The Day of Trial


Ugh, my head hurts I didn't even drink last night. I stand up and get water while drinking my eyes glued outside. Did my alarm didn't work? I run inside my room and check my phone. Shoot! It's already 9:30! our trial will be starting at 10. Suddenly my phone ring, so I immediately answer it.


"Where are you?" I look for the caller ID and it's Chris

"Home, I just woke up" I answered

"You got 15 minutes to prepare, I'll be there in a minute" then he hangs up, that was weird he didn't shout at me well I need to get ready. After preparing everything I already go outside and saw him waiting.

"Is that Davin's car?" I asked when I saw a red Ferrari beside him

"Yup" he answered

"When did you borrow that?" he didn't have that yesterday

"Just hop in, will gonna be late" then he gets in, I just follow him and get inside

"Woah, this is cool" I didn't expect what that it's cooler inside

"Put your seatbelt on," he said

"Okay, done" then I smile