Chapter 3-New City III

Z city stood out as one of the most populous urban centers, drawing in a diverse mix of people, ranging from the young to the old, the ordinary to the elite, and the good to the evil. Some would frequently cross paths, while others might never encounter each other in a lifetime.

Z city catered to a wide range of preferences, providing residents with an array of experiences such as nightclubs, casinos, fashion shows, and race tracks.

Lu Xiyun and Zhao Bojing reached the pre-arranged apartment, where all the furniture had been left by the previous owner.

Leading Lu Xiyun to one of the three bedrooms, Zhao Bojing said, "This will be your bedroom from now on. You can unpack your things first." Lu Xiyun nodded silently, and Zhao Bojing headed to his bedroom to begin unpacking as well. Similar to Boss Gao, Zhao Bojing conversed with Lu Xiyun, aware that the other person couldn't hear. 

From a young age, Zhao Bojing harbored a passion for becoming a pastry chef. Encouraged by his parents, he pursued this field, and his talents did not disappoint. Completing his program two years ahead of his peers, he efficiently found a cafe in Z city to fulfill his dream.

Zhao Bojing was initially unsure about bringing a stranger along. After pondering Boss Gao's words and observing Lu Xiyun's work ethic for a week, he ultimately agreed. Furthermore, the idea of having a companion in an unfamiliar environment not only seems more safe but also more fun.


A warm light streamed through the window, casting brightness across the entire room. The pale blue-colored walls exuded a calming effect. Adjacent to the window, a grey study desk held a small pot with a peace lily plant in the corner, while a white, empty bookshelf stood nearby. The simple, single-sized bed appeared irresistibly soft. Positioned beside the bed was a medium-sized wooden closet.

Lost in thought, Lu Xiyun sat down on the bed without immediately unpacking.

On his journey here, Lu Xiyun observed numerous peculiar sights. While intriguing, it also stirred anxiety about the unfamiliar environment. As he gathered his thoughts, he wondered if this would be his new home or just a temporary stop like at Boss Gao's place.

He glanced around the room, involuntarily drawing comparisons to that dark space with scarce sunlight. His body began to shiver, and cold sweats formed unconsciously. The memories of someone entering the room, his attempt to hide in the corner, and futile struggles haunted him. The recollection of being dragged out by that person lingered, leaving an unsettling feeling.

"Xiao Lu, let's go get something to eat. Afterward, we'll check out the cafe," Zhao Bojing entered the room and stood in front of Lu Xiyun. He planned to start gesturing, but he noticed Lu Xiyun's shivering and sweats.

"Did you catch a cold?" Zhao Bojing worriedly asked and touched Lu Xiyun's forehead to check for a fever. Startled by the sudden contact, Lu Xiyun jolted back.

Despite the quick contact, Zhao Bojing didn't feel any fever. Interpreting Lu Xiyun's reaction as a dislike for physical contact, especially from a stranger, he didn't mind and gave a smile.

Lu Xiyun was snapped back out of his thoughts. He nodded simply, unsure about what Zhao Bojing was asking.

Choosing a fast-food restaurant for a quick meal, Zhao Bojing selected the signature burger. Meanwhile, Lu Xiyun found himself struggling, unfamiliar with the menu items, except that they were some form of bread-based food displayed in the picture menu. Before arriving at Boss Gao's place, he had been accustomed to buying cheap and delicious meals from street food vendors. The majority of them offered only a single type of food. In the end, Zhao Bojing assisted Lu Xiyun by ordering the same thing.

Seated at an empty table with their orders, Lu Xiyun stared at the burger—a small habit of his to observe the food before eating.

After a few minutes, he took the first bite. Though his reaction was subtle—barely noticeable widening of his eyes—Zhao Bojing didn't perceive the change in his typically expressionless face. Both of them ate in silence—one engrossed in savoring the food, while the other delved into thoughts about the cafe's future plans.

They went to the cafe afterward. Zhao Bojing had been going back and forth between the cities for arrangements, so the construction of the cafe was mostly done. There were only small details that needed to be finalized. 

The cafe embraced a light blue and white theme, adorned with dreamy-inspired designs on the walls and ceiling. The minimalist design exuded a serene atmosphere.

As Lu Xiyun tidied up the dining area, Zhao Bojing organized the recently delivered ingredients in the kitchen.

Abruptly, the door swung open, and someone entered.


Lu Xiyun had his back turned to the entrance and remained oblivious to the newcomer. Noticing that Lu Xiyun hadn't acknowledged their presence, the person gently tapped him on the shoulder.

Lu Xiyun swiftly turned his head.

Standing there was a woman with long, wavy brown hair, appearing to be in her twenties.

"Hi! I'm a blogger, Zhang Tongtong. I've passed by this store many times, but I've never seen the owner. Since the lights are on, I thought I'd try my luck to see if someone is here."

"..." Lu Xiyun stood stiffly, his hands clenched tightly into fists at his sides.

Zhang Tongtong, noticing the lack of response, realized she might have been too abrupt.

"Um... I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to barge in. I post about new places and food, and I'm genuinely interested in this new cafe. I would like to write a page about it."


Feeling a bit awkward and unsure of what to say next, Zhang Tongtong was about to ask if there was anyone else around. Just in time, Zhao Bojing walked out from the kitchen, having heard a woman's voice.

"Hello! I'm a blogger..." Zhang Tongtong repeated.

Zhao Bojing, aware from Boss Gao that Lu Xiyun was reserved and cautious with strangers, signaled to him to fetch a cup of water from the kitchen. He then invited Zhang Tongtong to take a seat at one of the tables.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Bojing, the owner. Can you provide some details about your blog and the specific information you're seeking? I'd like to know more before deciding whether to have my cafe featured."

Excitedly, Zhang Tongtong responded, "Absolutely! I explore the city to document new places, with a focus on food establishments. Since a new cafe is opening, I'd love to feature it. The main emphasis will be on showcasing your creations. If you're open to it, I'd also like to include your personal story, delving into how you became a pastry chef."

Zhao Bojing remained uncertain, saying, "Could I take a look at your blog? Also, what is the cost of being featured?"

"Considering I'm the one making the request, there won't be any charge for this feature. However, if you wish for me to cover your cafe in the future, there will be a charge," Zhang Tongtong explained. She opened her blog on her phone and handed it to him.

As Zhao Bojing scrolled the blog, Lu Xiyun arrived with the water, setting it on the table. Zhang Tongtong smiled and expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you!"

Seating himself at a nearby table, Lu Xiyun had earlier involuntarily tensed up due to his discomfort around strangers. Despite Zhao Bojing also being unfamiliar, the introduction by Boss Gao offered a degree of reassurance. The tranquil three months spent with Boss Gao had somewhat eased his guard. Nevertheless, he understood that appearances could be deceiving, and someone with a gentle exterior might conceal a cruel nature within.

After reviewing the blog, Zhao Bojing found it genuine, recognizing the considerable effort put into it. Moreover, he took note of the substantial number of followers on her blog. While he couldn't verify if all were genuine, he was content knowing that at least some were real, providing potential advertising for the cafe. 

"Ms. Zhang, I would be delighted to collaborate with you. When would be a suitable time for the interview, and what preparations do I need to make?" he inquired.

Zhang Tongtong was overjoyed, saying, "Thank you so much! Feel free to just call me Tongtong."

Both engaged in discussing the expectations for the page content. Throughout the conversation, Lu Xiyun remained seated, observing them or gazing out of the window. 

Eventually, they exchanged contact information before bidding each other farewell.


Soon, the cafe's opening day arrived. Zhao Bojing had hired another part-timer to work at the front. Her name was Yang Jiahui, a college freshman with a direct and bubbly personality. Lu Xiyun would be assisting both at the front and in the kitchen. Zhao Bojing wanted to provide the teenager with chances to interact with more people, but he also let Lu Xiyun help in the kitchen, ensuring he could relax when needed.

The cafe was bustling with a crowd of customers, among them Zhang Tongtong. In the kitchen, Zhao Bojing was fully occupied baking pastries. Yang Jiahui efficiently handled the front, taking orders, and addressing customer queries, while Lu Xiyun managed the packing of pastries and the preparation of drinks.

Lu Xiyun dedicated a considerable amount of time to practice making drinks. Due to his difficulty in recognizing characters, Zhao Bojing created a recipe book using a combination of printed pictures and numbers. This allowed Lu Xiyun to match the visuals with the corresponding ingredients. For instance, the number 3 alongside an image of lemon slices indicated that three lemon slices should be added to the drink. Although he remained a bit clumsy in certain steps and occasionally forgot recipes, his progress was noteworthy for a beginner.

The door swung open, accompanied by the jingling of a bell.

Zhang Tongtong cheerfully greeted, "Welcome!" She kept glancing at the two customers browsing the menu, and she wasn't the only one; other customers couldn't help but glance a few times as well. In contrast, Lu Xiyun was immersed in making drinks. He was unlikely to give them a second glance, as he typically avoided interactions and even eye contact with customers.

The woman wore an A-line purple dress. While some find it challenging to pull off purple clothing, it complemented her beautifully, highlighting her young lady charm. Her long, almond-brown hair framed her face, and she possessed black peach blossom eyes with pink, thin lips. 

Standing next to her was a man towering at 1.85m with black hair. Despite his slim build, he didn't appear weak. Adorned in an azure suit with rolled-up sleeves, the toned muscles in his arms were visible. Gazing into his obsidian eyes, one might feel a certain pressure, akin to a noble-looking down on a subject. However, when he smiled, the previously perceived pressure seemed like nothing more than an illusion.

The two individuals appeared unfazed by the curious gazes of onlookers and lined up.

"Hi! What would you like to order?" Zhang Tongtong inquired.

The young lady replied, "I'll have a latte, macchiato, and one of each of these pastries," pointing at some of the cakes. The young man interjected with a teasing tone, "Do you think you can eat all of these? Oh, wait, of course, you can. After all, you can finish three large plates of dishes and two bowls of rice."

The young lady rolled her eyes. "Why don't you try living in the wilderness for a month, eating only compacted food and water, and see if you can beat my record after you come back?" She then turned to Zhang Tongtong and said, "That would be all. Thank you."


Zhang Tongtong sat at a table, savoring the signature pastries and drinks. Her phone rang, and a new text message appeared. Upon reading the message, she was momentarily stupefied, then suddenly stood up in excitement.

She called out to Zhao Bojing, saying, "Bojing, I suddenly have something to do. I need to leave first. I'll come back tomorrow."

"Alright, see you tomorrow!" Zhao Bojing responded, popping his head out the kitchen entrance while holding a whisk.

However, Zhang Tongtong didn't show up the next day. She was absent for the entire week and didn't respond to Zhao Bojing's calls. On the 8th day, the police arrived instead.