The Interrogation

Aileen POV

Everything went according to the plan, except for one thing, I didn't expect to catch them both. When we arrive at the hideout were the first to be there, just what talking them so long? I was expecting that they're already here.

"Are you okay?"- Chris ask when we get inside.

"Yeah, it's not that deep though"- I answer, well I got stab.

He gets the first aid kit and gave it to me. I sit down and start cleaning my wounds and put a bandage on them. When I'm done he holds my hand and cleans the blood, he also put a bandage on it. I want to pull my hand but he's too serious, so I just let him do it.

"You should go get some rest, let me do this"- he said. I don't know how could he speak to me comfortably when I still hate him.

"Nope, I want to do this Fritt is one of my friends"- I said, everything went silent again

"I'm so sorry for leaving"- he suddenly said, so I look at him "Sorry for leaving you my responsibilities"- he continues

"Sorry for being not there when you are in trouble"- Is he serious? Like we're on a mission, this is not the right time for this.

"Stop it"- I said, I don't wanna hear it anymore

"Sorry that you always hurt yourself "- my tears suddenly fell. Thinking of all those memories we spent together.

"Sorry for everything Aileen, I can't say anything but sorry"- he hugs me, I hug him back and I can't stop crying. I miss him so much

"You..shouldn't..leave..again.."- I said between my sobs

"I won't, I promise"- he pats my back slowly until I calm down, he wipes my tears and smile

"What are you smiling at?"- I asked and fix myself

"You're still a cry baby"- he said and laugh

"Hey, remember that you're not allowed to leave again"- I said, then I saw that there is a car coming, it's maybe the other team.

"They must be here"- he said, did he just ignore what I said?

"You're already here"- Cj said when he gets in, I put my hand at the back so that they can't see it

"Were expecting that you would arrive first, but what happened ?"- I said while looking at them curiously

"Sorry, we have to go back to a gasoline station, we didn't know that we're out of gas "- Dave explained

"Okay, just put her in the interrogation room"- it looks like they put her into sleep

"Yes ma'am"- Cj said and they leave.

"What happen to your hand?"- Dave suddenly asked, he's still here

"Nothing, come on let's go in the interrogation room"- I said and turn my back

"Let me see it"- he said and he pulls my hand.

"It's not that bad"- I said, he will be worried again

"Then how can you explain this?"- he's going to scold me again

"Mia try to stab her, but she uses her hand to control the knife"- Chris explained and that was a big mistake

(A/N: Mia is one of the witches that they catch. The other two are Faye the hybrid and Brie the weakest one)

"You what? I told you to be careful! You got shot on your last mission and now you got stab!"- okay, he's too upset with me, I look at Chris and gave him a let's-talk-later-look. He just smiles and leaves

"Hey calm down, I'm okay it's not that deep and Chris was there with me, so she didn't hurt me that much"- and I hug him tight, I know he was too worried.

"Please stop doing dangerous things. You don't know how badly I want to run to you when they told me you got shot"- he said and hug me back

Doing this mission is one of the most exciting but dangerous if we won't be careful enough. I can consider this as a medium level and the harder level is near to come. If we can catch him, then all of these evil things will be stop and the people will be safe from danger. When that moment will come I'll stay for good in Paraden.

Chris POV

I leave them and follow CJ in the interrogation room.

"Why did Aileen cry?"- he asks when I got there, he sees that?

"It's because we talked"- I answered

"Then I suppose everything is okay ?"- he said, I just nod and smile

"Who is the other person in another room?"- Jc ask, we didn't know that he was here. Cj got curious and take a look

"Don't tell me you catch her"- he said and look at me waiting for me to answer

"We did"- I answered

"How did that happen?"- he asks, still confused

"Well let me tell you"- and start to tell what happened


Aileen suddenly walks to me and holds my face I was so shocked about what she did. She's so just close to me

"Don't move"- she said and focus looking at the car coming

"What are you doing?"- I whisper in her ears

"I knew it, she's smart than I thought"- huh? Is she talking to someone?

"What are you saying?"- I said, and distance my self from her

"Do you have your phone with you?"- she just asked and didn't answer what I said

"Yeah, here"- and I give it to her. She texted someone and after that, she gives it back to me

"Get ready, we might catch this one"- she said, the car stop and a girl get out from it. Wait isn't the man following us earlier

"Aileen, how are you? I miss you so much"- the girl said with a sweet smile on her face

"Don't act that we're close Mia cause we're not"- she said and smile at her. What is happening? Did they know each other? How did this happen?

"You still mean to me, anyway who's this handsome guy?"- Mia said

"Back off don't you dare lay your fingers to this man"- I just look at her and she was just so cool

"Relax, I didn't do anything yet"- okay there just the one talking here

"Why are you here? Your sister is the who's following us"- I said, did they knew about our plan

"Oh you talk, I thought your just statue there hiding at the back of your girl"- what did she just say

"Let's just end this "- Aileen said and start to attack her

She was fast and able to avoid Aileen's attack, I was just there waiting for the right time to attack her. When I get the chance to attack she was fast to avoid it, this is not an easy fight. We attack both sides but she was too good at avoiding it.

"You're improving a lot"- she said to Aileen and I saw she bring out a knife

"I waited this moment to fight with you again"- Aileen said and avoid all her attack

"I also did"- she said and run fast like the wind, I didn't expect that she can do that. Suddenly I can see blood from Aileen I saw that she's was holding the knife.

" Just die!"- Mia shout, this is my chance to attack

"Sorry, but she had me"- I said and kick her, Aileen remove the knife immediately

"In the power of above 'sentire il dolore della mia rabbia' "- shall we do this way? I can cast so many spells if she wants.

"Ahh!! What did you do to me?"- I can see that she was in so much pain that makes her suddenly kneel down

"Don't worry that won't take long"- I said and smirk

"Chris..just..end it.."- Aileen said, she doesn't look good

"Sorry, I don't usually hurt girls but you hurt my best friend so take this!"- and I kick her again. Knockdown! I run to Aileen and help her.


"Did you just say that Aileen got stab?"- Cj asked with a worried in his eyes

"Yeah, but she's ...."- he leaves without listening to what I should say

"Aileen got stab??"- Sam ask again, they are all worried

"She was, but not that bad"- I answer, then Aileen get inside

"Guys don't worry too much, I am fine your pressuring Chris too much"- she said to them

"I told you, why won't anyone believe in me"- I said and fix the things we need for the interrogation.

Dave POV

After some minutes of waiting for Brie to wake up, that's her name base on the information they send us. We get ready to question her, we need to find out where are they hiding Rane, Kiff, and Fritt. So that we can go and save them.

"Nick, Greg, and Kae go and interrogate the other one"- Aileen said to them, they obey and follow her

"Sam and Cass you should go with them and observe"- I said, someone should help them

"Should we start?"- Cj asked when he came back.

"Yes sure, go on"- I answered, Aileen, sit down and open her laptop

"Where did you hide them?"- Cj asked, she just look at us

"Do you think we hide them? Are you sure there not yet dead?"- she answered

"You better tell us where are they, if you don't want your sister to be hurt"- Aileen said with a serious tone

"Then do it, you won't find them anyway"- she said and just play with her hair

"We did, actually she came to us"- Aileen said still looking serious

"What are you talking about? "- now we're talking, she's too flustered right now

"Let me put it this way, Mia was in the other room unconscious"- okay that was straight forward again

"What did you do to her?"- she asks worriedly

"Nothing, but if you won't talk then something will happen to her"- she's scary

"Don't you dare touch her, we did nothing wrong Faye was the one killing those people we warn her to stop but she doesn't want to"- that was easy than I thought

"So where did you hide our friends?"- I asked

"We didn't hide them, Faye locks them to kill them when they become weak"- we look at each other, so that was her plan after all.

"Are you telling us the truth?"- I ask, maybe she's just fooling around

"Do you think I would lie"- she said seriously

"How could we trust you? she's your sister"- Aileen said, she's not even looking at her

"Then don't believe at me, but if something happens to them don't tell me I didn't tell you"- she said

"Where did they lock them? Write the address here"- I said and give her a paper and pen, she did what I say and I call Greg to come.

"Shujin, You called for me"- Cj just look at him

"Take Tim with you and report to us immediately when you get there"- Cj said and gave the paper

"Yes Shujin "- he said and leave

"Let's continue this once we confirm that your telling the truth"- Aileen said and stand up, she gets her laptop then leave.

We follow her after we secure everything, the others are also done interrogating Mia. We have to take turns to guard them since they can escape again. Aileen texted everyone to meet us at the meeting room.

"Did she tell you something?"- that's what's we heard when we enter the room, the others are already here

"Yeah, how about Mia did she say anything?"- Aileen ask, I sit beside her

"She said something weird"- Nick answered

"What did she say?"- I ask this time

"She said about 'A word that's strikes fear in people's heart, Unfathomable as it is inevitable' "- Nick answered. Wait? Isn't that a riddle?

"DEATH! "- Aileen answered, do we heard it right?

"Are you saying someone will die? But who, were all here?"-Sam asked

"Call Greg now!!"- I shout, this is a trap no wonder she told us immediately

"What is happening right now? Did you send them somewhere?"- Cass ask confusedly

"This won't do I'll go after them"- Cj said and he gets his keys, I also get my things and go with him

"I am going with you, let's do this together "- Aileen said, we were about to say no but she already run outside

"Chris stay here and look after them"- I said and we leave, we tried to call Greg and Tim but both of them are not answering. Cj is flustered right now, if our team is also in that state we will be really worried.

"Why won't anyone pick up their phone!"- he's getting angry

"Calm down bro, nothing will happen to them"- Aileen said, and call them again finally Greg answer the phone

"Where are you?"- she asks them and put the phone on speaker

"Almost there Shujin"- he answers, Cj drive faster

"Stop where you are and wait for us there and don't get out in the car make sure you lock it"- I told them

"Is there a problem? Are we going in the wrong way?"- he asked

"No, just wait for us there."- I said, we were almost there

"Hai! Shujin"- then we hang up.