
Chris POV

Look at this girl, she even avoids my hug. I look at her then suddenly a tear fell on her eyes which make me shock like I didn't do anything. I was about to wipe it but she turns away from me.

"Ms. Shin is there a problem?"- Sir Neo asked when he sees Aileen.

"Absolutely no sensei, AJ is just tired from running"- Nick answered for her

"Nick is right Sensei I am just tired"- she agreed then she faces us again and smiles.

"Guys why don't you escort Chris to the Juniors room they would totally be glad and also give him a tour here since he was gone for too long. " - suggested Sir Neo, which is not a great idea.

"I would like to do that Sensei, but I need to go home and rest since my wounds are not yet totally healed"- she said calmly. She has a wound? When did that happen? I want to ask her but I think not yet

"Don't worry AJ, go home and take some rest we can handle this"- Nick said to her.

"Princess should be taking some beauty rest"- Sam said jokingly

"Hey I am not a Princess"- then she smiles and that was the first real smile I saw from her.

"Okay stop that, I'll go accompany Ms. Shin on her way out and you do what I told you to do"- Sir Neo said

"Yes Sensei"- we all answered then we directly go to the junior's room.

"Look who's here kiddo's"- Bella proudly announces while we are entering.

"Shujin Chris!"- they are all happy and excited to see me, which is very pleasing to my eye.

"Miss him that much huh?'- I heard Sam say with a sarcastic voice like she always does that.

"Shujin are you going to stay here for good?"- one of them asked

"Well yes"- I answered

"We all know that you are happy to see one of your masters, but you need to take some rest now."- Nick said to them. After saying goodbye to them we leave the room and start roaming around the school.

When we're done we decide to have dinner together and after that, we part ways to go home, take some rest since we have all classes tomorrow. I arrived at the house but CJ was there throwing some party and it is freaking great, which means I would not have a peaceful night so I drove again and go to Nick's condo.

Aileen POV

"Morning beautiful"- my brother greeted me

"Morning"- smiling sweetly to him.

"How's your new school?"- he asked

"It's nice"- I answered

"Then why are you like that early in the morning?"- he's asking me a lot of questions and I'm not in the mood to answer those.

"Nae roe-i eottaeseo?"- I asked

(What's wrong with my Face)

"Amugeosdo meogji anh-a"- he answered.

(Nothing just eat)

"Gwaenchanh-a"- and I happily eat.


We travel in different places doing a mission so usually learning their language is one of the things that we need to learn. It's not that easy but it will be easy if you try hard to learn it. Let's go back to reality.

"Sinnaneun dojeon-e daehan aidieoleuljuseyo"- saying it with a sweet voice

(Bro give me some idea of an exciting challenge)

"Wae?"- why does he need to ask why.

"tim-e chobojagaiss-eossseubnida"- he's not new though, but he was gone for almost two years.

(I had a newbie in my team)

"sang-gwan eobs-eo"- he sai

(I don't care)

"Well don't need it, bro, I already had one"- I stand up to get ready for my school.

"Wait, are you referring to Chris?"- he asks, my brother is too slow

"Yeah"- I answer and run outside, he will just scold me. Let just go to school, when I arrived I saw them like what they are doing here?

"Finally the Princess has arrived"- they tend to always ruin my day.

"Hogo-sha what are you doing here? are you lost or something?"- I asked sarcastically.


"No, we are here to join you in a new mission along with the other team"- Hani answered

"Well if that's the case, can you explain to me what is it?"- it should be big, cause they're joining us

"Kiff, Fritt, and Rane are missing, they're sent here outside to catch the witches who escaped, but suddenly we can't track them down."- Seo answered, what the three Shujin of Castle High went missing this is bad.

"So tell me where and when did they go missing?"- I asked them while texting the others to meet me at the office, well we have an office in every school we attend.

"They were sent to Japan last week and went missing yesterday"- Lei answered, so we need to travel to Japan then.

"The worst thing is the witches start killing people"- Hani adds then she gives me the report, those brats they don't know how to hunt food in the forest. They already killed five innocent people this is getting on my nerves right now.

"How can they do this?! "- I said and we walk inside, people were looking at us, which I can't blame them because these three were so pretty they have different charisma. Anyways, those witches better hide well if they don't want to face death.

"Hey, baby what is this important meeting about?"- I just look at him since I am not aware that they are already here.

"Aileen why are they here?"- Sam asked looking at the Hogo-sha.

"Let me just sit down first and explanations will follow"- this has to be fast.

When they all settle down I start immediately to explain what is happening and we need to help Paraden on solving this problem as soon as possible. Castle High is also an important school at Paraden.

"Chris this is your time to prove yourself"- I said with a serious tone. I know that he was my best friend but every people change. The old Aileen died this is the new me now.

"No worries"- he said

"I am going to Japan tonight to inform the 'Ni" since they are already there and then you follow tomorrow using the private plane so be ready"- I said, this is the second time that we were complete to do a mission. The last time was when we were sent to China to catch Dracula and his allies.

"Is it okay for us to discuss this here?"- CJ asked me, did he already the new rule?

"Greg and JC are guarding outside so I believe it's fine"- does he think I didn't think about it. It was in the rule, but this is important

"Okay boss"- He looks at me and suddenly smirks.

"Hey don't do that"- he's teasing me again.

"Do what?"- he asks playing innocent

"Never mind, anyway Seo is coming with me. So be alert, I'll chat you the address when I get there"- we need to find them as soon as possible

"You should tell this to your brother and Sir Neo"- Nick said

"Yes, don't worry I will talk to them later after class"- they will scold me for sure again. I decide things without them again.

After the meeting we separated and attend our classes well the Hogo-sha need to wait for us until our class is done. I finish my class quickly and pass an excuse letter we will be gone for a week. Then I call Seo to meet me at the parking lot, so we can go already to the hideout. A Minute later she was already here so I start my car and drive.

"When will you go back here?"- she asked, were not that close but we talk

"After we catch all those freaking brats"- what I mean is the one who escaped at Paraden.

"Your interesting, what about in Paraden when will you go back? I'm sure you miss there "- she doesn't need to say that, because she doesn't how badly I want to go back there.

"Soon, even I want to people still need us here"- I just said, when we got here I call my brother and Sir Neo to tell them our plans. They arrive as soon as I called them so I explain all the situation.

"The Higher-ups also called us earlier to tell the situation"- Sir Neo said when I'm done explaining to them the situation

"And what can we do you already had a plan together"- my loving brother said

"It only means that she's better than you"- I was about to laugh at him, ma'am Kiara is my savior

"When did you get here?"- Neil asked, I'm also curious I didn't even text her

"Don't mind me just continue talking"- she answered

"You should go and prepare. Even you Neil you will go with them"- Sir Neo said

"Of course I won't let them go without me"- Neil agreed, I was expecting this to happen

"We're going then, bye Sensei "- I said to Sir Neo and also bow to ma'am Kiara. She just waves at me

"Okay enjoy your hunting"- after he said that we left. My brother and I are busy packings are things.

I call Dave many times but he didn't answer my call, so I just chat Recca and asked where are they so that we know where we are going, luckily she said that they were at our hideout in Tokyo. There is a place to land our private jet there so we can go directly to the hide-out house. We arrive at the rooftop where the private jet is waiting for us. This is going to be fun I'm going to spend my night here, but it's okay we have room to sleep.