

We just arrive in Korea today, we take a plane this time since we want our private plane need to be renovated inside and the furniture’s will be changed. Anyway, it’s nice to be here again.

“Did you find a place ?”- I heard Sam ask Tim, I got curious so I secretly get close to them to hear clearly what they are talking about.

“Fiona said she knows a good place here, we will going to take a look later when we're done unpacking”- he answers, is there something I don’t know

“Good, we should be all ready for tomorrow”- Sam said and she suddenly looks at the back, I smile ugh I’m busted. Tim also look back

“Shujin”- he said like he was startled to see me

“What’s with that expression did I do something?"- I said in a natural way

"Oh it’s nothing, you may go first Tim"- Sam said, so Tim walk first

“Are you hiding something from me?"- I ask her when Tim left

"Nah I’ll be texting a place to you tomorrow accompany Aileen and go to that place"- why would I do that, aren’t we going to enjoy the beach tomorrow

"Wae?"- I ask

"You will see when you get there"- she said and left me like I even know nothing at all

"Bro let’s go inside what are you waiting there?"- Chris said, I know his voice

"Yeah sure let’s go"- he is my roommate as always, we are inside the resort now. It was a private resort for all of us.

"Are you okay?"- he asked me and check if I had a fever

"Hey, I’m okay "- I said and walk inside to look for our room.

"I heard she is also coming are you okay with it?"- I said and look at him, if there’s a person who knows what happen I am one of them so I’m so worried.

“Bro I’m okay, just don’t tell Aileen what happens. I don’t want them to just end their friendship because of that"- he said and smile at me

“No worries bro, but you also need to tell her before she found out, it will be a big problem for you if that will happen"- the earlier the better

"Yeah I know, I’m just finding the right time to tell her everything"- good to hear, we go to in our room and unpack our things.

When we're done we both go to the kitchen and prepare all the ingredients we need, since we are assigned for cooking dinner. After that Aileen and Dave came and help us, were too many so we also need manpower.

"Can you pass me the cooking oil"- Aileen said, I get it and give it to her

"Here, are you going to cook now?"- I said, her menu for today is pork culet she learns it for almost a week.

"Yup, I will make sure this would taste good"- then she smile, we all look at her since she’s so focus on what she’s doing.

"Oh is that a challenge? Then let’s have a deal whoever loses he or she will buy us drink for everyone since we didn’t call them last time"- Chris said, what a good idea.

I’m getting excited

"Sure no problem with me"- Dave answer, we all agree.

"But how would we know who will win?"- Aileen ask

"Let just simply ask them to vote what dish they like the most after we’re done eating"- I answer

“Okay then”- she said, and all of us are busy.

When we're almost done cooking the others help us and prepare the tables, it’s time for us to eat now.

Aileen POV

"What dish win?"- I ask when Sam has done counting the votes

"It’s yours, Cj and Dave tied"- okay! That means Chris will going to buy us a drink

"I agree, her pork culet improve so much"- Cj said, I can’t help but smile

"Why are we doing this again?"- Greg asks and all of them look at us.

"Well we have a deal that the one who loses, will buy a drink for all of us tonight "- I answer

"Alright "- Kae said, they all look happy. This happens only once a year, so no doubt they're happy.

"Okay start cleaning up and let just meet all at the beach, will just go buy some drinks"- I said, well I’m going with him since I know what drinks to buy.

"Yes Shujin"- and we leave them

"You don’t need to go with me I can buy it myself"- he said, I’ll go to the car and pretend I didn’t hear him

"Don't mind me, I just want to have some fresh air"- I said when he was already inside the car

"Did something happen between you and Dave? "- he asked while starting the car

"Nothing happens, I’m just thinking if you're going to be okay later"- I said, well Audrey will going to join us later and I don’t want them to get awkward.

"What about later?"- he looks confused about what I’m saying

"Audrey text me that she will be here soon and I’m just worried that the atmosphere between you would be awkward"- they are both my friend. I want them to be okay with each other again.

"Hey say something"- he’s too quiet and I don’t like that, I feel guilty for inviting her.

"Don’t worry I'll be fine”- he said

"Dude I just want you to make up as we did were still friends after all"- I said

"Right time will come for that, just not now"- he said, I understand what he feels

"Sure no hurry dude, I know it’s not that easy”- ugh I shouldn’t make things complicated

“Anyway we're here, you should go first I’ll just park the car"- he said, I get down and go to the mart I start choosing drink when he joins me

"We should also buy some chips “- he said, I agree. When we're done we go back immediately.

"Should we order chicken too?"- I ask

“Yeah go ahead”- he said, and so I did

We're almost there when I see a motorcycle, it must be the delivery man. When he parks the car, I immediately get out to pay for the chicken. On our way to the beach, we saw Audrey so I run to her, and she was happy to see me.

"Where did you go?"- she asks me

"Chris and I buy some drinks "- I answer, she looks at the back and saw him

"Oh you with him, you should tell me sooner"- she was about to leave, but I hold her hand

"It’s okay, just act natural and stop ignoring each other"- I said, she just smiles

We walk together going to the beach when were there we start to have some drink. Everyone is just so happy having some conversation while enjoying the drink, we also decide to play truth and dare and I always lose. After spending too much time together we decide to end the night here and take some rest.

(In the Morning)

When I wake up I check the time, it’s already 9 am I look around and Audrey is not in her bed. I wash up and go down to see what the others are doing, well they're already awake and I am the only one who wakes up late.

"Who ordered all this food?"- I ask while looking at the table, they are all seated

"They just delivered it and say that someone ordered it for us"- Dave answer

"Then it’s already paid?"- I said and take a sit

“Yeah, alright let’s eat and have some fun after"- Cj said, don’t tell me my brother did this he can’t go with us so he must buy us food because it’s my birthday today.

"Enjoy your food guys"- I said, we start eating I must thank my brother later.

"So what are we going to do today?"- Cj ask, we didn’t plan anything

"We're going somewhere after this”- Fiona answer him

"All of you?”- he asks again while pointing at his team

"Yup, we already talk about it yesterday"- Greg answer this time

"My team and I will be having some fun outside too"- Dave said, okay they didn’t even remember what today is. I would like to spend my birthday with them but I think I can’t do that.

"It seems you all have plans"- I said and just continue eating

"We are also going somewhere, we will take Audrey with us since she needs to make up with us"- Nick said, so Cj and I will be left here together?

"Sure enjoy, I will just stay here"- I said and smile at them, but deep inside I want to stand up and go get some fresh air.

"I will also stay here, I want to take some rest"- Cj said when they were done eating they all prepare and leave. Now it’s only the two of us left

"What are we going to do?"- I ask him, we can also have fun together

"Should we go surfing the weather is fine though"- he answers

"Let’s do that, it’s been a year since we did that"- I’m not that expert at surfing but I know how to do it, we learn it together.

"Okay, let’s meet at the beach in 30minutes"- he said, I nod and go to my room to change

After 30 minutes I head up to the beach, I saw him there waiting while holding our surfboard. I thought this day would be boring, but not at all.

"Why so slow, we need to do some warm-up before doing this "- Cj said when I get there

"Sorry, I have something to do before coming here"- I said, we start to have a warm-up

"Are you ready?"- Cj ask, he is excited than me

"Ready than ever"- I said and we start to do surfing it was really fun. When I’m getting tired, I sit for a while in the sand and watch him surf. I look at my phone and order some pizza.

"You already tired?"

“Ah! You startled me I thought you still surfing”- I said, I was too busy with my phone and didn’t saw him coming

"I saw you here, so I decide to take some rest too"- he said and sit beside me

"Aren’t you hungry?"- I ask him

"I am, come on let’s go inside and I’ll cook"- he said

"No need, I order some pizza and chicken for us to eat"-

“You're treating me now huh"- he said while smiling. After that food has arrived.

"Thank you for the food"- Cj said and we happily eat together.

"Should we go shopping after this?"- I want to buy something for them

"It’s too boring you’re the only one who will enjoy it"- he said, which he is right boys don’t like shopping that much.

"Come on it will be quick, I buy you some ice cream after that"- I try to convince him

"Okay fine let’s go"- he said. We go inside to take a shower and leave.

"Dude I’ll just buy something somewhere near here, wait for me or let just meet hereafter 20minutes"- I said to him when we're at the mall

"Let just meet here, I’ll be also buying something"- he said then we separate ways

Now I need to buy all that on my list, it’s time to share my blessing. When it’s my birthday I like to give something to those who important to me than spending it at a party. Anyway, I buy what I need to buy so I go back to our meeting place, since I know he’s not that patient in waiting. When I get there he is talking to someone on the phone, I just stand there for a while until he hung up his phone.

"Who are you talking to?"- I ask him when I get near him

"It's Chris, he just said something to me"- he answers

"Oh I see, should we go home now"- I think we're both done now

"Did you buy all that you need?"- he asked, while he’s checking something on his phone

"Yeah"- I simply answer, he looks so busy on something

"Then let’s go grab some food before going home"- he said, okay he’s treating me

"Sounds great"- I said and smile at him

"Okay, get it the car then"- I get in the car, he drives this time since I drive earlier

"Where are we going to eat?"- I asked, I’m just excited

"You’ll see when we get there"- he answered, ugh maybe to a buffet restaurant

I just stay quiet while he drives since he doesn’t want to tell me where we will be going. After a thousand years were finally here sorry for exaggerating it but I almost fall asleep waiting for us to arrive. I look outside and all I can see are trees and flowers like how are we going to suppose to eat here.

“I think we're in the wrong place"- I said to him, it’s so dark, I can’t even see if there's a restaurant like there’s no even a sign.

"Nah we're on the right place, get out now"- he said, I don’t have a choice but to get out in the car and follow him

"Dude are you sure? I can’t see any restaurant here"- maybe his GPS is not working right

"Just wait and see"- he said, suddenly lights turn on from the trees and flowers it forms a path that we need to follow.

"Wow it’s so beautiful"-I can’t help but to amazed.

"I didn’t know a place like this exists"- he said, did someone recommend this place to him?

"Don’t tell me it’s also your first time to come here?"- he's funny, how could he take me here not even knowing how it looks like.

"Yes, someone just told me to visit this place"- he said

"Your really something"- I said and we just follow the light until we saw a restaurant it is made of wood and it’s beautiful.

"Let’s go inside”- he said and we walk fast, when we open the door it’s so dark but the light suddenly turns on


I don’t know how will I react they are all here, all this time they are planning to surprise me ?. All the boys walk to me one by one and give me a rose, the last one to give me is Dave and I can’t help but cry.

"Shh don’t cry, you should be smiling"- he said and wipe away my tears

"Thank you"- I said and hug him tight he hugs me back. When we're done he takes me to my sit. I saw Sam get the mic and face me

"Hello Aileen, I just want to say that we were grateful to have you. We know that you don’t like parties, but let us show you how much we love. Happy Birthday"- after saying that she walks to me and hugs me, that was the first time she talks too much. Tears start to fall again in my eyes. Audrey also stands up and starts to leave a message.

"Happy Birthday, I want to thank you for everything because of your advice I change so much. No word can describe how dear you are to me I love you"- I hate being emotional in front of them, I don’t want to show them this side of me.

They all give me their very unforgettable messages, it will stay in my heart forever. Without them I'm not strong, I mean I don’t have the strength to fight, we were formed to save the world together and we will grow old together. When they're all done I stand up and wipe my tears, I get the mic.

"First of all, I want to say thank you to all of you. You’re the one who gives me strength in every battle I face because of the love and support you showed me. I don’t even know what is the right word to say to express how thankful I am. I hope we will be together until we grow old"- After that, I hug them one by one and the party started it was really fun.

"Babe let’s go outside you have to see the finale"- he said and pull me outside, we’re all there

"You still have more?"- I ask him, he just smiles at me then suddenly there is a firework.

"I’m glad you liked it"- he said, I look at them and they’re all happy

"Thank you"- I can sleep with a smile on my face tonight

"Welcome"- and he kisses me, after that, I hug him

My night with a lot of smiles ad laughter. We're just so happy to have this vacation.