Chapter 17-Resentment XIV

In the information Ke Yixing found, the B-list actress started her career with talent and hard work, avoiding the shady parts of the industry. However, due to desperation for success, exploitation, or financial hardships, she ended up having inappropriate relationships with producers, sponsors, and powerful individuals to secure roles. In a fit of rage, the wife splashed the actress's face with acid, causing severe and disfiguring burns. The company originally planned to keep the actress hidden until her contract ended, given her appearance. However, after a few weeks, she returned with a flawless face, looking even better than before. This let her continue to be a celebrity. Regarding the affair, the wife didn't want the scandal to be exposed, so she refrained from making a big fuss. Instead, she took small actions to disrupt the actress's life.

However, there were suspicions about how she healed so quickly without any scars, especially considering the sseverity. The company and others who knew the inside story asked her about the miraculous recovery, but she simply brushed it off, mentioning only that she had undergone plastic surgery.

Ke Yixing discovered that there were no records of plastic surgery in her medical history. Her official itinerary only indicated a hiatus and rest at home, yet Ke Yixing found she was using a ride-sharing app during that time. Despite the company's intention to abandon her, she still had an assistant and a company car at her disposal, which had not been reclaimed. So, why did she opt for calling a ride instead of using the company car? She might have been spending time with friends or family, but Ke Yixing doubted that an actress whose face had been ruined would be in the mood for socializing. Initially, it was only once or twice, but the frequency increased over time. Most often, the destination was a bar that Ke Yixing recognized as the same one where Zhang Feifei and Yang Jiahui had met. 

Ke Yixing checked her messages, and the most suspicious point arose from her conversation with her assistant. She told the assistant not to deliver food to her house or look for her. When Ke Yixing hacked into the security cameras in her house area, he saw she hadn't been home for a week. Her last ride was to Lawless District. Unfortunately, most of the surveillance cameras in and around the district were broken, making it impossible to determine her exact whereabouts. When she reappeared, she no longer covered her face and appeared perfectly fine.

Ke Yixing considered paying a visit to the bar. Glancing at the clock, which read just 10 pm, he figured it was the perfect time for nightlife to kick off. Without hesitation, he reached for his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, wanna grab a drink?"

"Not tonight. I'm beat from work. Going to sleep."

"Come on, don't be like an old man. I've got something interesting to show you."

"Alright, spill it. If it's good enough, I might just reconsider."

"Can't tell you now. You'll see when you get there, but trust me, it'll be worth it," Ke Yixing assured.

With a hint of skepticism, Luo Baizhen relented, "Fine."

"Sending you the address now. See you in 20 minutes" while dialing another number. 


Ke Yixing, dressed in a dark red shirt under a casual blazer, sat on the second floor, sipping his wine as he observed the dancers below.

Shortly after, Luo Baizhen arrived. The soft lighting reflected off the golden rims of his glasses, giving him an air of sophistication. Clad in dark jeans that fit him perfectly, he paired them with a crisp white button-down shirt, its sleeves rolled up to reveal toned forearms. As he made his way to Ke Yixing, he garnered admiring glances from those around him.

"Why are we switching to this bar? Is there something special happening here?"

"Just felt like trying out a new place."

"So, what did you want to show me?"

Ke Yixing didn't directly answer but instead asked, "How long does it take for a severe burn like this to heal without leaving a scar?" He displayed a still image of the actress's face captured from surveillance footage.

Luo Baizhen took out his phone and zoomed in on the image. "Hmmm... For an injury of this severity, it would usually take months to heal. And even then, there's likely to be a scar that could take a year or more to fade completely. Do you know her? Do you want me to connect you with a plastic surgeon?"

Ke Yixing then showed him another image of the B-list actress attending a recent event. "She sustained this injury barely a month ago, and look at her now."

"Is plastic surgery technology that advanced now? That's hard to believe. I recently attended a medical conference where various advancements were discussed, but nothing like this was mentioned. But even so, why are you showing me this? Is this the interesting thing?" Luo Baizhen gave Ke Yixing a doubtful look.

Ke Yixing told him how he stumbled upon the investigation involving the B-list actress, the information he uncovered, and the potential connection to the missing persons case.

"So, are we here to observe and wait for suspicious individuals to approach us? But why would they come to us out of the blue? We don't even know why this B-list actress is here."

"That's why I asked for extra assistance. She must have met someone here. The only thing that sets her apart is her celebrity status, but in a place like this filled with good-looking people, her facial injury would likely make her less attractive. So, the burn mark is what probably caught someone's attention." Just as Ke Yixing finished speaking, his phone rang.

"Hello? You're here. Just come in and sit somewhere inconspicuous on the first floor. Act as if you're deeply troubled like you've lost all hope."

Shortly after, a commotion erupted on the first floor. A teenager wearing a black hoodie entered. Although his outfit was simple, it could be recognized that they were branded clothes. He attempted to conceal his face, but the burn marks were still visible. As he pulled his hoodie lower, the burns on his hands became apparent. He weakly made his way to the bar and ordered a drink, which arrived promptly. Instead of drinking it, he laid his head on the table, his hoodie slipping down to reveal his facial injuries. Despite the burns, his facial features and beautiful eyes hinted at his former handsomeness. His eyes reflected exhaustion and despair, tears welling up as he lay there motionless.

As Luo Baizhen scrutinized the figure closely, he recognized him as Yan Mingyu. "So, that's the extra help you called in. His makeup skills have certainly improved. Are you planning to use him as bait? Aren't you concerned about putting him in danger, especially considering his family and his boyfriend being here at a bar?"

"I need someone young and innocent-looking, someone who was once considered handsome. Plus, his makeup skills could come in handy. He's the right choice. Don't worry, I've arranged for hidden bodyguards to ensure his safety."

As Luo Baizhen and Ke Yixing conversed, they kept an eye on the first floor. Meanwhile, Yan Mingyu continued his act, but no one approached him. Ke Yixing wasn't surprised; after all, it was only the first night of their operation. 

After leaving the bar separately, Luo Baizhen, Ke Yixing, and Yan Mingyu regrouped in Yan Mingyu's car. Once inside, they heard Yan Mingyu's voice boasting, "How's my acting skills? I think they're as good as my makeup skills. Hehe."

Ke Yixing replied teasingly, "I'd say they're so-so," poking Yan Mingyu's face playfully as Luo Baizhen chuckled.

Curious, Luo Baizhen asked, "How long did it take you to get ready?"

"Only 30 minutes. Pretty impressive, if I say so myself. So, did you catch anyone suspicious?" Yan Mingyu asked eagerly.

Ke Yixing explained the situation to Yan Mingyu thoroughly before involving him, ensuring he wasn't pressured into anything. "No, that's why we need to continue for a few more days," he replied.

Yan Mingyu pounded his chest confidently. "With me here, everything will go according to plan," he declared. He found the whole operation intriguing and wanted to join in the excitement, trusting his friends to keep him safe.


Over the next few nights, Yan Mingyu frequented the bar, with both Luo Baizhen and Ke Yixing or one of them keeping watch.

One night, a man approached Yan Mingyu. They had discreetly placed a hidden recorder in his clothes, allowing them to listen in on the conversation.

"Hey there, kid! Why the long face? Maybe this Gege can help you out?" Yan Mingyu remained expressionless, just blinking his eyes.

"Did you have a falling out with your family, friends, or girlfriend?" No response.

"Struggling with your studies?" Again, no reaction.

"Or is it because of those burn marks?" This time, Yan Mingyu's hand tightened around his wine glass, and he bit his lip.

The man smiled. "No need to be so down. There's a way to get rid of those marks." Yan Mingyu stayed silent, but the man wasn't deterred. He smiled again and left.

The following night, the same man approached Yan Mingyu again.

"I'm not bluffing about removing those marks."

This time, Yan Mingyu responded cautiously, "Really...?"

"Absolutely. Why would I lie to you?"

"But I've consulted many plastic surgeons, and they said it's difficult to heal without scars."

"Heh. The surgeons you saw probably weren't skilled enough. People with worse injuries than yours have come out looking flawless. Even better than before."

Yan Mingyu's expression shifted from hope to skepticism. "You think I have a lot of money, so you're trying to scam me."

"I'm not in it for the money. I'm telling you the truth. Let me show you some before and after pictures." The man pulled up images of various injuries, demonstrating how they were perfectly healed afterward.

Yan Mingyu studied the pictures silently, his expression thoughtful. The man, sensing he was thinking, eventually left.

On the third night, the man once again approached Yan Mingyu. But this time, Yan Mingyu took the initiative to inquire, "How much would this procedure cost?"

The man smiled knowingly. "I can't give you an exact figure. But judging by the branded clothes you're wearing, I'm sure you can afford it." He then requested a pen and paper from the bartender.

After receiving them, he scribbled his name and number on the paper. "Here, call me anytime when you decide you want to go through with this."

He handed the paper to Yan Mingyu and departed.

They gathered once more in Yan Mingyu's car, where the teenager showed them the paper. Ke Yixing and Luo Baizhen saw the name "Li Wei" and a phone number.