The One Where It All Starts

I can't wait to see him, I'm not going to admit this to anyone, but I literally spent an hour and a half in front of the mirror trying to look as best as I can without seeming to have made as much effort as I did, if this ever makes sense.

"Someone looks in a super good mood!" comments Callie as I reach them.

I can't seem to stop smiling. This weekend was truly something unexpected and utterly pleasing and I haven't been able to stop reliving Friday night over and over again or the cozy breakfast in bed that he prepared for us, it was the sweetest thing ever and it made me more comfortable, his whole behavior made me feel like it wasn't the first time like it was something we did often, and let's not forget that I actually got to meet his mom, who was in fact the coolest mom I've ever met.

How did we get from practically ignoring each other to spending the night together and hopefully more, because I am certainly determined to make that right part of my new routine.

"You've been MIA for the whole weekend. I was concerned, thinking that you were angry with us for not joining you at the party but it seems like something happened during our absence." Ethan seemed eager to know what happened, he kept nudging me on the side until I spoke and I know that he wouldn't be able to sleep this night if I didn't tell him what occurred in details as he and Callie demanded.

"So this is what you're like when you have a crush!" Callie takes my face in her hands, examining each inch of it "Your face would probably be hurting you at the end of the day from smiling this much, and your eyes are actually glowing!"

She actually seemed shocked and I couldn't help becoming defensive as soon as the word crush came out of her mouth. I'm not crushing on him, I just like him. I can't be crushing on him, barely know him and I just enjoyed our night and maybe I'll be crushing on him when we actually get to spend some time together and get to know each other better. That's what I actually decide to do when I see him coming out of the bathroom.

"I just like him, he's attractive and we have lots of things to work on to move to the next phase." I try to explain what I'm thinking but Ethan was focusing on something else entirely.

"Oh God!" Ethan whispers looking behind me, his eyes were wide open as if he saw an elf walking down the corridors "I don't think you two will be working on anything!"

I turn around to see what he was referring to and my breath hitches. Michelle had her hands wrapped around Ian's neck while his were around her waist, I couldn't see either of their faces since she was blocking my view but by their closeness and the way she was standing on the tip of her toes it was obvious that they were kissing and not even planning on letting go any soon.

I could feel my blood boiling inside my veins. What does he think I am! I am not someone he can toss away after having his way with me. Different scenarios were running in my head of how I can get my revenge.

"Nikki.." Callie says my name in a soothing tone, putting her hand on my shoulder. I could feel the pity in her voice but there was also a hint of anger in her eyes.

Just as I spot James making his way towards the, what seems to be, new couple, a new idea comes to my mind, one better than all the scenarios that were playing a few seconds ago.

"I'm going to make him pay!" I say as determined as ever heading towards them.

I could hear my friends calling me in the coolest way they could manage, trying to avoid drawing attention towards us but I knew what I was going to do would make the headlines for the next week probably if not more.

"Hey!" I flash my best smile as I reach them. I could see the surprise in Ian's facing while James's face lights up.

I get closer to him slowly wrapping my hand around his neck "I think we should skip the first date." I whisper before slowly closing the distance between our lips.

He was taken by surprise, which was apparent in the way he froze for a mere second before pulling me closer to him and deepening the kiss.

I would give everything to see Ian's face right at this moment.

"Nikki, you..." he says as we separate but seems to not know what to actually say.

Just then the bell rings and it was my cue to leave.

"Well, I should go now." I say stepping on my toes and giving him a light kiss on the cheek and then I just leave them without even a glance behind me.

"You fucker!" says Ethan as he reaches me wrapping his arm around my shoulder with Callie next to him "I truly thought you were going to slap him or something but that was evil! you should've seen his face, he let go of Michelle's hand so aggressively I thought he was going to separate you two. I think he just stood there trying to maintain his ego."

A nice feeling of satisfaction engulfs me as he tells me what occurred but soon after the realization of what I have actually done sank in and now I can't take it back.

We were in the cafeteria, my plate was still full and Ethan and Callie were deep in a conversation that I already lost track of. I could only think of what might happen after what occurred in the morning. James just entered the cafeteria and I turned my head away as soon as I spotted him, I bury my head in my plate and play with the intact food hoping that he wouldn't notice me.

"Hey.." his voice was small and kind of hesitant, it was barely a whisper.

I swallowed hard and slowly raised my head, he was standing right next to me cracking his fingers nervously.

"Can we talk?" he asked motioning from that cafeteria door, I have never seen him this calm and timid and it was making me more nervous.

There was no avoiding this, this talk was going to happen one way or another so I just nodded my head and stood. Only now did I notice that Ethan and Callie had stopped their conversation and were now staring blatantly. I took my plate with me anyway, my stomach was too anxious to bear any food.

We stand by the door of the cafeteria, neither of us seeming to want to start this conversation but finally, James decided to take matters into his hands.

"So..what does that kiss mean?" he asked hesitantly and I wished for the ground to swallow me up.

I wanted to apologize and tell him that I didn't know what took me and that maybe it would be for the best if we just pretended like it never happened. But I could see Callie and Ethan staring at us from the corner of my eye, and not so far away from them was Ian and it seemed like we had his full attention. I knew that if I just brushed off what happened he would realize, if he didn't already, that I only kissed James because of jealousy and anger and I didn't want to give him that satisfaction. A voice deep in my head was telling me that I would regret it if I didn't stop this play right now but I was too foolish and proud to do so.

I tug at his shirt and drow him a little closer to me "what do you want it to mean!" I tried to sound as sensual as I could and shut down all the voices screaming in the back of my head for me to stop.

He seemed to be taken by surprise at first but then he softly caresses my cheek, leaning even closer to me, and at least slowly and hesitantly kisses me. It was a sweet kiss and nothing like the one we had earlier in the corridors and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe I will actually enjoy this.

"I know you said that we would probably skip the first date," he smiled slyly "but what about going out this weekend?"

"Okay" I simply said my face not able to stop smiling, all nervousness washed away. It was actually a victory smile since Ian just exited the cafeteria seeming as frustrated as ever.

"Are you going to join them," he motions towards Ethan and Callie who were still watching us "or do you want me to walk you to class?"

"Let's walk." I take his hand in mine and exit the cafeteria after waving to my best friends.

Actually, I desperately wanted to go to Ethan and Callie and have them scold me for being this immature but my pride was too big. I have a lesson with Ian now and I know, from constantly watching him, even though I would never admit this to anyone and even though Ethan already noticed it and he's been teasing me about it, he will most certainly be already in class and I want nothing right now but to frustrate him even more.

And just as I assumed, I see him sitting at his desk as soon as we reach the classroom.

"So.." I purposely raise my voice a bit so that I get his attention and he instantly raises his head "will I see you later?" I am far from being the clingy type, I can be satisfied with seeing my boyfriend once a day or two maybe, especially if I'm not that fond of him and since I'll be constantly seeing him. Am I calling him my boyfriend already? He didn't actually ask me out, well I think he asked me enough in the past year he doesn't have to do it again, and anyways, labels don't matter as long as it's doing the job.

"I would've loved to drive you home but I actually have practice after class, but I'll happily come to pick you up tomorrow!" he suggests.

"That'll be great." I smile at him.

The corridors start to fill up signaling that it won't be long until the bell rings. I don't know if I should send him away or stand with him here until the bell rings. My phone has been vibrating non-stop in my pocket and I can only assume that these were texts from Ethan and Callie, and I want to go inside since it'll still be just the two of us and see if he'll talk to me or do something. I wish he does, I have a list of all the things I want him to do right now.

"Actually can you give me your phone number?" James cuts off my daydreaming "Because surprisingly enough I don't have it." he laughs nervously and I remember how I changed my phone number last year after he bombarded me with texts and calls. I thought that he evolved to some kind of a stalker or a bullier over the years that I haven't seen him.

"Sure!" I take his phone and type my number for him.

"I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow." this time he initiates the kiss confidently and it's even better than the last ones. I have to actually give him credit for his kisses, it will probably make the whole dating thing easier.

He walks off to his class and I enter mine, Ian is still the only one here and I have to walk beside his desk to get to mine since his is two rows ahead of mine.

"Hey," I almost stopped in my tracks as he greeted me but I collect myself quickly and simply smile at him, a genuine smile trying to act like we were just two classmates greeting each other and not two people who even I don't what's going on with us.

I sit at my desk and try to distract myself with my phone, answering Ethan and Callie who were demanding explication for what I have done and asking when did I decide that I'm going to start dating James. They were texting me like crazy, I barely have the time to answer one of their questions and another one comes.

I sense movement and I look up from my phone to see Ian coming towards me. I send a text asking for help because I have no idea what he's going to tell me and what I will answer. Ethan suggested that I drop the whole act and just get together as if my life was a cheesy rom-com, while Callie told me that I should keep it up and act like what happened was just a one, meaningless, nightstand. At this point, they were arguing with each other, each one trying to defend his suggestions but I won't need any of them because all he does is stand beside my desk fidgeting from one foot to another for a couple of seconds before regaining his desk.