible?" Taro asks.

"Someone should have noticed while cleaning the track," Oko said.

"Oh!" Everyone looks over at Amao. "I was near Ayoshi-kun when he fell, but he got back up before I could go check on him. I stood next to this girl and I noticed her acting weird."

"What do you mean?" Megamo asks.

"She was fidgeting. I noticed her hand reaching in and out of her pocket. When Ayoshi-kun grew close, I focused on him, but from the corner of my eye, I think I saw her throw something. At the time, I didn't think anything of it, but now…"

Budo clenched his fist, "What did she look like?"

"She had short brown hair with bangs and brown eyes."

Budo rubbed his face with a deep sigh. "I've waited too long." His face hardened, "President, can you please find her? It's time to finish this."


Besides Ryoba, who was in the principal's office, everyone was in the Student Council Room after bandaging Ayoshi's wounds. Those who were left in the dark finally came to know everything that had been going on with Ayoshi and this mysterious person.

There was soon a knock at the door. Ryugoku walked in, dragging Rai by the arm. Rai shrinks into herself and she tries to leave, but Ryugoku restrains her.

Kizano lunges forward, "So you're the bitch who's been trying to harm my prince!" However, Osoro stops him.

Rai flinches back, "I… I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Let me at her! Let me at her!" Kizano's arms stretch out, wishing to reach her.

"Stop it, you idiot! If you do something to her, you'll be the only one to get in trouble," Osoro says, raising his voice.

Kizano finally calms down, but he still gives Rai a nasty glare. "Fine!"

Budo stands up, causing Rai to relax. "President! You know me! You know I would never do such a thing. Tell them!"

"Rai, I know it's you. I have footage of you framing Ayoshi," Budo said, eyes full of anger as they stared into her.

Rai's heart drops, sweat forming all over. "How… how!? That's impossible!" She looks over at Ayoshi. Her face contorted into an ugly, rage-filled expression. "You!" This time she lunged forward, but she was held back. Her breaths are heavy, eyes bulging as she looks at Budo. "President! Masuta-kun, I love you! I've always loved you, Budo!"

Budo steps in front of Ayoshi, protecting him. Disgust fills his eyes, "I know. I've always known."

Tears fill Rai's eyes, "Th-then why won't you give me a chance? He's done something, hasn't he!?"

"I could never love someone like you! Even if he wasn't in the picture, you make me feel nothing."

Rai screams, her shrills hurting everyone's ears. "I don't get it! Look at him! He's in the center, surrounded by all of you. He's just some slut who relishes in your attention. He'll never give you what you want!!"

"Enough!" Budo's voice booms throughout the room, scarring Rai. "Don't you dare talk about him like this!"

Rai had never seen such a terrifying expression on her gentle, kind president. Her tears streamed down her face. "How could you protect him!? I'm the one who's always loved you. I can give you everything he won't, so what's so amazing about him?! Why has it always been him?!"

"Why him?" Budo walks over to Ayoshi and pulls him up from the couch. "The moment I met him, he caused a thrill inside me I never felt before. His strength pushes me to be better. His kindness and beauty fill me with warmth. Every moment I spend with him, I feel so much joy. I could talk to him for hours just to hear his voice." He grabs the back of Ayoshi's head, gently pressing their lips together. "I love you," he whispers. Rai falls to the ground as everyone stares in shock. He gives her one last look, "Now do you see, no matter what you say or what you do, I know who Ayoshi truly is. I will do whatever it takes to protect him because I'm in love with him!"

"Enough! Take her to the principal. I will go over soon to discuss how to deal with her," Megamo commanded. Once they left, all hell broke loose.

"How dare you?!"

"We had an agreement!!"

"Lemme at him! Lemme at him!"

"Ayoshi, are you ok?"

Osoro pulled Budo off of Ayoshi, "Your ass is mine," he said through clenched teeth.

"Bring it on! I don't regret anything!"

Ayoshi touched his lips, the heat from Budo's lips still lingering. 'How strange.'

Throughout the chaos, a sudden knock stopped them. After a second, Mido walked in. "Sorry for my tardiness." He scans everything going on in the room and walks over to Ayoshi. "So… what happened?" He asks with a confused face.

"Masuta stole Ayoshi's first kiss," Osano yelled.

Mido burst out laughing, causing his face to turn red. "That wasn't Ayoshi's first kiss!"

"Wha-what?" Budo asks, brows furrowed.

Ayoshi nodded, "When I was a child I went to see Mido at the park. He was already there and I thought he was sleeping. During that time in my life I… I was doing a lot of things I shouldn't have done and I kissed him."

Mido ruffled Ayoshi's hair, "I actually wasn't asleep. It was a big shock."

Budo takes a deep breath, "Nevertheless, Ayoshi, I'm sorry. That was very sudden of me and it must have been a shock."

"It's ok, Budo-kun. I understand."

"You do?" Budo asks, his racing heart slowing.

"Yes, you had to do what you had to do to make Rai realize you would never love her. I do not mind being a part of the act."

Budo's face drops, "Ac-act?"

"Mm, the act to make her think you love me. I did not mind."

Budo's eyes filled with an emotion Ayoshi didn't understand as he stepped forward. "Ayoshi, every word I said–" Someone grabs his shoulder and he turns to see Taro shaking his head. He lets out a sigh and stays silent.

Ayoshi tilts his head, "Budo?"

Megamo grabs Ayoshi and leads him towards the door. "Ayoshi, everyone needs to have a talk. Let's go meet up with your mother, ok?"

"Ok," Ayoshi looks back at everyone. Their faces were solemn, 'I do not understand. Did I do something wrong?'