The Date: Part One

"Are you seriously going on a date with James?"

"For the last time, yes I am. We're dating and that's what a couple does, go on a date."

I am at Joe's and I decided to tell her part of the story, which I now regret doing.

"Mom will flip when she knows and Carl will definitely call him." she laughs at the last part and I know he will.

"I just told you and I'm not planning on telling any of them."

"But they will be heartbroken to know that you kept such a thing from them." she takes a sip of her black coffee, Martin was trying to get to give up on coffee and switch since he read that it was bad for the mother and her child but she wasn't having any of it. She's a coffee addict, the best she can is to drink only one cup a day. One large cup.

"Joe, please." I am literally begging her "You know mom, she'll probably invite him along with his parents for dinner and Carl aside from calling him, will lecture me for hours about dating."

"Fine!" she puts down her cup and puts her head in her hands, her focus now entirely on me "Tell me what will you do on your date!" she wiggles her eyebrows, a wicked smile on her lips.

"We will probably go to some coffee shop, this is our first date and we still barely know each other."

"Okay then let's head home and choose your outfit for the night!" She stands too fast which makes her a little dizzy, if Martin was here she wouldn't get off the chair for another two hours until he makes sure she's alright.

"It's just a date, Joe! Anyway, he'll be picking me in like an hour, I barely have time to shower and get dressed. That's why I bought everything with me." I show her my backpack laying beside my chair, I gave James my sister's address and told him to come to pick me up from here to avoid any possibility of mom spotting him.

"So I'll get to see him! it's been ages since I last saw him." she says now clapping her hands excitedly.

My family only thinks about embarrassing me.

"You won't! He'll come to pick me up and you won't come out."

"That's unfair!" she pouts but that won't work on me.

"I'm unfair." I get up and take my backpack with me "I'm going to get ready."

This last week was truly unexpected. I spent each lunch with James and his friends and they even invited me to hang out with them yesterday, after school. I thought they were arrogant and that I would never get along with but I did, as surprising as it did seem to, I had fun hanging out with them. Shawn especially was the sweetest, he did everything he could, the next day I sat with them to get me involved with them.

I didn't think dating James would be fun, I despised the idea but so far this is the best relationship I've ever had. He's caring, his friends are cool and he's a good kisser.

"Are you ready?" Joelle knocks on the guests' room, which I now claim as my own, and comes in. She never waits for a "come in", never did, never will.

"Yes.." but she's hugging me before I even finish the word.

"You look gorgeous!" She beams at me.

"Do you really think I look good? I didn't want to go overboard." I wasn't completely sure of the outfit I picked for the date. I decided on wearing something simple, a dark purple button-up crop cardigan with a matching black and purple plaid skirt and white sneakers. I'm gonna borrow one of Joe's little bags, she has a full collection of them.

"Yes! That's so you, you shouldn't try to put effort into pleasing others. This fits you perfectly and it's just so cute!" She's smiling widely like a proud mamma and it just makes all my worries fade.

"He's gonna be here any minute, can you please not make a big deal out of it?"

"Okay." she simply says but I just can't trust that smile on her face.

I finish fixing my make up which was a nude lipstick and a little touch of mascara, and go pick a bag from Joe's room.

I finally receive a text from James telling me that he's waiting outside so I beg Joe one last time not to come out and head to the door.

James once again was leaning against his car waiting for me, it's as if he does it on purpose knowing that it makes 10 times sexier. He was wearing light-colored jeans with a white teeshirt and surprisingly matching sneakers to mine. When I get closer to him, I notice that he's wearing a silver necklace which I've never seen, in fact, I don't think that I've ever seen him wearing any jewelry before. He looks just fine.

"We're matching!" I say showing off my sneakers.

He laughs and brings me closer to him by the waist "You look amazing." he whispers before slowly kissing, a sweet kiss that was interrupted by what I was breeding the most.

"You two look so cute together!" Joelle says standing at her doorway "Hey James!" she waves at him a satisfied smile on her face.

"Hi Joelle," he seems a bit confused and awkward "How are you doing?" he asks out of politeness and I silently curse at my sister.

"Let's go!" I say getting in the car hoping that this will make an end to any awkward conversation Joelle had in mind.

James waves at her and gets in the car but that didn't stop her from shouting a "Take good care of her!" at us before getting inside.

I finally realize that we're actually heading outside the town so that crosses any possibility of a coffee shop date unless he was planning on driving for more than an hour to the next town. So I am the first one to break the silence. It was never an awkward silence with James and I found myself wondering how come I feel this comfortable around him. It's been barely a week and this is starting to feel like the best decision I've ever made.

"So, where are you taking me!" I ask.

"To a nice surprise." He says mysteriously and curiosity only grows bigger in me.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the lake and I can't think of anything we can other than a little picnic since we were far from the party cabin.

He gets out of the car and rushes to open my door.

"Thank you!" I kiss him quickly and look around to see where we'd settle our picnic, I am actually surprised, I never pictured James as a picnic guy.

He goes to the trunk and gets a picnic basket out and a quite large bag, he takes them both in one hand and takes mine in the other. We head closer to the lake and that's when I spot a little boat.

"Seriously!" I smile at him, excitement filling me. I'm adoring this date.

He hops in and puts down the bags before helping me get in. It was big enough for both of us to sit comfortably there. I settle down and he then pushes the boat into the lake with one of the paddles. We start paddling deeper into the lake and the view is amazing, there only our boat in the lake, surrounded by countless trees. Only a couple of lights light the forest around us, I can spot our lake house on the other side, a couple of lights were coming out of it so I assume that my parents must be there or maybe Carl is in one of his little escapes. The faint sound of music coming from the cabin is filling the other and it makes everything else looks so magical.

James stops paddling when we're at a nice distance from the shore.

"So! what do you think?" he looks at me expectingly. Can he seriously be doubting this date? Can anyone not be satisfied with such an intimate and thoughtful first date?

I slowly and carefully get up and sit next to him.

"This is perfect," I say before cupping his face with my hands, drawing us closer, and kiss him "Thank you!" I smile at him at last and then simply rest my head on his shoulder enjoying the serenity of the moment.